All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
"Agents Unto Themselves"
With the focus moving to Missouri, Joseph Smith and the early Saints now have a place for Zion. The Lord teaches them that they are to "work" and obey to create and build...
"Stewards, Talents and Consecration"
The Law of Consecration is the higher law designed for the people of Zion and a Promised Land. Getting there is a matter of becoming "one" as a people. The...
'Prisons & Consecration vs Forced Equality'
- Peter as the Brazen Serpent at the temple
- Authority- Learnedness vs Priesthood
- Law of Consecration vs Marxism/Communism
- The truth starts small...
All men and women, families and societies must go through the Four Phases Of The Priesthood for success. The Four Phases are:
1- Agency (Obedience, Commandments, Sacrifice)
2- Speech (Expression,...
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