"Critical Race Theory is pervasive on the BYU campus. We discuss the choice of guest speakers who preach Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Anti-democracy and Anti-Americanism, and the degrading and slanderous concept of "Whiteness" to the students and faculty. We also cover the CRT language in the report given by the new Committee on Race, Equity and Belonging, the lack of the gospel in that report, and a few of the suggestions that report makes.
As members of the church, we stand in a unique place in history. The opportunity before us is to "gather Israel". However, with the modern connection between peoples and races, there are ideologies that seek to further divide us. Critical Race Theory is one of those ideologies. Critical Race Theory and its fruits of Intersectionality, Anti-Racism, and "Whiteness" have been adopted by many at BYU and formal initiatives have been suggested that could further entrench it throughout the campus.
Raw Transcript
but if you look at the trend of
everything with tennehsee coates and
and with professor jennings and all of
the references that are coming up here
you see it's all the same thing it's all
coalescing around
critical race theory
in this episode i'm going to give you
just a small amount of some of the
research that i've done
on byu and the
teaching of critical race theory and its
ideological cousins that all fall under
what we might call critical social
and the way it has spread out through
throughout the campus at byu
i've made my own assessment based on
research and this episode is to help you
make your own assessment
of what might be happening at byu now
you should know
that this podcast has a global following
but this episode specifically has much
more of a practical application
to those in the u.s because of the
prominence of critical race theory
here in the united states it also has
some practical use of others that are in
the west
but those outside of those areas
this may seem bizarre to you it may seem
strange to you because you're not living
through this
at this time but it is something that is
threatening a world view
that we have through the lens primarily
of christianity
and and some other western values
that we hold close and dear including
freedom and the primary narrative
of christianity now why do i care about
something that's going on at byu
well i went to byu my wife went to byu
my all four of my kids have gone to byu
i believe in byu's uh
values and their ideals and and that's
one of the main reasons why i'm speaking
up about this
but it's not the main reason the main
reason is that if this
type of ideology spreads throughout the
campus at byu
then it's just a hop skip and a jump
over to the church
and we can already see some movement of
these critical social justice ideologies
entering into lds scholarship and into
the church so what i want to do is
briefly set the stage just a little bit
of our current time
and then briefly go over very briefly go
critical race theory what it is and then
we'll give a few examples of what's
happening on campus there
at byu and bring up i think some very
important questions
i think that we find ourselves at this
in history in a remarkable position
and that is that we are the world is
getting smaller
and we are able to see other people from
different backgrounds
different lived experiences from
cultures different languages people that
don't look like us
and learn from them and grow together
and more importantly
love them and that goes both ways right
every way
and i think that this is a big part of
of president nelson's
uh mantra of of gathering israel
right is this idea of bringing the world
together here
of all different backgrounds races
ethnicities etc
and and sharing the gospel out to the
world we've never been able to do this
at this
rate at this with this these
and that's really exciting think about
in terms of the time period in the last
and and what that means or or why this
would be happening
right it's something that has never
happened before in history so every
other dispensation
that we've gone through you've never had
the ability
to be able to spread the gospel and in
many ways
hang on to the gospel right go to the
new testament you see paul
losing a lot of people already he's
having a hard time with
the corinthians and the ephesians and
everybody else just trying to hold
everything together
it's a very very difficult process but
has changed everything and it gives the
church the ability to
both broadcast its message
from on high right from the higher ups
and to communicate in a way
that strengthens the church strengthens
the priesthood
and allows us to be able to build
temples around the world to share the
gospel around the world
to go to every isle of the sea as the
book of mormon says
into all corners of the world and that
means that we have
an open opportunity to embrace
those that are of a different culture
that look differently
that have a different race a different
a different a different background and
that can bring conflict
right it always has in the past it's
always been an issue in the past
tribalism but the gathering of israel
i believe means overcoming all of that
right that's the only way it is ever
going to happen but that is exciting
and it is a a huge opportunity for all
of us
to participate in this gathering of
israel what member of the church
doesn't see the videos of
africa or of the philippines or other
places in the u.s
or going to australia new zealand and
in asia and south america all over the
