Bruce Porter and Greg discuss the image of Facsimile 1 of the Book of Abraham on a wall at Karnak, Egypt in the Temple of Opet.
The engraved image has Osiris on a Lion Couch bed, with his feet APART and his Hand in front of his mouth. What is its meaning? How might this fit in with the Royal Procession and our own temple experiences? And what context does this give to the Book of Abraham and the other facsimiles?
faximile number one found in a temple in Egypt yes I've been there I've seen it
firsthand you can also see it by coming with Bruce Porter and I on our gospel on
the Nile tours we've got one coming this September that's September 10th to the
19th and then in 2025 March 18th to 28th
you can learn more about the temple there than any other place than the temple itself we put things into context
you learn about the scripture you'll Cruise along the Nile that was turned red by Moses or Moses floated in
a basket as an infant you'll see the temples of luxore Temple of opet as we cover here today the temple at Carnac
the Valley of the Kings the tomb of SEI the Pyramids in Cairo and so much more
would love to see you in September both options are available go to quick that's cwic go up to
trips and events and scroll down to gospel on the Nile here we
go all right welcome to Quick show my name is Greg Matson I am your host in this episode we brought back yet again
Bruce Porter to talk a little bit more about Egypt welcome to the show Bruce it's good to be back Greg appreciate all
you're doing and all you've done this episode we're going to focus on the temple of oped
um this was fascinating we were in Egypt last year we were at the temple complex
at carac and you got us in maybe maybe a
little bit of uh grease in a palm but you got us into a certain area which called the Temple of opet we walk inside
and in there as you walk in as I recall you go to the left at the end there and there is a m on the mural call it a
mural on the wall is an image very very similar to faximile number one with
Osiris laying on the lion couch can you talk a little bit more about what what
is this why would we find this here this is a scene that is typically found in
funerary uh uh document something that would be buried with individuals and
here it is on a temple wall why is it there well there there's there's a lot
of things that are interesting about this particular image um um and the
things that are taking place here one is um I think so far as we as members of
the church might like to know that many of those anti and those that were that
fight against Church said that you'll never find the the picture of the
individual laying on the lion couch with his feet apart which indicates uh life and the hand up often
with the hand in front often um implies supplication or prayer as described in
fact simly number one of Abraham and many anti have said well that doesn't exist because that's a mummification table and based on the mummification
table the feet would be together rather than separated and in this Temple of
opet there in the um it's connected to the to the temple complex of
Carnac um and I'll send you a diagram of how it lays and where it um lays where
this Temple of oped is in comparison with the main Temple of Carnac um but
it's it's connected because it's very important because is what this is it
represents Osiris it represents Osiris on the lon couch and his reanimation after his
death his his coming back to life his resurrection so to speak and we see the
same scene in a resurrection motif of the same Festival sometimes called the
Festival of opet um the same scene and same Festival on the on the island of Fel at the Temple
of um Isis and is what you have there is you
have Osiris on the lion couch uh you have his hand
upraised um as in supplication and then you have the bird above him the Horus if
you want to call it the it actually doesn't represent Horus it uh represents Almon raw uh in bird form um which is in
the assisting in the resurrection or the reanimation of Osiris who is the god of
fertility and often the god of the underworld or the or the next life he's The God Who
is um dies by an evil brother by the Ws of an eil evil brother and is
resurrected and then exalted giving everyone that opportunity of resurrection and exalting exaltation and
so um now that sounds very familiar to latterday Saint theology even in the war
in heaven it is it is even even the threat to Christ in life as it was with the
traditions of Osiris was from from an evil uh in some cases an evil brother or a
threat to the throne it's it's Osiris Horus who in the Shabaka Stone
which is the oldest written record in the world the oldest written document in its a temple drama the threat is always
uh to the throne and Osiris is or Osiris Horus is chosen by P in this shabbach
Stone uh and it says it says in the in the text he that P chooses his most
beloved Son and then the evil brother seeks to destroy him and we see that same pattern showing up even in the Life
of Christ that the threat to the throne the threat to the work and glory of God
is always Satan in Egypt it's set or Seth uh which is the other is the evil
aspect uh and threat to Osiris which he ends up killing Osiris dis dismembering
him sending him around Egypt and this particular picture represents the
reanimation the resurrection of Osiris now this is this becomes this Festival
of opet and the reanimation of Osiris becomes extremely important in the
Egyptian endowment because the Pharaoh the Pharaoh in the reanimation
of of um of Osiris becomes like Amun ra
who is the bird and receives the right for and receives the right to rule he
becomes the Son of God the son of Amun ra on Earth because he uh because of
what's happening to Osiris the link is is always there we do the same thing we have to participate in our temples we
