Podcast & Blog

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We Live In The Age of Absurdity feat. Bruce Porter

Our culture has shifted so quickly that it's hard to recognize our institutions from just 15 years ago. Men can be women, women can be men, and reality seems to be getting sucked into a black hole....

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Will The Real Governor Cox Please Stand Up?

Have you ever seen a politician change so much on policy, attitude and apparent ideology? Whether the issue is transgenderism, education, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, or immigration,...

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Underground Soviet Christians and American Christians

Scripture Notes - https://www.scripturenotes.com 

Julie Behlling did her Master's Thesis on the underground Christian churches in the Soviet Union.

Are there parallels between the 20th-century...

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Is The National Education Association (NEA) A Cult?

NEA President Becky Pringle Rallies Her "Delegates"
- National Education Association Convention, Keynote Address
- Nothing in her speech is about the education of the kids
- Angela Davis, the Marxist,...

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Ukraine & Putin - Putin is NOT Hitler

Putin's Real Relationship with Ukraine. Are You Being Duped Again?

- Why is Putin being compared to Hitler?
- What is the obvious comparison, why isn't it used, and why does it matter?
- The...

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Education's War Against Men

"Where Have All The Men Gone?"

We have arrived at a point where for every man that graduates from college, nearly two women will graduate. This is not only a problem for men but for women as well....

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Critical Race Theory in Utah Public Schools, Rep Steve Christiansen

Representative Steve Christiansen is the sponsor for House Resolution (HR) 901 detailing the restriction of "race essentialism", a part of Critical Race Theory, being taught in Utah public schools....

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State Schools vs Religion

This battle is getting absurd. Just how far will we take the corrupted, modern version of “separation of church and state”? Now supporters of religious freedom feel they need additional...

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"Seek Ye Out Of The Best Books Words Of Wisdom"

D&C 88:118

118 And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and...

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Joseph Smith Quotes on Learning

“A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation, for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so...

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