and doesn't just feel this great sense
of love
and camaraderie with people of
of of different different backgrounds
and different geographies
it's an exciting thing but there is
also conflict that's going to come from
that because we are all different
and i believe that the ability to reach
a zion
a oneness a union for all of us
is the ability to overcome those things
with that opening right with those these
changes that are happening
there is also the possibility that
new ideas and ideologies
enter into that stage and present us
with what can appear to be
empathy toward one another and usually
these all
ideologies use empathy to start off
right the empathy is the carrot
what they don't show you is the stick
the consequences of these things
and that's what i believe critical race
theory is in all of the ideologies that
fall under those critical theories
they're bumper stickers that that carry
with them
that have a great slogan and then carry
with them
um dark and dangerous things
that that give more context and meaning
to what is actually being taught
what is actually being said so on one
side i would say you have the gospel of
jesus christ
the doctrine of christ that allows us to
charity and love and redemption
and in our individual agency to choose
to love
and to bring all of us together and on
the other side there are
other ideas ideologies
doctrines that divide us
that use the idea of justice that use
the ideas of empathy
but in truth when you look at them
right they are simply a trojan horse or
a wolf in sheep's clothing this is how i
would describe critical race theory
it is anti-christ it is anti-christian
and it's not hard to see once you look
into it now a couple
comments on crt on critical race theory
before i go into these examples
on the byu campus first of all i think
we should look at this under the
umbrella of president nelson's directive
of rooting out all racism and president
confirmation in support of that in a
recent speech at byu talking about
what that should tell us especially
those that are in a majority
so in the united states that would be
people right caucasians in other
countries it might be
a different race because this work works
both ways everywhere
right it it's it's what it should tell
us is that we need to try
harder we need to try harder to reach
put our arms around each other and to
those that aren't the same as us
oftentimes i think we can get in a
position of of omission
on that it's not like you're you're
overtly trying to push off others
that aren't like you but it is
it it might be that we don't try hard
enough to open up the door
and to gather israel in that sense
and i really believe that when we talk
about gathering israel that is part of
it's bringing all peoples together
having said that
the way that critical race theory
presents itself is that it is the
only option and if you don't agree
with the orthodoxy of critical ra
critical race theory then it positions
itself where you must be
against that union you must be against
other races you must be against
others that are not like you
and it has done a remarkable job of
positioning itself that way
but it's completely false
critical race theory and it's it's
it's hydra cousins that's how i look at
it it's like a hydro with a number of
different heads
it's hydro hydra cousins of of other
critical social uh theories
are squarely opposed to the gospel of
jesus christ and the doctrine of christ
and this may seem hyperbolic to those
who are not yet
well that haven't really looked closely
at critical race theory
and in critical social justice but
if you look closely you will see what
its practical applications are
what the consequences are of this
and what its true objectives are
critical race theory
is divisive to everyone and you can see
some of the
practical manifestations of critical
race theory throughout several campuses
where it primarily spreads it is
a matter of segregation that's what we
it chooses to take your individuality
away and place you into a group a
and then say that you based on your
immutable characteristics
are this person
because this is what everyone in that
collective is
one of the fruits of critical race
theory is intersectionality
and that's what that is about we're
going to place you in a separate group
we're going to assign a certain level of
or of oppression being the oppressor or
the oppressed
and regardless of your decisions
regardless of your heart
regardless of your mind you are going to
be categorized accordingly
you see like any pernicious ideology
critical race theory requires an enemy
it has to have an enemy
it cannot exist without an enemy
and that is a good way to look at
ideologies will this exist
without an enemy
or do we have to make one because that's
what these ideologies do
once they have gotten rid of the enemy
then they look inward to find who the
next enemy is and then they get rid of
and so on and so on all right
i'll go over critical race theory more
another time where you can take a look
at the episode that i did
on the deconstruction of christianity
now i want you to imagine sending your
kid or your niece
or your grandchild to byu as a freshman
two weeks from being dropped off from
their home
where perhaps they have been given a uh
a daily dose of scripture study they've
gone to seminary
they have uh been a part of a family
perhaps that has
uh regularly done family night you've
gone to church on a regular basis you
followed the programs of the church
and within a couple of weeks of being at
a teacher starts telling you about some