have to participate in in a similar aspect we have to participate in the life and death of the god or Christ in
the life and death of Christ we in our in our initiatory we have to we have to
the blessing that Christ gives us is to be washed and cleansed from sin uh the other blessing that Christ gives us is
to be resurrected through the anointing the anointing is to come forth in this in the first resurrection uh and becoming a Son of
God and that's exactly what's happening on this uh in this um uh vignette in the
temple of opet the Pharaoh is becoming a Son of God identifying with the God and
receiving the right to become the Son of God on Earth which is what we do we
become heirs and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ and our endowment is nothing more than an enthronement it's the ordinance
we participate in the ordinances of the firstborn uh and in our endowment from
the initiatory all the way through the veil we that's these are the ordinance of the firstborn we're all becoming an
heir and a joint air with Jesus Christ hoping to receive all that the father have and that's what's going on in this
particular picture is is the unification of the Pharaoh giving him the right to
reign as that pharaoh and the powers of God and the powers of resurrection and
reestablishment so that's that's what's taking place in this in in this particular chapter of oped as well as uh
as well as we see in Fel now it's interesting that uh what one of the
complaints that many have all always laned at Joseph Smith is that this is
obviously Osiris whose leg on the bit on the lion couch and and yet uh Joseph
Smith says well this is a representation of of Abraham right well obviously it's
Osiris I mean it's just it's obviously this is not Abraham this is an Egyptian god an Egyptian character and yet when
you read even in the in the documents that were found
along that we still have along with um the fax similes it you see that there is
a name that is inserted in with a dash Osiris I don't what is the name that is
along with this one is it it's with the priest right the name of the priest it it can be yes and it's um
it's often Weser is sometimes the name of Osiris is wesser and um like in the Papyrus of Annie it
calls him the Osiris Annie the Osiris Dash Annie yes the osir Osiris Dash noon
you know it's so anybody that would be buried along with this could be it could be you could be the Osiris D Bruce in
other words you're being represented by Osiris in a sense and and and and yet
it's you the is the one who's being buried and so it's the same idea that this could be a representation of
someone else like Abraham you know it could be Osiris Das Abraham so to speak
in the mind of what their their their you know it it's it's not necessarily a full syncretism but it's it's it's a
symbolism right it's a symbolism of the person being buried and and and going along the same path that Osiris is going
through it's yes it's the Redemption I I would generally translate if it says if it says the Osiris or wesser Annie you
know the Osiris Das Annie you could translate that the redeemed see we take
upon ourselves the name of Christ when we accept the gospel so we are becoming Christ Dash Bruce or Christ Dash Greg if
we've accepted the gospel Christ even John says in his first uh in the first chapter of his gospel that Christ comes
to give us power to become the sons of God well that's exactly what we're
seeing here in this vignette exactly the Pharaoh is receiving power he's
identifying the Pharaoh is receiving power to become the son of Amun
Rah and see that's what and that's what it says in John 1 that Christ comes to
give us power to become not to be but to become which has to do with our
character and the choices that we make and so we become heirs and Joint Hees we
receive all that the father has we become as Christ is we take upon oursel his name and that's exactly what's
happening in this vignette so going along with that you know there was a a
find I think you said it was 1975 okay well you cover this here who this is is this Janet Johnson that found
Janet Johnson her name is down in the bottom there and in 1975 she's doing work on the Greco Roman magical papy and
the concepts of resurrection and the the Spells of resurrection and she finds
a Papyrus it's now in Leiden um Germany she finds a Papyrus that has the lion
couch it has an individual on the lion couch with with a hand uised you know
the same like we see in this vignette and like in fact simly number one right
the hand is upraised and then you have Anubis that's represented standing there beside it as we see uh in fact simly
number one and it specifically mentions the person on the lon couch and the name
that's that's in the text in this Egyptian text is that it's
Abraham that it's Abraham on that lion couch and this was discovered in
1975 yeah and I've got uh so that's the actual image here and you can see down
here where it's you you have this oval around it here that is the name Abraham I think it's actually in a few different
languages coming through here but uh here you have Osiris with his hand up
laying on a lion couch with the name Abraham on the same document that is
incredible exactly exactly it's and again why would Abraham
be listed on here it's obviously Osiris yeah in in typical Egyptian
mythology or tradition that would be Osiris but this identifies it as Abraham just as Joseph Smith does um in faimly
number in faimly number number one and he said Joseph says it represents Abraham now if you take all these fact
assemblies in our Pearl great prize together in the book of Abraham together they they are connected because they are
an endowment you have the because it represents oh Osiris you
