Podcast & Blog

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LDS Church Doubles Down On Marriage

As the Catholic Church opens a crack for the possibility of same-sex marriage, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doubles down on temple marriage between a man and a woman.

Those who...

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President Nelson's Goodbye Talk? Jesus Christ as "Trailblazer"

Our Job Is To Overcome The World

Was this President Nelson's last conference? Hmmm
Using titles of "God"
Miracles and manifestations to come
The Atonement of Jesus Christ as an Invitation
Jesus Christ...

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President Nelson's Identity Hierarchy

President Nelson Draws a Line!

One of the keys to countering the current cultural revolution is to follow the advice of President Nelson and the Brethren. President Nelson has given us an Identity...

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Cwic Walk- President Nelson and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Gender Binary in K-12

Conflating President Nelson and Equity

- Los Angeles Unified School District has created a barrage of propaganda for Identitarianism and Critical Race Theory which includes the determined teaching...

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Covid Vaccine, President Nelson, and The Church

New messaging from President Nelson and the First Presidency on getting the covid vaccine. Why are members so split on this? What is the political reasoning? Why might it get worse? This episode...

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Recent LDS Teachings vs Critical Race Theory

This episode pulls from the words of President Nelson, President Oaks, and others in recent talks on race that are stark contrasts to the tenets of Critical Race Theory. The Church leaders are...

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