aspect of critical race theory
and asks you to do a report let's say on
race issues
and they begin to talk to you in a new
language that you've never heard before
for that student
they bring up words like anti-racism and
ideas like intersectionality and they
start introducing you into
new authors and ideas this could be in
any class this could be in your english
especially in the humanities this could
be in your history class
this could be in your religion class
and it becomes obvious throughout the
semester that with that teacher
who's there at byu that they support
this ideology
and you start thinking to yourself
because of the way the teacher presents
that this is part of the gospel
that this is good right this has to do
with race relations
for example and all of a sudden
all of the effort that you've put in for
18 years with that child
in their home starts to turn to an
ideology that is unchrist-like
to an ideology that takes away from the
complete doctrine of christ
and that as people pursue it stronger
and stronger begin to doubt their own
this is a reality folks happening
all the time at brigham young university
there are certain teachers there and i
know this because i've spoken to a
number of students there
right but there are certain teachers
there it would appear
that that feel a mission of social
and that they need to peel away these
from the the uh naivety
of their parents teachings and give
malleable minds these young malleable
minds just away from their home
new idea of how the world really works
with these new doctrines
and in essence instead of teaching those
kids how to think they teach them
what to think now how does this happen
how do you have
faculty members at byu that are teaching
these things well it's very easy
right byu is part of academia
these these ideas
these ideologies sprout from academia
and if you are a if you've gone to other
universities and
been been taught there and there's a
strong filter of
critical social justice that's been
given to you then you're going to bring
that back
with you to byu and remember you're a
part of a larger
group you're part of associations you're
part of a
speaking series that you follow whatever
it is and when the majority of academia
almost all of academia fall in line with
these critical social justice ideologies
then you're going to see this and be a
part of this constantly how do you step
away from that
it's pretty hard i think now one thing
that's interesting
is looking at who in the last
year or even semester has been invited
to speak at byu and regarding in regards
to race
this is a trend right this is not
a coincidence i want to go over a few
different examples of this
in both december last december 2020 and
in january of 2021 a few months back
right you had a guest who was brought in
and sponsored by
byu religious education his name is
willie james
jennings he's a really good man i want
to make this very very clear
he's a really good man i really like him
i listened to him on youtube
for four hours and went through very
meticulously everything that he said i
have read his
books i understand where he's coming
and he has a lot of very good things to
say and i can say
that he seems to have a very good heart
i like him but he is a part of academia
and he uses their terminology and their
and he uses their ideas what's
disappointing to me about him is not his
heart and who he is
but his words many of his words because
i could basically plug and play almost
anyone in academia
into that spot and they're going to say
the exact same types of things
now he's a little more specific in terms
of theology and religion
but it's the same stuff it's the exact
same stuff
he was invited in january to come and
speak about his book
what is the name of his book his book is
called this
after whiteness an education
in belonging whiteness is a term that is
used all the time in critical race
it is always as a pejorative or
or seen as a problem
it is divisive and it's wrong
and it comes with a lot of information
i'm going to go over this in a minute
but language is very important
it comes with a lot of pregnant inherent
descriptions that go along with it
that you may not be aware of this is not
title of charity this is not a title of
love this is not a title of
embracing one group with another this is
not a christ-like
title for a christian and a religious
here's the summary that his publisher
gives for his book
a multimodal reflection on the way
theological education
can foster pluralistic community and
western ideals here we go of
individualism masculinity
and whiteness and this is a man
that again a very good man but what he's
saying this message that he's giving
is sponsored by numerous departments at
and he's brought back again to be heard
and you have to ask yourself why why
would you choose this
now if you say okay well this is one
person that's brought in and
we're open to listening to a number of
different messages
maybe you know even though the message
is divisive
and is not centered in the doctrine of
now in his question and answer session
he actually had an english teacher
teaching english literature
who was asking about she was going to be
shakespeare in her english literature
class and she she's
she's concerned about what this means
right because because shakespeare is so
white it's such
whiteness and how do i teach this
in an english literature class
that's what this does when you
understand critical race theory you'll
understand what stephanie wildman and
davis say when they say all whites are
