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Cwic Walk - Google Babies, Philosophies of Men & Religion vs Spirituality

Cwic Walk 8-5-22

Google is the new parent. Kids, both young and adults, are turning more to Google than their parents for advice. This creates a large divide on spiritual issues.

The philosophies...

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Forget What is a Woman, What is a Parent?

Identitarianism Seeks to Destroy the Traditional Family

Language can be a virus to our understanding of the world. Ibram Kendi's new book, "How To Raise An Antiracist", often replaces "parent" with...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 25-28, Book of Mormon (May 18 - 24)

'Alma The Younger'
- The Importance of Records
- Alma's Calling & Election Made Sure
- Dissension within the church
- Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah meet a messenger




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Cwic Show- Parenting, Marriage & Natural Horsemanship

Ron Searle does a masterful job of guiding us through our relationship with our sons, especially those that are difficult. He shows how to make the relationship of your son with you, the most...

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