Podcast & Blog

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Come Follow Me LDS- Isaiah 50-57

Abinadi and Isaiah 52:7-10

Yes, I said I wasn't going to add any more Cwic Study Group sessions for these episodes. But I'm still behind, and this is one of my favorite parts of scripture. In fact,...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 11-17 Pt 2, Book of Mormon (May 4-10)

'The REAL Reason Abinadi Was Killed'
- Abinadi was NOT killed because he wouldn't give 'Good Tidings'
- In fact, Abinadi did give 'Good Tidings'
- Abinadi was killed because he preached of the coming...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 11-17 Pt 1, Book of Mormon (May 4 - 10)

'Abinadi on Trial'

-  Abinadi's Trial is not what you think.

- What is Abinadi's real interpretation of Isaiah 52:7-10?
- Isaiah 53, the Suffering Servant, helps answer the priest's 'gotcha'...

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