in the systemic use of the term because
we benefit from systemic white privilege
you are part of a group if you're white
your agency doesn't matter your
individualism doesn't matter your heart
and your mind don't matter
your immutable your immutable
characteristics matter
i want you to listen to this very short
clip of him in his presentation
to byu this is to faculty students to
and tell me if you think that this is
coming from the right place
and that image is of
a white self-sufficient man
who embodies what i call three demonic
possession control
and mastery and again this is
it's incredibly divisive his terminology
is divisive
the the ideas the ideologies that he's
grabbing onto
are pernicious they are anti-christian
it's the wrong path i'm not saying that
things don't need to be done
they do need to be done people need to
much much harder this is the wrong route
and you know what
it's partially the fault of white
for allowing this to come in you know
why we've allowed this to come in
because we haven't done enough
i'm sorry we haven't you can't take a
purely libertarian view of things
and say live and let live that is not
the gospel plan
it's not right but because there has not
enough love right enough charity
enough putting my arms around others of
different groups
that allows for the weeds to come in and
grow because we have not
been tending the garden now i want to be
fair to professor jennings there are a
number of clips that i could pull in
that would be very positive that he also
talks about
that's that's not what i'm really going
over here i want to show a
trend that we're seeing at byu
now again this is on youtube on the byu
religious education channel
uh i think there's four different
versions of that on there and again i
want to say and i need to say this over
and over again to be clear
i really like him i do he is a really
good man it seems to me
i really like him and he does bring a
lot of very good
ideas to the table no question he brings
a lot of good ideas to the table
now in the college of fine arts and
tennessee coats was invited to speak we
need to look at why some of these these
individuals are asked to speak and not
i think that's important again it's not
a coincidence here are some of the
things that he had to say to those in
attendance there and he's a very popular
american universities are built on the
site of two great crimes the crimes of
stealing land
from native americans and the buying and
selling of african slaves now both
that's a
true statement to a degree
in other words that's how he sees
america and if you read
tonight as he coats you're going to see
that that that's
his view of america period it's very
but that's not all america is
right to him america and the west and
are a glass half empty that is a part of
critical theory a part of critical
it's important to realize that critical
follow exactly what the movers and
shakers say in their own words
is rooted all the way back into marxism
they all agree with that
he goes on and says we're all indicted
by that
you can't escape that again your group
your identity
you can't say i didn't do x y and z
right it doesn't matter what you choose
it matters what group you were a part of
one way of kind of remembering this this
idea this terminology this this
concept of critical race theory uh
might be to say the color of your skin
is your original
sin right that's that's a way to look at
it the color of your skin
is your original sin a little bit more
from tunnel hesi coats white america is
a syndicate
arrayed to protect its exclusive power
to dominate and control our bodies
right so again i mean i understand
where he's coming from to some degree i
obviously don't have
that point of view and i don't have that
experience that he has
and i know that he had a really bad
upbringing right i know he had a really
bad upgrade bringing so it seems to me
like he's taking that bitterness
and and expounding on it with others
but a part of critical race theory and
critical social justice
is anti-americanism it's anti-democracy
and it and it's everywhere here with ton
of hazy coats
a third example here is the kennedy
center now i love the kennedy center
right international relations i have
i i've probably seen honestly
60 70 maybe more presentations by
the kennedy center i love what they do
great information
and um they did a
a semester on race this past semester so
the the
winter semester of 2021 and almost
everything they did
in terms of inviting guest speakers and
and references to other things
was around critical race theory
it's important to understand that right
i think it's great that they're doing
something on race that's wonderful
right they should that should be brought
up again we are
you don't put your head in the sand on
these things that's the wrong approach
we can't do that we need to
love each other but it's it's
very informative to know that the
references that they go to in terms of
and authors and presenters
are all coalesced around critical race
theory why would that be
now the book that was chosen for the
kennedy center to read
was ibrahim kennedy's how to be an
again why would you choose this book why
have so many different race relation
books would you choose this one i
it's a bestseller it's very popular
and and if it was in a vacuum i would
say so what
right i i think it's great that a
university looks at different things i i
personally i think it's smart for even a
place like byu
to lean a little bit left right because
you're you're open to ideas into
learning and
