Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Misguided Empathy Is Destroying Families, Culture, and Church

Dan Ellsworth and Jeff Bennion discuss the difference between Misguided Empathy/Malevolent Compassion and Charity. Is empathy/compassion a positive virtue, or does it depend on how it is used?...

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The Great and Abominable Church as Marxism

Dan Ellsworth is a prolific Latter-day Saint blogger and writer. He has been on the show a few times before. He discusses the Book of Mormon's Great and Abominable Church as the political and...

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Latter-Day Saint Faith Crisis - "It's A Natural Development Process"

Jeffrey Thayne, Nathaniel Givens, and Dan Ellsworth

What is faith? What is knowledge and testimony?

A faith crisis is a developmental event and a natural occurrence for some on a journey of faith....

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Cwic Week 11-22-21 Microaggressions, Demons, & The Constitution

- Comments on the Church Microaggression Email - Elder Bednar and Choosing to be Offended - Understanding Demons and the Context of the Sermon on the Mount - President Oaks, The US Constitution and...

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Understanding Demons? - Dan Ellsworth

A Continuation of our Conversation On The War In Heaven

Dan Ellsworth and I talk about whether demons are real, how their characteristics apply to you, and why you need to understand them. Dan also...

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