Come Follow Me LDS- Alma 30-31 Part 1 (July 6 - 12)

"Korihor- Is There A God?"

Korihor, unlike most adversaries to the church and the Nephites, comes across as an atheist. Most adversaries are full of religious zeal or use religion for wicked ends. Lamoni and his father were asked "Do you believe there is a God?" Korihor receives the same question from Alma but has a different answer. In the end, his arguments are all built on lies. How would each of us answer this question? When the arguments and attacks follow an answer in the affirmative, what do you say?


Raw Transcript


all right so when this come follow me
episode we are covering Alma chapters 30
and 31 this is a good coupling here
because we're going to get two different
approaches to attacks on the doctrine of
Christ the first comes from what is
called an antichrist who is core whore
that's in chapter 30 and then in chapter
31 we get something similar from the
zoramites so we can see as we go through
the book of mormon all of these
highlights from the order of nee hoor
and those that follow that religion -
we've got the Amalekites the Amalekites
we've got the amma sites we've got
cherem and nee hoor and probably even
laman and lemuel where we get these
stories of those that are attacking the
doctrine of Christ remember as we went
over in the last episode that it's not
just a matter of a battle between the
Nephites and Lamanites there are sub
groups within both of these camps and
that this is not just a political war
right between territory or a desire to
conquer but at the heart of it there is
a religious war that is going on and we
see this from the Amalekites and the
amulets that were the ones that were
really riling up the Lamanites to go
after the Nephites right they want to
destroy the Church of God and take away
the freedom of the Nephites and what
does everybody have in common on the
Lamanites side religiously they don't
believe in Christ and they become the
enemies we see this with a mule on who
is the chief priest of King Noah
right they did not believe in Christ
that's why they killed Abin and I it's
the exact reason the primary reason at
least that they killed him was because
he was preaching about Jesus Christ and
then of course the amulets and those
that were with him which would have been
the other chief priests who took on the
laymen I daughters as wives they end up
with the Lamanites and the Amalekites
end up over there and the amma sites
joined the Lamanites to battle against
the Nephites so what do they all have in
common on the other side it's they don't
believe in Jesus Christ now you can say
well that's just coincidence but that's
not really the case this is a core a
core part of the conflict between the
two sides and it's what we get
highlighted throughout the Book of
Mormon we have two more instances of
that here so in chapter 30 we start
talking about we're gonna go pretty much
through this chapter it's a long chapter
but we're gonna kind of drill down a
little bit here and cover a lot of these
verses because there's a lot of meat
here that we want to go into we're gonna
start off here in verse 6 it says but it
came to pass in the latter end of the
17th year of the reign of judges there
came a man into the land of Zarahemla
where did he come from it's kind of
interesting and he was Antichrist not he
was an antichrist
he was Antichrist right now again in our
minds today we think oh he's against
Christ he's the Antichrist again I don't
know if that's really what is being said
here if we look at the idea of the anti
Nephi Lehigh's who we just went over
here right who come from the record of
Alma that name and also this is from the
record of Alma both being abridged by
Mormon they're both using the term anti
well in the previous chapter we were
just out with the anti Nephi Lehigh's it
looks more like it's something that is
going along with walking in the
footsteps of agreeing with Lehi and
Nephi right
so how would that be applied here if
that's the case well I've seen something
that's gone around a lot lately that
says that for the anti Nephi Lehi is at
least that it means of of coming of or
from Christ I don't know if that's true
I don't know if that's a good way to put
it because that wouldn't make a lot of
sense here would it right saying that
core whore is of Christ or from Christ I
think that the explanation given
previously and I in our previous episode
is still the most consistent one that
I've seen and that is it's it's
something that is being similar to not
being from it but by being similar to or
walking in those footsteps and how would
that be applied here it would be someone
who is a false prophet a false remember
what Christ is here someone he was
Antichrist or like a messiah right a
false messiah a fake messiah type of
thing that still makes the most amount
of sense to me here now there is an
issue with that because right after that
it says seems to clarify it says for he
began to preach unto the people against
the prophecies which had been spoken by
the prophets concerning the coming of
Christ so that makes it more like what
we would think modernly
right in our minds about what an
antichrist is but we've got to look at
that because we're using the term anti
here in both instances and there's
probably still more of that onion that
needs to be peeled back for us to really
understand what anti means to them and
then we start getting into the idea of
civics here in politics and Freedoms
right about especially like a freedom of
religion and verse 7 here says now there
was no law against a man's belief so
Elmen Mormon here are laying this out
for us
they want to make sure we understand how
their system works and how their their
rights right their Bill of Rights so to
speak work in the land of the Nephites
right there's no law against a man's
belief in other words even though the
largest group could possibly be members