not just sticking with a status quo i
think that's an important thing
just my personal opinion but why pick
ibram candy
right this is a conscious decision
and in a vacuum it might not mean
anything but if you look at the trend of
everything with taneheshi
and and with professor jennings and all
of the references that are coming up
you see it's all the same thing it's all
around critical race theory
right it seems to me like the department
heads are
circling the wagons and saying the
solution to the problem
is critical race theory not the gospel
or at least the gospel is great but i
want to bring this
in too now if you look at the
presentation and the discussion around
the book
from the kennedy center you're going to
see 95 percent of everything is being
very positive
and and to be honest what student
at the kennedy center is going to start
you know unless someone's incredibly
is going to say something against
ibrahim kennedy and
how to be an anti-racist because they're
going to get plummet
a couple things from abram candy just
the other day i saw a tweet from him he
said the heartbeat of racism
is denial see how that works
if you deny that you're a racist you are
a racist
that's how these things work you have no
argument you have no say you
have no agency you have no expression
you are
you are you have these immutable
characteristics therefore
you are this that's called bullying
trying to beat you into submission of an
imagine having somebody tell you
constantly that you are worthless
you're worthless and then telling you
that the heartbeat of your worth
worthlessness is your denial
the more you deny your worthlessness the
more worthless you are
he is the exact opposite and says so
of martin luther king jr right i have a
immutable characteristics judged by your
character not your skin color
not for even candy it's the opposite
in addition again going right back to
the gospel of jesus christ he says the
i reject savior theology which goes
right in line with
racist ideals and racist theology
right again what he's saying is the
doctrine of
christ which is what he means by savior
the doctrine of christ is racist
that is a big center core to anti-racism
that's what he means by it and he says
it all over the place
right he compares that to liberation
theology which is more of kind of a
marxist oppressive the whole idea of
christianity is is liberation
we see a lot of that in in latin america
for example
and yet you have a number of faculty
members professors at byu that support
ibram kendy and his anti-racism
again why would you choose that why did
you choose that book
there are so many others that you could
that work from a position of love and
and at least reason of some sort
of course reasoning is white also
so again we see a trend here right of
who is invited to speak and what books
are are put out there to read
why is there no coleman hughes why is
there no john mcwhorter
why why is there no uh thomas soul
why is there no chloe valderry why is
there no glenn lowry
right each of those individuals i just
listed they deride
critical race theory and they're all
but no not at byu at byu they're going
to keep up with a certain trend
which is supporting those that preach
a different doctrine than the doctrine
of christ and the doctrine of the church
which is critical race theory now last
byu did put together a new committee it
is the committee on race
equity and belonging now before i go
that committee much and their report
that they put out
i think in february of this year 2021
i want to talk just a second about
language of critical race theory and
critical social justice
as a whole is being adopted at byu quite
a bit
when you adopt words like anti-racism
and equity and intersectionality
to many at byu that are new to these
types of things
you don't have a full sense of what
those those words mean
right they are bumper stickers but they
again inherent with a history
and with formulation through writings
and speeches that have been given for
when you adopt the language of an
ideology you
automatically adopt its ideas i don't
think there's any way around that
now the reason i bring language up is
because it's important to understand
that this committee
even its name right is
adopts the language of critical race
in fact you find critical race theory
throughout the entire report
you know what you don't find hardly
anything of
the gospel you find hardly anything
about christianity
you find hardly anything about the
doctrine of christ there are words
around the report
and what should be done that talk about
the gospel that
seem to try to scarily
conflate the the words of president
about rooting out racism conflate that
with this report
as if this report is all about or the
only way
to root out racism that's concerning
can you imagine byu as a whole
adopting president nelson's words of
rooting out racism with critical race
and saying hey we're following president
nelson's words
so language is really important this is
what professor richard williams a
professor of psychology at byu says
about the report the language of the
broader narrative running through this
report of the assessment of byu
and its situation vis-a-vis racism
is very general and just happens to
coincide with the language of critical
race theory
what that suggests is that crt
or critical race theory constituted the
background assumptions
the analytical framework and the
essential conclusions of the report
and there are several good things in the
report i think some very good things in
the report
that should be done right but where
