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More Joseph Smith Revealed feat. Hannah Stoddard


What made Joseph Smith so radical?
Did Joseph Smith "wrestle" with God?
Who are the "other" Josephites?

Hannah Stoddard is the Director of the Joseph Smith Foundation. In this interview, we...

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Proof Joseph Smith Practice Polygamy? feat. Brian C. Hales

Brian Hales provides numerous historical data points to show that Joseph Smith did indeed practice polygamy. Some documents are shared, as are QR codes for evidence that Brian provides.


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Michelle Stone's History Of Joseph Smith And Polygamy

Michelle Stone is a leading voice in a movement stating that Joseph Smith did not initiate or practice polygamy. We address President Nelson and President Oaks' multiple sealings, the succession of...

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Brigham Young Didn't Start Polygamy Or The Temple

A lot of online buzz from several influencers stating that Joseph Smith didn't practice polygamy or support temple ceremonies. This makes no sense and shows an apparent lack of understanding of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Job Part 2

Not Compassion, Not Justice, But Faith

- Job moves back and forth from humility and commitment to contending and bitterness. This is a process we all go through. He is "wrestling" with the Lord.

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 135-136

"Like a Lamb to the Slaughter"

- The power of Joseph Smith
- He knew what was coming
- The transfer of the keys of the priesthood



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Hebrews- Joseph Smith's Priestly Trio- Melchizedek, Abraham & Jesus Christ (Facebook Live)

Melchizedek, Abraham and Jesus Christ makeup a priestly trio that Joseph Smith highlights in from the Book of Hebrews, JST Genesis 14 and Alma 13.

This was a presentation done for Come Follow Me...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Hebrews 1-6 Chaps 4-6, New Testament

'Actors, Roles & Drama'
- Joseph Smith was right
- Jesus, like Abraham, takes the role of the Throne Bearer
- The Melchizedek King tradition is about Jesus Christ



Come Follow Me


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Joseph Smith Quotes on Learning

“A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation, for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so...

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Joseph Smith's Seer Stone Revealed

The church believes that this is the stone that Joseph used to translate parts of the Book of Mormon. This would be the stone that he put into a hat, then immersed his face into the hat and would...

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