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President Oaks Clears Up Church Position On Family Doctrine and Respect For Marriage Act

The church is not "inching" toward same-sex marriage in the temple, as many suggest. Just the opposite.

We dig into three levels of President Oaks' speech--
1) The Respect For Marriage Act
2) Church...

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Does The LDS Church Support Same-Sex Marriage? - Respect For Marriage Act

Navigating Same-Sex Marriage And Religious Freedom

The Church seems to have set a course conceding that same-sex marriage is here to stay in the United States. However, its support of the Respect...

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Gay Latter-day Saint on Tolerance vs Love

Gay Latter-day Saints Can Follow the Covenant Path

Skyler Sorenson hosts the podcast "Sit Down With Sky & Preston," two gay Latter-day Saint men who have married women in the temple and follow...

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