have the death of the god in fact assly number one in our initiatory we have to participate in the death of the god the
the the the sacrifice for sin in the Garden of Gethsemane and the
resurrection the sacrifice of mortality and the resurrection in the garden at the Garden tomb so our initiatory is
really functioning and participating in the in the life and and death of the god
and so we have the death of the god in fact simbly number one in fact simbly number two we have the resurrection in
Ascension it's a resurrection text and it's it's an Ascension text through the different heavens and just like in our
temples we go through the different different glories we go through the telestial kingdom the terrestrial
Kingdom until we reach a veil we go we're ascending through the different Heavens it's an our endowment is an an
Ascension ritual it's an Ascension ritual until we reach the veil and then fact simly
number three is where we're admitted into the presence of God if we' have been true and faithful in all things
we're admitted into the presence of God to receive all that the father have and become an heir and a joint Heir with
Jesus Christ and that's faimly number three sitting on the throne of pharaoh
by the polite lightess of pharaoh so so these three fact assemblies together are synopsis of the endowment and that's
exactly what we're seeing in Egypt and this is the beginning the death and resurrection of the
God now that makes that that's very interesting because I've done a little research on this opet festival
and you know it begins there at Carnac and and they're going to take the
bark and and the Bark for those that may not know because they're on the Nile the Nile is everything to the Egyptians you
know in in other uh including the Jews right in the Israelites you have oftentimes the throne is depicted as a
chariot that is actually a mobile Throne so to speak or you've got the ark that's
being carried around right which is really the throne and so here you have kind of the throne which is the bark and
it's being you've got the Gods in it you got you've got Amun ra that's going to be in these barks and other gods that
they're going to carry with them down that uh what is it called it's not the Avenue of the sphinxes but it's it's
that's basic that's a good that's a good word it's going from that 2 kilometers from from the Temple of car yeah which
is just it's it's it's Laden with sphinxes on both sides of the road for
that full that full measure of that of that uh that Avenue but it's they're going to carry him down this is the
beginning then the Temple of oped is at the beginning of this Royal procession
and just as you're describing the three fax similes and going through that process in the
endowment here you have as with fimile one that would be the beginning of this you have the same thing where the
beginning of the royal procession is for the Festival of opet you've got and and
he's alive with his feet apart same thing as fim number one and then they're
going to go down to Luxor luxure and they're going to go through coronation rights and and and
battles and everything else that they do in these in these festivals and running around the temple Etc so it's that's
really interesting because it's it would follow if that's the case it would follow along what you're saying in this
sequential uh um display of the fact similes it would go along with that
right because that is the that is where they start exactly and it has to and it has to be that way because that's that's
the beginning it all has to come back the the Egyptians were not obsessed with death
they were obsessed with resurrection and exaltation that's what they were obsessed with and this whole Pro
procession that you see moving from from Carnac to luxer and they would go on dry
land down there and you would have there would be a shrine that the God would be in and then the shrine would be on this
bark or boat if you want to call it it would be carried by the priest just like the Ark of the Covenant was which
represents The Mercy Seat it would be carried by the priest and then then it would come back when when the festival
was was concluding it would come back on the River on an actual bark it would
come back on the river back to Carnac from from luxer so and it represented
Osiris sometimes represents the god of fertility just as B did in in um in
Canaan but it would the festival would take place at the second month the
beginning of the second month of the flood season and so going on land represented the dry time of the year and
then coming back on the Nile represented the fertility of the flood that the flood would bring back to Carnac which
is always connected to the to the Pharaoh or the king because the king is always you have Prophet priest and King
in ancient in ancient literature and especially in the Old Testament and they're they're they have different
responsibilities the prophet is to guide and direct the priest is to perform the ordinances that are necessary for
exaltation and the king is is for the temporal needs of the individual the king is is to protect and prosper the
people and that Prosperity especially in an agrarian culture like Egypt that Prosperity is the fertility that's going
to be the land and the protection is and it really is that way even within today even within the United
States the pro the prosperity and the protection of the United States is the
responsibility of the president yeah um going into the importance of this uh and
and you know looking at faim number one here um and this wall at the Temple of opet here's here's a Swedish
egyptologist Jan Bergman the the most decisive Divine confrontation
encountered in Egyptian religious thought is without doubt between RW and Osiris as the principal representations
