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President Oaks & Elder Gilbert - Proclaim Truth!

Resist "the invading ideologies that seek control . ."

Ensign College Devotional

- In the Last Days, good will be called evil, and evil will be called good.

- "We must stand fast against the values...

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Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood

Brad Wilcox Fireside Controversy, Race and the Priesthood
Brother Brad Wilcox Comments, Apology, and Reactions
What exactly did Brother Brad Wilcox say in his Fireside remarks? Was it racist? What...

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Thoughts on Lehi's Dream, CRT and Racism

Lehi's Dream can be an anchor point for context and insight with ideas, groups, worldviews, and ideologies. Here I share a few thoughts asking the audience to make a couple of assumptions with me...

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