All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Was the Book of Joseph of Egypt found with the Book of Abraham? If so, do we have it today? Did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Joseph? Were there Vignettes/Facsimiles like the ones we found...
The Creation Story Part 2
In this episode, we continue from The Creation Story Part 1 with Day 3 of the Creation Story all the way through to Adam and Eve and the "rib".
The Creation Story Part 1
In this episode, we cover the Creation Stories in Genesis, the Book of Moses, and the Book of Abraham up through Day 2. The Creation Story, when looked at spiritually,...
Prelude to Creation Part 1 - Abraham 3
Abraham 3 and Moses 1 are preludes to the Creation and Garden of Eden stories. They set the stage for these dramas and for the doctrines. Importantly, we...
In D&C 3:2 we get a familiar, though not often used phrase. What does 'One Eternal Round' mean? We see it in the scriptures in a handful of places along with another, similar phrase, 'the same...
Where does The Book of Abraham currently fit within the modern LDS doctrinal conscious? Why isn't it read and referenced more often? Stephen and I talk about this, Kolob, Osiris, hierarchies,...
The Creation and Garden of Eden stories are masked with mystery. But one way of looking at these stories can provide keys to better understand them. Those keys are "Vision" and "Drama". In other...
Joseph Smith Papyrus II (Wikimedia Commons)
Joseph Smith Papyrus III (Wikimedia Commons)
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