Podcast & Blog

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Christmas Story Myths?

Dr. Ian Paul and Greg talk about the Christmas Story and some elements of the story which may be myths.

- Were Joseph and Mary poor?
- What is the "Inn?"
- Was Jesus born in a stable?
- Were Joseph...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 5- The Magi

'Christmas Part 5-  The Magi'

-  Who was Herod?

-  Who were the Magi

-  Where did they come from?

-  The Temple Imagery of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh




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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 4- The Shepherds

Christmas Part 4-  'The Shepherds'

-  Were these ordinary shepherds, or priestly shepherds

-  The Tower of the Flock is the likely place of the angel's visit.

-  Was Jesus...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 3- The Newborn King

'A Newborn King'

-  The proper names 'Mary' and 'Jesus'

-  Gabriel visits Joseph

-  The Virgin Birth as chasm between the Christians and the Jews

-  The loss of the Doctrine of...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 2- Mary & Elizabeth

'Mary & Elizabeth'

-  Gabriel visits the young Mary

-  Mary visits Elizabeth. They have a conversation.

-  Mary is the fulfillment of prophecy

-  Zacharias prophecies of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Christmas Part 1- Zacharias & Gabriel

'Zacharias & Gabriel'

-  Setting the Christmas Stage

-  Waiting for the Messiah or Waiting for The Son of God?

-  Zacharias as Priest in the temple

- The Christmas story starts...

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