Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Walk - Yes, I "Know" The Church Is True - Polygamy Hornets Nest

Note: Since recording this episode, Michelle Stone has agreed to come on Cwic Show for a conversation.

Cruises 2025 - https://www.cwicmedia.com/momentum

Free Book - Putting On Christ -...

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Walk - God's Patriarchy And Plain and Precious Things, Interfaith Work, Arriving At My Own Testimony

God's "Patriarchy" is part of what was lost in the time of Lehi, the Plain and Precious things. It is restored in 1 Nephi 1, Moses 1, and Abraham 3. It is the council of the Gods that we...

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How Do You Know You Have A Testimony? - Jacob Hansen Part 2

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/IDC-I0AACgo

This is a tremendous and vital discussion on testimony. Self-reflection on your own knowledge can increase your faith. This episode discusses how you know what...

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Cwic Walk - Google Babies, Philosophies of Men & Religion vs Spirituality

Cwic Walk 8-5-22

Google is the new parent. Kids, both young and adults, are turning more to Google than their parents for advice. This creates a large divide on spiritual issues.

The philosophies...

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Latter-Day Saint Faith Crisis - "It's A Natural Development Process"

Jeffrey Thayne, Nathaniel Givens, and Dan Ellsworth

What is faith? What is knowledge and testimony?

A faith crisis is a developmental event and a natural occurrence for some on a journey of faith....

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Deconstructing Your Testimony- Postmodernism's "Lived Experience"

How Might Postmodernism Approach Your Testimony?

A strong tenet of Postmodernism is a "Lived Experience." In reality, it is a hijacking of knowledge. The arrival of "Deconstruction" and "Lived...

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