Do Jews, Muslims & Christians Worship The Same God? Ask Ammon!

A few years ago, a professor at a Christian University was fired for wearing a hijab and saying that Muslims and Christians worshiped the same god.

Ammon works his way through an interfaith dialogue.


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so here's a question for you do Muslims
and Christians and Jews worship the same
God something to really think about
certainly we each have different ideas
in this Abrahamic tradition as different
Abrahamic branches of who God is and
what he represents Christ definitely is
a difference maker from Judaism and mum
and Islam where we believe that Christ
was divine and is the savior of the
world there are other characteristics
and other differences in the way that
each of us worship and the things that
we worship about but there are also a
lot of similarities a few years ago
something happened that that made me
really think about this there was a
female professor at Wheaton College now
Wheaton is a Christian University it's
been called by some the the Harvard of
Christian universities and she wore a
hijab basically in solidarity with the
Muslims and along with that claimed that
Christians and Muslims worship the same
God and she was fired from Wheaton
College of course it's a private
university and if this doesn't go along
with their their religion and and what
they the rules of the university then
that's obviously a problem what they're
trying to teach I think a lot of us
would think that way about say for
example BYU and if there's too much of a
a teaching that's going on that's
outside of what the gospel preaches then
there might be an issue there and that's
happened before but she was fired and
the National Review wrote an article
about this but with one of their more
popular columnist David French about
what had happened here and and the the
title of the of the article was
and Muslims do not worship the same God
and that really made me think okay well
I guess we don't but in kind of we do do
they believe in the Creator do they
believe in a higher power do they
believe in being responsible to this God
a couple things that I might bring up
about this quickly first of all as a
Mormon as a latter-day Saint I've been
told by other Christians that I don't
worship the same God even though I say I
worship Jesus Christ and I believe that
he is the savior of the world and that
he resurrected on the third day and that
he is divine I I'm told still even then
that I don't worship the same God so
even as you narrow it down within
Christian traditions between a creedal
Christian and a latter-day Saint you
could still have especially coming from
the Credo Christian side I'm saying that
the Latter day Saints do not worship the
same God that they do I've seen that
written many times as well but a couple
of things to consider on this I've gone
back and looked at this and researched
this a little bit and if you just peek
behind the blinders a little bit into
other other religious worship you'd see
that the Muslims the Muslim deity is
Allah and that is an Arabic term for God
and if you translate that that the term
Allah directly from Arabic it means the
God also Christians and Jews who were
Arabs or lived in Arabia or spoke Arabic
in pre Muslim times called got their God
Allah and so they were using the Arabic
for god these are Jews and and
Christians and they called him Allah and
they still do today so if you have
Christians and and and Jewish Arabs that
speak Arabic they still call God Allah
they have the same root that Allah has
the same root to its to the word as l4
Elohim that we use the Canaanites had
the the God el and other Mesopotamians
called their God el the Jews called
their God el at least sometimes and
especially previously or Elohim the gods
and so these all kind of go back to the
same term and and I was reading shortly
after this in Alma chapter 18 and I
thought this was pretty interesting you
know setting this up this is where a man
goes to the Lamanites he wants to go out
and preach to the Lamanites and he's
gone out he's chopped off all the arms
taking care of King Lamoni sheep and
headed back and he's out in the in the
stables taking care of the horses for
him and King Lamoni is astonished he
calls him in and he can't speak for him
for to him for a long time he's came
it's because he's afraid that he is
maybe the Great Spirit but this is what
he says it's interesting now this was
the tradition of alimony and this is in
reference to asking about if he believes
in God because remember that the
Lamanites having broken off from the
Nephites they ended up with a different
religious tradition a lot of
similarities but a different religious
tradition and here's the question again
did the Lamanites worship the same God
as the Nephites here's here's how Alma
works through this or excuse me how
Amman works through this now this was
the tradition of Lamoni which he had
received from his father
that there was a great spirit King
Lamoni did open his mouth and said unto
Him who art thou art thou this great
spirit talking to a man who knows all
things so this is a a deity another
thing that would having that we would
all have in common that's saying that
he's omnipotent that this God knows all
things and Ammon then asks believe us
Val that there is a God and in Arabic
you would ask do you believe that there
is and Allah and he answered and said
unto Him I do not know what that meaneth
so he's not sure exactly what you're
saying in other words Allah God Jesus
we're all using different terms or names
so whatever name maybe it's el maybe
it's Jehovah we're not sure we don't
know the term that Ammon is using here
but Lamoni says I'm not sure exactly
what you mean by that
and so it follows up here and says and
then Ammon said believe us now that
there is a great spirit so he is taking
whatever term he used for God and now he
is using Lamoni term for God and
certainly there are different practices
there are different beliefs there are
different traditions although there
would be a lot of similarities in their
festivals and their rights and their
rituals etc you would imagine but he
asks him believe us now that there is a
great spirit he's using his alimonies
term and he said yay
and here's Emmons response and Ammon
said this is God or he might have said
this is Jehovah or this is El probably
Jehovah this is Jehovah so really
interesting to think about this do
Muslims Jews and Christians worship the
same God
at least according to the way Amman
works through his interfaith
relationship he's saying yes you call
him something I call him something else
but this is God and this is who I speak
oh it's an interesting point here we'll
talk to you next time

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