of the church they're not going to force
that onto everyone else that's key it's
so different from what we see in most of
the world and history and that's what
makes something so difficult to hold on
to liberty is so difficult to hold on to
right and he goes over again what his
idea of equality is here he says for it
was strictly contrary to the commands of
God that there should be a law which
should bring men unto unequal grounds
and for what they see in that is the
ability to have a freedom of religion
you have your own beliefs and there's no
law against that that's key otherwise
its tyranny so that is the core of the
First Amendment in the US Constitution
and it follows up with that and says for
thus saith the scripture this is from
Joshua choose ye this day whom you will
serve in other words you have that
choice choose right we're not going to
force this upon you now how is that a
difficult position to be in the
difficulty of that position and why
Liberty is so precious and so hard to
hold on to is because you are opening
the door for others and if you are a
believer in Liberty then you're going to
defend those who believe in something
different that's the great success of
democracy right at different levels of
success but that's that's the great
success of democracy the problem with
that is is someone who believes
something different they're they're
going to want to use the power given to
them in that Liberty right some of them
at times are going to want to use that
power given to them through their
Liberty to force others to believe or
act like them and therefore you have a
group of people who believe in a higher
value right a belief in something more
than their own beliefs which is Liberty
Liberty reign supreme agency has to has
to exist your own thoughts your
religion whatever you believe in is what
needs to reign supreme a liberal
democracy but others who do not believe
in a liberal democracy as much or at all
aren't don't have to worry about that
they don't have to try and defend that
if you believe in the liberal democracy
if you believe in that freedom and
liberty then you're actually fighting
for their right even though you
completely disagree with them and even
if they are trying to push tyranny now
socially and legally you can fight
against that in some ways but if Liberty
is your value that goes above your own
beliefs and and you're willing to fight
for that even for people you disagree
with or for people that even believe in
tyranny then you can see how that is an
uphill battle and that's the problem
that always happens with Liberty there's
always these attacks that come on it
because it has a weakened position and I
think we can see that a lot in what's
happening in society today and that's
what Elmen Mormon here are trying to
point out to us right if a man desire to
serve God it was his privilege or rather
if he believed in God
it was his privilege to serve Him but if
he did not believe in him there was no
law to punish him and yet those that may
not believe in him at times may want to
put a law in to punish you for not
agreeing with him and then they go over
look this is your only punished for
outward things right for stealing for
murder etc but your beliefs those are
those are held at a very high level
Liberty is held at a high level in the
land of the Nephites here and he talks
again about being on equal grounds right
therefore all men were on equal ground
so that's again going more toward the
idea of what equality is in the Book of
Mormon it is not the Equality of outcome
it's the Equality of agency it is the
equality of opportunity so we get right
into it here then with core whore in
verse 12 he began to preach unto the
people that there should be no Christ
right so they're putting us right in
there immediately right this is what
this is about and after this manner did
he preach saying oh ye that are bound
down under a foolish and vain hope
why do you yoke yourselves with such
foolish things why do you look for a
Christ for no man can know anything
which is to come so core whore is gonna
go over this and bring in this whole
idea of prophecy and and that's why this
idea of prophecy is is really to me is a
major part of the doctrine of Christ
because for all of the time before
Christ was born the whole idea of a
doctrine of Christ was prophesying about
him coming to the earth and being born
of Mary
so the key part of being a prophet right
the key part of a prophets preaching was
about Christ that's what he would
prophesy of and so you can see why they
stoned the prophets why they killed them
off and why prophecy the idea of
prophecy would be very closely tied to
the doctrine of Christ think of laman
and lemuel right what did they call Lehi
a visionary man because he had
inspiration because he prophesied about
Jesus Christ that is all tied together
and look at today the watering down of
the doctrine of Christ and how even
broadly speaking our our brothers and
sisters that are under cradle
Christianity don't believe in prophecy
today other than what was prophesied in
the past there can be no more prophecy
that is that is in a way it is an
ingredient a part of the doctrine of
Christ now he says here something that's
very interesting
what again why do he look for a Christ
for no man can know of anything which is
too common so we get this idea about
even even without the idea of a direct
revelation to a prophet right to remove
that just for a second here
you can know something that can kind of
it is to come and that's a part of faith
right when you say you can't know of
anything which is to come you're taking
a wave really the fundamental principle
of trust and faith right it's it's our
faith isn't perfect our trust isn't
perfect but the idea that we can't see
the signs or parallels in human history
and and can't project a little bit of
what is to come in the future you know