of sky and Earth life and death light and darkness day and night they constituted one another's necessary
compliment without some form of Union again this is looking at the bird and Osiris on the couch um uh see without
some form of Union between them the Egyptian worldview would have been hopelessly divided and the Rhythm of
Life broken so this is this is a very important part of the Egyptian thought in theology is C captured here uh within
this image it is without question because it's the resurrection of Osiris which gives everyone the opportunity to
be resurrected just as the resurrection of Christ he's overcome that that enemy
of death giving everyone the opportunity to be to be resurrected and exalted and that's and and B Berman saying the same
thing it's it's the doctrine of the two ways it's the two concepts light and darkness and she even mentions that it's
life and death and life again so it's it's really this whole we have no as
Joseph Smith said we have no religion if it was not for the resurrection if the
resurrection of Christ didn't take place then we have no religion uh now what about the pyramids
here I've got another quote I want to C this is very interesting to me this one is from Deer Arnold from the pyramid
texts of the sixth Dynasty which contain much older religious beliefs so same idea going back further it becomes clear
that the pyramid was not just a tomb but that it had evolved into the sight of a
mystery that allowed the dead King to unite with the B
of the sun god raw so again in in Arnold's view here the pyramid itself
also is a reflection of what we're seeing here that it would be the the uh the uni the union of raw and the dead
King Osiris it is the pyramid represents the pyramid is the primordial Mound even the
Temple of opet if when you go to the Temple of opad at at carnag it's on a
raised platform and that raised platform represents that Prim pral Mound the pyramid represents that primordial mound
too that primordial Mound um in every ancient mythology even within the Old
Testament U that primordial Mound represents the ground that first comes out of the Waters of creation that's
where God comes down to stand finish the rest of the rest of creation because that's the it then becomes the closest
point between Heaven and Earth that becoming the closest point between Heaven and Earth is what the pyramids
represent they represent that primordial m in a vast level desert the pyramids rise above the sun coming over the
horizon will first hit that pyramid it becomes the closest point between Heaven and Earth and it's the uniting of the
three worlds there's always three Worlds the world of the living in which we live the world of the Dead down below and the
world of the Gods up above and so that that's the pyramid and the and the
burial within that pyramid represents the coming together of three worlds that's where time and space ceases to
exist every Temple represents that primordial Mount every Temple represents that mountain and the mountain of the
Lord's house shall be established in the tops of the mountains and so temples represent that primordial Mound and
that's the coming together of three worlds where time and space ceases to exist that's why the living can do work
for the dead that's binding in the world of the Gods and and what um Arnold is saying that what deer Arnold is is
saying with that uh when he says that it the the pyramid uh is the side of a
mystery that allowed the king to unite with the ba of the son God the ba is the
character the ba is that character of the individual the character of God and that's what we're doing in the temple
when we participate in our endowment we're symbolically uh proving ourselves true and faithful to become a Son of God so
that we can unite I.E atonement or Embrace we can Unite with the god
receives the power the powers that make God God because we have developed the character that makes God
God and that's what deer Arnold is trying is trying to say in that in that
quote as he's discussing the pyramid text would that be it all then because you have the eventually the Embrace
there it looks like of of Amun ra and Osiris and the one traveling through is
basically like Osiris is that something like a veil scene at all where
you're it it is because there has to be that Embrace before you can enter into the presence of God as you see in Egypt
um in the temple in the Tomb of seti uh or at the chapel of Anubis at the Temple
of hot shepsut or almost every column in um abidos we see it in the um in the
birthing area behind um the Temple of Carnac the ritual Embrace is taking
place before the Pharaoh can enter into the presence of God he has to embrace the god the feet have to be together the
hands are on the shoulder of each one uh and there he receives what we might call the
abrahamic Covenant of priesthood upon him and his posterity and eternal life and and physical health like God has for
eternity so that's it's connected to that because the resurrection and that's the last as aspect before the exaltation
because you have to be embraced by the god accepted as the Son of God in order
to inherit all that God has okay now at Phil there is more context given to this
there's still the same type of a scene here uh if I bring this up and you can see this in the center to the left if
you're on if you're watching on video here you can see Osirus they on the couch and that is Isis and is it nepus
yes yeah yeah that is that is on the other end they uh who are invigorating
him so to speak and and bringing him back to life what are these Mysteries here is this all about Resurrection here
it is it's resurrection and exaltation you know each one of these vignettes there's three different vignettes there
uh each one of the vignettes is going through from the death uh and Resurrection on the top line you have
