Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Don't Tell Me I Can't Be Gay And Faithful - Latter-day Saints Say How And Why

Can a gay individual or someone with same-sex attraction be faithful in the Church? Three active Latter-day Saints, Tember Harward, Craig Newsome, and Skyler Sorensen give an emphatic, "Yes."


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The Covenant Path, Different Voices, and LGBTQ As Latter-Day Saints

This is a panel of three gay / same-sex attraction men who are following the covenant path and are not happy with alternative voices to that path. Cwic Show has always tried to elevate these...

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Gay Latter-day Saint on Tolerance vs Love

Gay Latter-day Saints Can Follow the Covenant Path

Skyler Sorenson hosts the podcast "Sit Down With Sky & Preston," two gay Latter-day Saint men who have married women in the temple and follow...

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