Cwic Clips- Authorship

authorship cwic clips Feb 28, 2020

A brief clip on this 'Interpreter' or principle. The authors of the scriptures have a message. It is well thought out and typically written a long time after the events and message they are recording. Not a 'play by play'.




now this brings up one last point that I

would like to make and that is about

authorship authorship would be the next

point that I want to go over as a filter

to look at the Scriptures of course

there's a lot of things we can look at

as filters or paradigms lenses but this

is the third one I would like to talk

about we've talked about the higher and

lower law number one we've talked

secondly about Temple theology or temple

imagery and now authorship I think

is a very important point and this is

what I mean by that and nothing that

complicated we oftentimes look at the

Scriptures as if somebody is writing

down what is happening as it happens

kind of like if you're watching sports

and the play-by-play guy is going on

about you know a football game and you

know was talking about it the ball is

snapped the quarterback drops back into

the pocket the rush is on the pocket is

collapsing he moves up throws a strike

and onto the sideline first down that's

not what's happening here right this is

this is something that happens much much

later decades probably later from what

has originally occurred and in many

cases it's not even a first-hand account

so I want you to put yourself in the

shoes of any of these authors of the

scriptures let's say for example one of

the Gospels and you're writing about

this and even if you did witness this

yourself some of these things yourself

but it's decades later how are you going

to write this let's say that you are

very inspired and you feel very close to

the Lord you've got the spirit with you

and you want to be effective in this

witness to Jesus as the Christ and these

principles of the gospel and this

bringing in of the higher law how are

you going to write this you have time to

think about that and you're going to

organize it in a certain way that brings

up specific points and in some cases you

might even exaggerate to get a point


in some of the cases you might leave

things out to get a point across other

times you might use a little bit of

story telling to be able to get the

principle stated differently you might

even move events around sometimes to be

able to get an overall flow to the

message that you are trying to bring

across so let's say that you have this

and now you're trying to write a play

about it and you are going to have

actors that speak and that are

representing the original characters

what are you going to have them say you

have some things that might be taken

directly as actual words that were

written some things that are secondhand

how are you going to do that and how are

you going to be effective for that

audience to get the right story and to

get the message of something

of course here so imperatively

important that you're going to get that

across so think about how these

narratives are composed we have an

example here of how the Jesus is the


right we have these two chapters that

are brought together there's its overall

in all of the Gospels he's shown as

the healer but here specifically Matthew

and Mark go in and focus in on him as

the healer and not just the physical

healer but let's get the message across

they're thinking I believe that he is

the savior of the world that he is the

the spiritual healer as well and so

that's how the narration is going to

come across and that's how they're

thinking and so if we move ourselves

back and try not to read this as

specifically a line-by-line play-by-play

action history but as a narrative that

is meant for us to try and understand

then I think we can understand

the Scriptures a little bit better


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