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Jabra Ghneim On Hamas Leader Assassination and Ta-Nehisi Coates

Jabra Ghneim is a Palestinian-born American who wants to set the record straight on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ISRAEL IS ACTING IN DEFENSE.

Contrary to Ta-Nehisi Coates' book, The Message,...

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Jew and Palestinian - Is This A Land Dispute Or A Holy War?

Only a portion of this interview was previously uploaded due to a corrupt file. That episode has been removed. This is the full version.

Jason Olson, a Jewish convert, and Jabra Ghneim, a...

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Palestinian Christian Gives Take On Israel - Palestine

hamas israel palestine Nov 16, 2023

I was reading an article by a Palestinian Christian. I invited her on the show. A Palestinian Christian who cares for the Jews but not for the state of Israel. Who accepts that Israel cannot go...

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Israel, Palestine, And The Latter-Day Saints

Why you should stand by Israel.

Jason Olson is a Jewish and Ancient Near East scholar and a Naval Officer and diplomat with numerous Jewish and Israeli relationships.

Hamas is a terrorist...

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