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Proof Joseph Smith Practice Polygamy? feat. Brian C. Hales

Brian Hales provides numerous historical data points to show that Joseph Smith did indeed practice polygamy. Some documents are shared, as are QR codes for evidence that Brian provides.


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Michelle Stone's History Of Joseph Smith And Polygamy

Michelle Stone is a leading voice in a movement stating that Joseph Smith did not initiate or practice polygamy. We address President Nelson and President Oaks' multiple sealings, the succession of...

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Brigham Young Didn't Start Polygamy Or The Temple

A lot of online buzz from several influencers stating that Joseph Smith didn't practice polygamy or support temple ceremonies. This makes no sense and shows an apparent lack of understanding of the...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 135-136

"Like a Lamb to the Slaughter"

- The power of Joseph Smith
- He knew what was coming
- The transfer of the keys of the priesthood



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