Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Priesthood Is Not What You Think

Todd McLauchlin is back for a deep-dive conversation on the priesthood!

- What is the Priesthood?
- The Ordinances of the Priesthood
- Being Invited Into The Order
- The Priesthood In The Temple

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Come Follow Me LDS - Exodus 18-20, Moses, Jethro & Priesthood

Exodus 18 and Abraham 3 - Sinai a Temple Experience

Exodus chapter 18 is not primarily about delegation. It is about the priesthood. It is parallel to Abraham 3. As the stage gets set for the Sinai...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Exodus 7-13, Moses, the Plagues, & The Rod

The Rod Represents The Priesthood

The rod that turned to a serpent on the Mountain acts as a symbol of the true priesthood. The demonstration in front of Pharaoh with the serpents is yet another...

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Cwic Show- LDS Author, Janette Rallison

- What does it take to be a successful author? Janette Rallison outlines her path to selling over 1,000,000 books

- When fiction is used as truth - Male readers vs. female readers

- The rarity of...

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Cwic Show- Amazing Story of Church Work in the Military

When the environment requires it, the church must adapt in its organization and approach. Graham was part of a group made up of a Branch President and eleven, yes eleven counselors in a 'pressure...

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What Does it Mean to Sustain?

Different people would likely have vastly different answers to this question. If you are more liberal, the meaning may be more loose, if you are more conservative, it may be a...

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