- How might Peter and Jesus Christ be 'The Rock'
- What is the 'House built on a rock'?
and then he finishes up the Sermon on
the Mount was something really
interesting and that is he starts here
in verse 24 and he says therefore
whosoever heareth these sayings so he's
wrapping up these sayings of mine and
doeth them I will liken him unto a wise
man which built his house upon a rock
well again going through the geography
of the temple the rock would be at the
base of the holy of holies I guess even
said that they were there's probably a
cut in the rock on the Mount where the
Jerusalem Temple was but King Solomon's
Temple was and in this cut which is cut
exactly proportionately to the Ark of
the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant
sits down inside of it
not that deep but somewhat deep and then
the throne of God is behind that and the
Ark of the Covenant acts as the
footstool to the throne and so here as
you move through this ritual with Jesus
eventually you end up at the rock you
end up at the pinnacle at the Holy
of Holies at the throne of God the
representation of the king of Jehovah
there at the end and then he says that
and the rain descended and the floods
came and the winds blew and beat upon
that house and it fell not and you can
say your own house your own life you
could even talk about the temple here
that house of the house of the Lord for
it was founded upon a rock so are we
founded upon that rock
what rock is he referring to while being
specific he's talking about I think
seems to me that he's talking about the
rock of the temple he's talking about
the rock in the Holy of Holies are we
are we based on Christ where he is
sitting on his throne there on the rock
at the center of our lives and if we're
not at that rock if it's not built if
our lives our house our bodies our
Spirit is not built on that
he is the rock then it's like building
our house on sand again going back to
the values hierarchy if he's not at the
top then something else is and then our
entire level our entire totem pole of
values hierarchy is suspect and it's
like it's in Tolliver tis built on sand
because it's not focused on an eternal
principle and an eternal end and I also
think about the temple specifically
again with this because he says here in
verse 27 and the rain descended and the
floods came and the winds blew and beat
upon that house and he's talking now
about the house built on sand and it
fell and great was the fall of it and so
going back to Lehigh's time where I
believe from my research I believe that
at Jerusalem they took Christ out of
their theology or lowered him
significantly in their values hierarchy
and that was why Lehi had to leave
because he was preaching about Christ
and how important Christ was and yet
then after he leaves
of course Babylon comes King
Nebuchadnezzar comes and destroys the
temple and so the fall of it was great
and then of course about 45 years
probably or so after Christ here is
saying this the second temple falls to
the Romans as well and so he could
specifically also be using this as a
foreshadowing of what's about to happen
with the second temple here and of
course what had happened to the temple
of Solomon with the Babylonians as well
but the principle here is what are we
built on are we built on Christ or not
and I don't know what the reason is for
Peter being called Peter remember he's
Simon Peter so he was Simon and
apparently Jesus gave him the name Peter
which really means rock and so here
you have Peter as a rock
who is at the at the holy of holies he's
going to be the Prophet and he calls him
the rock in a sense as well at Peter
think of the city may be of Petra if
you know of the city Petra in Jordan I
think that's where the third Indiana
Jones was filmed with Sean Connery and
they go into that that city built in the
hills built in the rock where they have
to cross the invisible bridge that's
Petra in Jordan I believe that's where
it was filmed and so it means rock or
petrified it means you know something
that has been has been formed into rock
and so I wonder if that's where maybe
the thought is of Peter is being called
Peter I don't know that
50% Complete
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