even if you're not talking about Christ
but prophecy and patterns I think goes
right into what he's saying here part of
prophesying is understanding history
part of prophesying is understanding
patterns and parallels and psychology
even in sociology and how things happen
it's not hard to see now we don't know
with perfection in the sense that a
prophecy of Christ is is perfect from a
prophet but those are tied together
I think the prophets get a lot of their
prophecy from studying the scriptures
which is a history of people the people
of God and their enemies and how people
fall away and how they fall away from
the doctrine of Christ it's not that
hard when you have the spirit and you
understand what has happened many times
before to see where things are going and
that's I think why we have the Book of
Mormon right it's made for our time
because we can read these stories and
see what happened and apply it to
ourselves today because there are
patterns the same things happen over and
over and over again again it's kind of
like when I always go back to the war in
heaven or it which is our first example
right of the splitting apart of the
doctrine of Christ and those that are
it just happens over and over and over
again different approaches different
words different language so the Book of
Mormon is written
giving these stories to us to apply them
because the same things are gonna happen
to us
that's a part of prophecy and then in 15
how do you know of their surety these
things that are to come behold you
cannot know of things which you do not
see okay so what is that what is that it
we're gonna get it this is gonna tide
down a little bit lower here as elmo
writes this out it's it's it's the
scientific method it's the lower law
right science is incredible I love
science right but going through the
scientific method is what it's going
through it's coming up with a hypothesis
and then observing what you see right
it's what you see and it's a great
method for physical things but there is
a scientific method so to speak about
spiritual things as well we get it over
and over again but it's not about always
seeing something right away it's about
understanding it's about meaning it's
about why it's about purpose it's about
faith which is not a blind faith but
trusting on real principles that work so
I can take as someone might if we if we
make a parallel with a scientific method
I can take the idea that we're gonna get
next week with Alma's seed right that
needs to be nurtured and I can try that
out that's a scientific method a
spiritual scientific method because that
would have science its knowledge it's a
way to get spiritual knowledge
that's what trust is that's what faith
I can take the Word of God I can take
the Scriptures I can apply the
principles of faith and repentance and
mercy and grace and charity faith hope
and charity and I can try them out and I
can see how they work just like I would
with a scientific project and the more I
use those things and more I see them and
rely upon them and under
stand them the higher my faith is going
to be because I can trust them it's a
very similar to the scientific method
and that helps give us a better
understanding really of what faith is
it's experience
it's a spiritual knowledge by testing
and proving and of course it goes
further into the doctrine of Christ here
in 16 you look forward and say that you
see a remission of your sins but behold
it is the effect of a frenzied mind and
this derangement of your minds comes
because of the traditions of your
father's which lead you away into a
belief of things which are not so so
remember we have just gotten into this
whole discussion here in the last couple
of chapters about traditions there was
the traditions of the Lamanites and
there were the traditions of the
Nephites and the sons of Mosiah had gone
to the Lamanites to convince them of the
wrongness of the traditions of the
Lamanites and the anti Nephi Lehigh's
once they were converted said that they
saw the good in the traditions of the
Nephites and here we get traditions
again right now we have somebody coming
in here to Zarahemla and saying your
traditions your beliefs which your
father's have and mothers have have
passed down to you he is not true it's
an attack on their culture it's an
attack on their belief system he says
there could be no atonement made for the
sins of men but every man fared in his
life this life according to the
management of the creature therefore
every man prospered according to his
genius and that every man concurred
according to his strengths and
whatsoever a man did was no crime this
is this is
this is playing out today so strongly
right look at what we just some pack
this just a little bit here in verse 17
this is important number one this is a
very libertarian argument right I have a
lot of libertarian points of view
honestly I try not to get too political
about these things but libertarianism on
its own is a philosophy that has existed
you know for a long time but on on its
own in in a vacuum at least it's void of
covenant of relational covenant it's
void of mercy it's void of a social
compact other than live-and-let-live
right that's not the gospel there's some
truth to that
right there are some things where we say
okay because really at the core of that
is Liberty so it's called libertarianism
want people to have their own choices
but in a vacuum by itself it is only the
lower law it is only agency in free
speech it is not community it is not
family and that's where you see a lot of
honestly a lot of atheists that are not
pulled to other ideologies are really
pulled to libertarianism that's their
moral and again it's a good moral just
like the lower law is good but on its
own it's not enough the other thing to
understand here is with this approach is
the second thing that we're really
getting into here today and I'll get a
