All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Such A Great Discussion!
When do we really know what we believe? Is our belief what we say or even think? Or is what we believe revealed when our intuition is running our behavior?
Using the...
Jeffrey Thayne, Nathaniel Givens, and Dan Ellsworth
What is faith? What is knowledge and testimony?
A faith crisis is a developmental event and a natural occurrence for some on a journey of faith....
Jordan Peterson is Stuck on Faith
My thoughts on their conversation and Jordan Peterson's position between Secularism and Christianity. Peterson wants to believe, but there are obstacles. Pageau...
'Flesh & Blood'
- The Brother of Jared uses works, faith and boldness with humility to 'wrestle' with the Lord.
- Knowledge - Faith - Perfect Knowledge
- Faith = Trust
'The Word Is In Christ'
We finish Mormons chapter which comprises Alma chapters 30-35. Alma follows up his sermon on the Word as the Seed by explaining that the Doctrine of Christ is the Word....
'Alma 32- Faith & The Word'
In contrast to the teachings and desires of Korihor, Alma teaches us how The Word (the Seed), Faith & Perfect Knowledge work. Unlike Korihor, the gospel requires...
In virtually every example of healing given by Jesus, it is a result of someone's faith.
and then Jesus gets back in a ship goes
over the Sea of Galilee again and ends
up in...
'Faith of the Ancients'
- What is faith?
- The prophets and others in the Old Testament had faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
- There was a doctrine of resurrection in the Old...
Clip from 'Faith, Hope & Charity'
- LDS Faith Crisis
- Doubts about the church and gospel
- There is an intellectual knowledge and an experiential knowledge
Full episode- ...
Belief is a start, but Faith is Trust. This is an important factor in building your faith. Don't fall for the the religious and anti-religious treatment of faith as 'belief'. You build faith just...
50% Complete
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