the different gods over on the right depicted by by their Earthly depictions
from Anubis and Amun and Horus and then you have Anubis and amuna again on the
far right on the top and then th down below uh then you have Osiris again being resurrected by ISIS and nephus and
then the and part of that Resurrection is the mummification you have to go through death in order to rise that's
the door that everyone for it is given unto man once to die says Paul we all have to go through that and then we see
that Covenant almost abrahamic blessing in the center of the bottom where you have
priesthood and eternal life priesthood and eternal life ritually repeated
um as the Waters of Life are restored onto the mummy of Osiris um uh before
his resurrection which we see Anubis who's the god of the Resurrection in the far right on the bottom Anubis is the god of
the resurrection and Performing the opening of the mouth ceremony which is allowing the spirit to come back into
the body yes opening the mouth that's a big deal of them oh there it is it is
yeah okay um so again Bruce what here here's something that I receive quite a
bit on the comment section for example and you'll get a number of uh non-
latterday Saint Christians that say well you guys look like your pagans you you
look like uh your polytheists and and um
we'll get we don't need to maybe we are a little bit I suppose but it's what what how do you explain that to
somebody how do you explain look these the Temple is actually not a sign of
paganism or masonry necessarily or anything else it is actually a testimony
of ancient rituals that go back through Egypt because of diffusion and all the
way back to Adam and it's actually a testimony of Christ it's a it's a testimony of the Gospel not of some
Pagan rituals well you know people who don't
understand Egypt look at Egypt as I think sigfreed morans called it Zu alry
You know that they they wor the worship of animals but it's not that these these
represented attributes of the Divine God attributes of p and so the god of
Resurrection is Anubis who is in the form of a jackal um darkness when the
Sun goes down represents death well when the Sun goes down then the Jackal comes out he's nocturnal and so he represents
coming back to life that even in death and darkness there's still life there so he represents that attribute not so much
that it's the worship of of a of a jackal but it's it's the Egyptians
trying to depict different attributes and we sometimes do this do
the very same thing within symbols and there's all kind there's a plethora of
of of talks and and YouTube videos on the symbols of the temple and what the symbols are and so we we create things
like that uh also um when it comes to multiple gods you have sometimes ask
yourself the question are Christians polytheists or monotheists are we Latter-Day Saints polytheists or
monotheists you know we all all Christian Christians believe in the father and the Son and the Holy Ghost is
that polytheism or is that monotheism and so you have to begin asking those questions well it's what
we're doing is going through and saying yes Christ was resurrected um and we want to
participate in that resurrection and Christ said uh be therefore perfect even as your father in
Heaven is perfect or in the Book of Mormon he says be therefore perfect even as I am and so the other aspect of that
is Faith unto repentance exercising Faith unto repentance because we're trying to create that character now this
is depicted in that ba taking on the ba of the gods or the ba of amanra in Egypt
but but it all goes back it all goes back to Adam this whole this whole thing
this Festival this Festival of opet was so important in the ancient Egypt that when they finished the um the renovation
of the Avenue of sphinxes in Luxor between Luxor and Carnac they decided to
have the Festival of opet every year from then on they're going to have that Festival every year I saw that yeah well
we need to go watch that we do we ought to be there um but it's it's what it's
what's it's what they're doing it's a festival recognizing the resurrection of
the Son of God who dies by an evil brother and becomes resurrected and
exalted is is what the festival opad is is our Festival of
Easter the same thing about the same time of year not quite but it's you know
it's it's their Easter celebration the ancient e Egyptian Easter celebration and the resurrection of their God which
is what we do at Easter and so all of these things are connected and you can't you can't say well this is Pagan because
there's aspects of every religion connected into Christianity today
because Christianity began not necessarily with Christ but it began
with because everything that Adam did was a Focus On
Christ yeah you know it's interesting also you'll have uh an atheist argument
is that the Osiris Isis Horus myth is simply
where Christianity comes from I mean that it's so ironic right because you have this idea that well it comes from
these Pagan rights and then it just moves from Egypt up into up into Canaan and uh the the the Jew are Canaanites
and and they and absorbing this from the Egyptians it it's fascinating because in
a sense they are tied yes they are tied it's just that it's the other way around
exactly right that that the that the the the Egyptian rights are coming from
truth and then and and have some corruption to them exactly as it goes
through as you say uh uh uh entropy spiritual entropy spiritual entropy a
Wallace budge was the curator of the Egyptian collection of the British museum the Middle Eastern collection he
said there was never a people more prepared to accept Christianity than were the ancient
Egyptians because they had all of the right myths they had all of the right stories and everything goes everything