little bit technical on this but you
know but every man fair in this life
according to the management of the
creature a very libertarian okay
therefore every man prospered according
to his genius and that every man
concurred according to his strength in
the end what you see out there right now
right what is one of the great
motivations for the war in heaven go
back to that again
for Lucifer right he tried to flatten
the hierarchy he wanted to flatten the
hierarchy I will not lose anybody
but I'm going to take away opportunity
and growth and progression and what's
the other one all right the other issue
is give me all the glory it is power and
if you look at the politics today and
things that are going on right now
it is all about power and that's on both
sides of the aisle and it's the new
philosophy that's really starting to
take root through post-modernism is that
there's no real meaning to something
it's just based on everybody's point of
view there's no real truth other than
your truth of course all that does is
create a vacuum and what gets put in
place in that tyranny and power it all
comes down eventually to just power and
that's what's happening today and we get
an outline right here from Alma and
Mormon so he starts to have some success
and people start to disobey the
commandments right because they're told
that this is all our only life here and
there's no again just like in we talked
about in the Garden of Eden
what the serpent says right you shall
not surely die right or in other words
in my interpretation of that there's no
world judgement go ahead and particular
fruit gain your knowledge gain your
agency be able to judge between good and
bad but there's no there's no there's no
punishment here for you Cora whore
actually says that at the end of verse
17 and whatsoever a man did was no crime
right there's no punishment don't worry
about it so many people start to fall
away and one of the biggest ways that
they do that we're told us is that there
were many that were led away many women
and also men to commit whoredoms in
other words what why is that a big issue
it's it's a it's a breakdown of the
family right that's the number one issue
it's a breakdown of the family so core
whore goes over into the land of church
on remember this is where the anti Nephi
Lehigh's are and we find out here that a
man is still there with him he is
high priest and they don't accept what's
going on here at all again the the anti
Nephi Lehigh's are just absolutely
rock-solid here so there's no success
for him here they actually say they
carry they bind him and carry him out
and he goes to a land the land of Gideon
and we see here in the end of 21 that he
was bound and carried before the high
priest this would be the high priest of
Gideon right so there's a high priest in
each of these areas that would be like
the bishop or stake president and also
the chief judge over the land these are
two separate people it seems this is a
clue to us it seems that when Alma
dropped being the chief judge over all
the land of Zarahemla that maybe that
happened everywhere else right because
what we have here are examples now of
the high priest and the chief judge of
each separate town or city that those
are separate individuals we have a true
separation of church and state here
which is described to us at the
beginning of the chapter with with how
people believe and there's no punishment
with that so when 23 Corps whore is
brought before the high priest of the
land here this is gadot 'no ancora horse
says to him because i do not teach the
foolish traditions of your father's i
think about how he is trying to separate
generations here right separate the kids
from your parents and break down the
family and because i do not teach this
people to bind themselves down under the
foolish ordinances and performances
which are laid down by ancient priests
that's for us today to assert power and
authority over them to keep them in
ignorance that they may not lift up
their heads but be brought down
according to their words okay again this
is written for us this is the exact
argument that people have against
organized religion and there are good
arguments in a sense right there are
things where you can say just like
people who criticize their own country's
right in many ways it's nothing is
perfect no institution is perfect no
person is perfect but this is the
argument that many have against
organized religion that you're all sheep
in a sense right you're all just
following what has told you in an
organization for power and money that's
exactly what core whore is gonna go over
here he says in 24 you say that this
people is a free people it's again this
the this idea of the doctrine of Christ
and Liberty are completely tied together
throughout the book of Mormon behold I
say they are in bondage right so he's
turning everything on its head that at
least in the United States right now and
I was saying in a lot of the West that's
a lot of the argument that's coming out
here today is saying you know you're not
free right look at this example over
here what about this what about that
you're really in bondage you're really
in a horrible place by just turning
everything on its head and then in 27
this is an important part of this he
says and thus you lead away this people
after the foolish traditions of your
father's he's trying to break down
everything in this culture and according
to your own desires and he keep them
down even as it were in bondage that ye
might glut yourself with the labors of
their hands you have to have come up
with a reason that is bondage that they
Durst not look up with boldness and that
they Durst not enjoy their rights and
privileges you gotta love that
that's the issue always right look what
you get today and in you know I'm all
for complaining about something if
I'm all for fighting for a right what's
interesting is is what you don't see is
