Podcast & Blog

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President Oaks & Elder Gilbert - Proclaim Truth!

Resist "the invading ideologies that seek control . ."

Ensign College Devotional

- In the Last Days, good will be called evil, and evil will be called good.

- "We must stand fast against the values...

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NAACP & Elon Musk Buys Twitter Follow-Ups

NAACP /Church Agreement Based On Self-Reliance - Changes Already at Twitter

According to Critical Race Theory and Whiteness Studies, self-reliance is "whiteness". However, this is exactly what the...

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Clear Thinking- NAACP, Elder Holland's BYU Speech, and LGBTQ

In an October 2020 address at BYU, President Oaks explained that we need to have "clear thinking" about social issues. This address seems to have set the table for Elder Holland's recent BYU...

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The Latter-day Saints and NAACP Partnership

In a historic press conference, the NAACP and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solidified their partnership with new initiatives and words of solidarity and coming to Christ....

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