where it strays
into the areas of critical race theory
it's very dangerous hardly anything in
about about using the gospel
as a way to unite people about using
now i'm not going to go into a lot of
detail on the report itself
right we don't have time for that here i
am going to bring up just a couple of
but the the report produced by the
committee which is called the committee
on race
equity and belonging right equity
you should know what that word really
race equity and belonging it was a 60
page report and had 26 different
suggestions on it
i just want to cover a couple of those
one of them is that there should be an
inclusion and creation of a
central office of diversity and
this is something that exists something
similar to this exists on most campuses
across the country and what this
actually is is kind of like an honor
code office
but it's not for the honor code right
it's for the code of critical race
so if people break that code in some way
they're written up by that office and
there would be a new vice president of
diversity and belonging i think this
will happen i'm pretty sure that'll
the next thing is is that they would
have an extensive diversity
and inclusion training for students
and employees
here's the magic question
where does that training come from right
is that candy and coats and deangelo
is that crenshaw is that from the
critical theorists
because that's the way it's going to
hard to imagine it wouldn't so maybe you
drop your student off there
fresh from your home and in their
orientation their freshman orientation
they get immediately put into the world
of critical race theory
they're also suggesting curricular
changes to general education religion
elective courses that educate students
on race
unity and diversity look i mean again
on its surface that all sounds wonderful
that's the way it always is
the problem is is that what you get
inserted in there
is highly problematic and that if
there's anything you take out of this
episode at all please understand
that critical race theory and critical
social justice
is anti-christian it is anti-latter-day
it is anti-christ
and the authors of these this movement
the movers and shakers will tell you
this is not interpretation
this is their goal now imagine if you
this all being put into place this new
office of
the honor code so to speak based on
critical race theory
and let's say that you have a student
maybe it's your son your daughter your
your brother or sister and they're in a
book of mormon class and
something is brought up there about um
i don't know the color of skin right or
about or about liberty
right moroni's title of liberty or
where it now projects the book of mormon
that is
projects to a certain student in that
class a microaggression
and the student says this is a
from the book of mormon what position is
that going to put the the teacher in
right they've got to be sensitive to
this there are certain rules to critical
race they're into the new office
of of diversity equity and belonging
right and if that teacher doesn't handle
that properly by acquiescing pretty much
to that student
then they could get in trouble right now
what about that
your your your student what about your
family member that's there in that class
and they step up and they say wait a
minute this is the right thing this is
the gospel this is the right thing to
this is why the book of mormon says this
in fact here is a talk from president
on talking about this gospel principle
where does that student stand now right
because see
it it's there's no way around it the
gospel and critical race theory
butt heads completely at almost every
turn of the corner everywhere
and honestly i believe based on what's
happening at other universities i
unless there's a a a really big reaction
to this
because nobody's i mean it's talked
about a little bit in some
lds circles right but
it's not talked about at the church much
at the church level
but unless there's some big reaction to
this i don't see how it's going to slow
this is a virus in conclusion
i would challenge you to do two things
put your arms around others people that
are not like you
put your arms around them and love them
try to understand them
communicate with them have charity for
do as christ would do and second
understand that critical race theory in
all critical social justice movements
are pernicious ideologies they are
anti-family anti-agency anti-free speech
anti-individualism the way to accomplish
the gathering of israel
of becoming one of being close to one
is through the doctrine of jesus christ
through his gospel
we can either grow through the gospel
and through christ bringing everyone
or we can divide out like in the book of
mormon and become it
that's what critical race theory wants
to do that's what intersectionality is
i think that it is past time for us to
have a serious discussion
about critical race theory at byu
for those of you who are followers of
this podcast that are students at byu
who are faculty at byu please have the
courage to stand up against this
you've got to be able to fight this and
you've got to be able to fight it with
this this ideology is very pervasive on
on byu campus i've only given you
a very small sliver of what i have found
there and what others have brought to me
i think it's very fair question at this
point to ask
the administration at byu and and i ask
it now
directly do you support critical race
i think that we all deserve to know that
thanks for your time
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