the desire to say I wear what are I want
to take on this duty I want to take on
this responsibility no it's all about my
rights right it's like a teenager right
all of us is teenagers what do we want
we want the freedom we want we are
becoming adults but don't give me the
responsibility that comes along with
that don't tie those together everything
we see today that is a part of what is
being broken down
not everything but most things is all
about what are my rights what I would
like to see more of is what are my
responsibilities because that's the path
to success and that's what core hora is
going over here exactly right he says
and they Durst not look up with boldness
that they Durst not enjoy their rights
and privileges in other words they're
being taught in the church that the
family is sacred they're being taught in
the church that they shouldn't steal
they're being taught in the church that
they should love one another they're
being taught in the church the golden
rule the Platinum rule not to commit as
they call them whoredoms but what are we
really getting here what do we see here
in in the church right if we put that
two to two today and someone was telling
us this today right what would your
response be right if you're being told
that you are following other people that
are just blinding you and they just want
power over you what would your response
be see to me it's number one I choose
this and I every day I choose it whether
or not this is what I believe or whether
or not this is something I'm going to go
along with which I do but it's my choice
right I always know that this is my
choice to believe and to have faith and
I know these things are true and I know
that the restored gospel is true so I
have to know and believe I think this is
a very important part of testimony in
these times is that I choose right I
choose this for many many many reasons
and secondly anything that has a path
toward something to go somewhere right
there are other paths that you could
find that are problem problematic right
something's too rocky you have to go
over too many mountains there there are
dangers going through certain paths
there is a way a direction to go to get
where we want to be there is a truth
and so the commandments are not to put
you down right the commandments arch
will lift you up and they actually give
you Liberty right the truth will make
you free it's like having a manual of
progression it's a manual of becoming
like the Savior I don't have to follow
them but I have to realize that if I
don't there are consequences that go
along with that I need to take on that
responsibility otherwise core whores
argument here is just like a teenager's
argument there is an iron rod that leads
to the tree of life you don't have to
choose that but that iron rod is the
commandments again going to the DBR that
I've gone over previously Hawaii is is
the commandments the Word of God is
Devourer right it's DBR that's what the
commandments are though the Word of God
they're a direction to take you to the
tree of life choose it if you want don't
if you don't want to and he's finally
taken then to Alma the high priest right
and Alma says cor hora is the same
arguments for him and he says thou
knowest we do not let ourselves upon the
labors of this people for behold I have
labored even from the commencement of
the reign of the judges until now with
mine own hands for my support right
because what the church does here is the
exact opposite of what the order of nee
hoor does which is all priestcraft which
is we collect money for our preaching
for our position so he kind of catches
them in his lie here a little bit then
he also says down in 35 and now but
leave your style that we deceive this
people that causes such a joy in their
hearts and he says yes
so Alma says believe it style that there
is a God right the exact same words this
is going back to Lamoni we get the same
thing and Lamar lies father the same
exact question this one turns out a
little bit differently Cora whore has a
different answer
he says nay I do not believe in a God
right he's not just a religious not a
religious man like many of the others in
the stories of the Book of Mormon are
very religious but they're against the
doctrine of Christ he is an atheist
laman and lemuel are very religious
right they don't believe in Christ they
don't believe in the higher law shehram
was very religious did not believe in
Christ King Noah and his priests were
very religious but did not believe in
Christ released that's the doctrine that
they rallied around the Amla sites were
very religious that was a religious war
religious civil war the Amalekites the
amulets and the Lamanites all do not
believe in Christ but they're all very
religious everyone after the order of
nee hoor is very religious but core
whore is not so alma asks them well you
will ye deny again that there is a god
and also deny the Christ for behold I
say into you I know there is a God and
also that Christ shall come and then
something else may have been spoken here
because Alma goes right into in 42 says
I know that thou believest but thou art
possessed with a lying spirit and ye
have put off the Spirit of God
so this directness 2 cor hor brings him
to an ultimatum so to speak he wants to
put out there which is this if thou wilt
show me a sign that I may be convinced
that there is a God yay showing to me
that he hath power and then will I be
convinced to the truth of thy words all
right this is a common theme right
Sharon wanted the same thing why is this
so bad I mean wouldn't it be nice let's
think of a number of things here let's
wouldn't it be nice if they've
archaeology found something with the
words Nephi and Lehi on it something
with a word Mormon on it that was
showing battles between two sides
something that showed that Christ came
to America there were people that
