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LDS Church Doubles Down On Marriage

As the Catholic Church opens a crack for the possibility of same-sex marriage, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doubles down on temple marriage between a man and a woman.

Those who...

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LDS Pride Month, Charlie Bird, & Confusion

Every Pride Month, the ideology of identitarianism encroaches further into Latter-day Saint culture.

Charlie Bird's decision to marry his boyfriend brings many of the problems and confusion on this...

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Walk - SEC Follow-Up, Evangelical Pastor, Direct Messaging From Church Leaders

Follow up on the SEC fines for the church. Still, the signal amongst the noise is what we have been saying from the beginning. This is about a public profile, not "hiding" assets from the SEC or...

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President Oaks Clears Up Church Position On Family Doctrine and Respect For Marriage Act

The church is not "inching" toward same-sex marriage in the temple, as many suggest. Just the opposite.

We dig into three levels of President Oaks' speech--
1) The Respect For Marriage Act
2) Church...

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President Oaks at BYU- "Break With The Educational Establishment"

"Ideologies" & Educational "Fashions"

There is a mantra coming from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to the youth, young adults, and education. It consists of 3...

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Fourth of July, Revelation, and The Constitution

Gratitude Should Come With The Principles of the US Constitution

- Sets the stage to leverage agency for good and bad
- Other ideologies fight against these "established" principles
- The US and the...

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President Oaks & Elder Gilbert - Proclaim Truth!

Resist "the invading ideologies that seek control . ."

Ensign College Devotional

- In the Last Days, good will be called evil, and evil will be called good.

- "We must stand fast against the values...

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Cwic Week 11-22-21 Microaggressions, Demons, & The Constitution

- Comments on the Church Microaggression Email - Elder Bednar and Choosing to be Offended - Understanding Demons and the Context of the Sermon on the Mount - President Oaks, The US Constitution and...

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President Oaks and the US Constitution

From his April, 2021 General Conference talk, President Oaks analyzes the US Constitution and states that it is inspired of God and that the whole world needs to look to it and its principles of...

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Clear Thinking- NAACP, Elder Holland's BYU Speech, and LGBTQ

In an October 2020 address at BYU, President Oaks explained that we need to have "clear thinking" about social issues. This address seems to have set the table for Elder Holland's recent BYU...

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