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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 7-13, Chaps 9-10, New Testament

'Last Will & Day of Atonement'

-  The shedding of Christ's blood effectuates the the 'Last Will & Testament' of God.

-  The ancient Day of Atonement was all about Christ and His...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 Part 1, New Testament

'The Condescension of God'
- Christ starts near the top of the hierarchy
- He lowers Himself to the bottom of the hierarchy
- Descending or Suffering is Charity or 'Grace'
- 'Make thine enemies a...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Ephesians Part 1

'Father & Son, Jew & Gentile'
- Paul, time and again distinguishes between the beings of The Father and The Son
- The Temple Imagery of 'The Footstool'
- Isaiah 52:7
- Written to the 'Gentiles'...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 1 Corinthians 14-16 Part 2

'Degrees, Hierarchy & Resurrection'
- Steps in the Plan of Salvation are coupled with a Hierarchy
- The resurrection is a physical resurrection
- The Spirit and the Body are like 'Heaven and the...

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