believed that Christ had come to America
and it was very specific wouldn't that
make everything so much easier again
we're going to science here but sure it
would right but is that really the
purpose those things do come along there
are things like that you know maybe it a
little less level here right now where
we get a voice from the dust so to speak
but there's a different way to know
there's a different way to grow and if
all we had were signs first all the time
then we're putting the cart before the
horse that's not how things work we
would be robbed of the ability to grow I
mean really grow and progress if signs
were constantly given to us look how
well the signs to laman and lemuel
worked out when they saw an angel
doesn't matter because they didn't
develop their faith their trust they
didn't open their hearts so this here is
a weakness that core whore has and that
we see often times out there it is I
want the sign first then I will believe
that's not the plan of redemption that's
not the plan for you but that's the plan
of core whore right that's what he wants
he wants to live on signs first belief
after and again faith does not mean that
there aren't signs they may not all be
physical they may not all be scientific
but that path of faith is what brings
you to the tree of life and it can be
every bit as sound and more so in terms
of knowledge then finding something for
example archaeologically there are
voices from the dust but there's also a
still small voice
there's also patterns there's also
understanding and intelligence from
reading the scriptures there's also
understanding who you are through prayer
and so Alma says the core whore you go
about leading away the hearts of this
people testifying in to them there is no
God and yet will he deny against all
these witnesses and he said being the
witnesses of
everything around them right everything
around them is a test is a testimony of
God and the prophets all their
testimonies and he says yay I will deny
except he shall show me a sign then we
get an interesting response here from
Alma right and this is very similar to
what we get with Laban with the brass
plates right this is what he says but
behold he's very he's very upset that
kore whore is gonna go down this path
but he says behold it is better that thy
soul shall be lost then that thou should
to be by them be the means of bringing
many souls down to destruction and again
this is his choice this is core whores
choice by the lying and by the
flattering words therefore if thou shalt
deny again behold God shall smite thee
and now he maybe he's a little bit
nervous here because he says I do not
deny the existence of a god though he
already did previously but I don't
believe I don't forwardly believe that
there is a God so now he's moved from
atheist to agnostic and he says and ye
do not know that there is a God to Alma
and except he show me a sign I will not
believe and so he says here's your sign
you're going to be struck dumb and you
will not be happy you will not have any
entrance and he is and so then he
finally acknowledges that there is a God
he says nothing could have done this to
me except for the power of God he writes
this out and then he admits that the
devil hath deceived me for he appeared
unto me in the form of an angel and said
unto me go and reclaim this people for
they have all gone astray after an
unknown God so it's so interesting
because he sees something supernaturally
but then wants to go and deny the
existence of God and the angel said to
him there is no God yay and he taught me
that which I should say and I have
taught his words and I taught them
because they were pleasing unto the
carnal mind and I taught them even until
I had much success and so much that I
verily believe that they were true so we
can apply that to our two things today
as well
right against those that want a sign
first that wants scientific proof to
begin with and they tell us that there
is no God or they can't believe in a God
because they don't have scientific proof
they want a sign before there is faith
again signs come but were required to
offer up the faith first
so kora whore ends up begging for food
for the rest of his short now future
lived life and he ends up going over to
the land of Zoram and there in Zoram
they don't take very kindly to him and
they trodden him down run him over
and they kill him and we get this
interesting thing here think about
things today think about philosophies
today think about the orthodoxy that is
required with certain factions today
chapter ends at verse 660 and it says
and thus we see the end of him who
perverted the ways of the Lord and thus
we see that the devil will not support
his children at the last day but death
speedily drag them down to hell so we
get a lot of meat here theologically and
philosophically from core whore and what
do we learn toward the end of the
chapter here we learned what the
motivation underlying all of this really
is I think that's really important as we
go out and we look at different
ideologies that might capture our heart
and minds we have got to go and look
under the layers here and find what is
at the core the whole purpose of this
from the angel the Dark Angel so to
speak that appeared to him
was to get everybody to go astray it
wasn't that he had these arguments and
that he had some moral higher ground
because he thought the priests were
taking money and the Torah because he
thought that people were oppressed we
see underneath there is a core
motivation that was given to him by that
angel and we can see the same thing
today in any ideology or movement if we
look close enough this has gone on
longer than I expected
surprise surprise so I will do chapter
31 with a zoramites in a second episode
I'll talk to you next time


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Book of Mormon Alma


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