All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Inequity traces its roots back to the pre-mortal realm, and it appears destined to endure throughout eternity.
Any system that allows for individual achievement and freedom of choice will...
One of the most commonly used terms in the fight for social justice is EQUITY.
Equity, as used by those on the far left, is best (seems to be) defined as ensuring the equal outcome of all groups...
This is fabulous! Neal A. Maxwell Compares the Gospel (Eternalism) to Social Justice (Secularism)
In 1974 Neal A. Maxwell wrote a very applicable and telling article in regards to egalitarianism,...
'Jesus Christ, Giving & Baseball'
- The name Jesus Christ
- How we should give in the church and generally
- How equality is properly pursued
- Forced equality is catastrophic
- A baseball story
50% Complete
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