everything evolves from time through diffusionism if Adam had the correct religion if Adam was taught the religion
and taught of Christ and taught of the resurrection and taught of the atonement the that's going to be going down
through time is what and even Abraham tells us that that first pharaoh was a
righteous man and sought earnestly to imitate the order of the the the
religion of the Patriarchs in Egypt he was righteous and he sought earnestly but over time that's that spiritual
entropy that intellectual entropy that religious entropy is going to set in we it just it just happens you know um not
just with with with physical things but with mental intellectual as well as
religious that entropy is there we can't get away from it that's why we have dispensations yeah and if you look
closely at the scriptures you're going to see ties directly to Egypt and and
and of course we've talked about this quite a bit but I mean just not not just not just Abraham and and not just Joseph
and and you know Jeremiah and Uriah and and the Christ himself with Joseph and
Mary going down there but it's you have you have things like the the parable of
Lazarus where you know he's going to he is brought up to the bosom of
Abraham right well that is almost identical to saying it's Osiris exactly
right it it's when you die you're going to be brought up to the bosom of Osiris you know it's the same
idea that's happening there and here you have all in that Parable itself this parallelism between an Osiris Smith and
Abraham as the one in the world so to speak past death that you're going to be
bound to right and of course it's all about the family of Abraham but it's
there's so much there I was just looking at also if I share the screen again here and and uh bring this up uh closer where
you have um Isis and and and and I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right but
nepus that is on each side here well you know in
the you have imagery for example in the Tomb of Joseph of arthea where you have
an angel I think it's Luke that goes over this it's either Luke or John that that you've got the angels are on both
sides of the Tomb right there there's always this imagery whether you're looking through the temple whether
you're going through the stories especially of Jesus in his last uh uh uh week of of mortal life or if you are um
going through The Parables as we just described Etc where you're going to find these
parallels that are with Egypt it's not because Egypt is evil and it's infected
and it's not that Judaism or Israeli ISM or or is is is brought out of EG
Egyptian religion it's that there is Fusion here there there is Fusion from
truths that have been brought down from the very earliest times and and that are
shared some of them are shared uh Joseph ruled Egypt I mean how's he not going to
have an Egyptian influence and not just an influence but a a barometer a
reference point from the culture of Egypt in how he's going to speak and
what he's going to say Moses the same way yeah right there there's going to be
as you say uh uh Egypt is always the religious center of the Middle East and so it's you're going to have
references to that uh in in the scriptures even and I and I I think it
should be if that first pharaoh was a righteous man and sought earnestly to imitate then you can see Shadows of the
true Doctrine there's a statement in the talmon that says everything Adam did Abraham did and everything Abraham did
we must do hence the scriptures say go and do the works of Abraham and as niby
so well put it Abraham is every man as every man should be that that's why we're to do the works
of Abraham because everything he went through Adam went through and we have to go through the same thing that's why within the
temple we're identified with the man Adam and the woman Eve we're participating as though it's real time
and so we have to go through the same thing well the Egyptians depicted that and Egypt Egypt being isolated the way
it was it Rel its religion lasted outlasted just about any other culture
because of its because of its isolation and its connection to truth now you I'm
not saying the Egyptian religion is true no or real they did not have that
priesthood and the entropy it takes place the diffusion and entropy takes place but we have a real religion that's
restored uh a fullness of the Gospel so that we can see what's in Egypt and know
what it means the egyptologists know what they have but they don't know what it means we can see and and understand
what it means but we're not paying any attention to what what they have and what there and why it's there this opet
Chapel that's that's there I mean it's I mean it's connected to our Easter
celebration without question it's connected to our concept of
exaltation yeah that's fascinating that's why you know I say you know outside of the temple itself you're not
going to learn more about the temple in your temple experience anywhere then in Egypt and for those that are interested
we're going to Egypt in September and March of next year yeah let's go together yeah and and it's just you know
as we're going through these things these are things you're going to learn these are things you're going to see if you're able to go with us um and and
it's just it's so enriching you know and and there's so much context that's given
to the endowment and and and washing and anointing and sealing and everything else and and the gospel as a whole yeah
thing things we can't talk about here about the temple we can talk about those things in Egypt because we're seeing
them in their temples yes we're seeing them there and we can talk about what this meant to the Egyptians how the
atonement is is depicted in in on the Egyptian walls of the temples and things