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National Press Club Elder Bednar and Identitarianism

At the National Press Club Elder Bednar Speaks in DC

Direct questions often elicit direct answers. Elder Bednar answers questions on gay marriage in the temple, women and the priesthood, and Trans...

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Identity and The Gospel - General Conference Commentary

Hyperemphasizing Less Important Identities

The West, through nefarious ideologies of identity, is systematically being broken down by society, family, and the individual. We live in a world...

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Jesus Taught A Leftist Social Justice - BYU Professor

The Ideological Divide That BYU Faces
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Is Politics Your New Religion?

In a fiercely, politically divisive time many seem to take their political passion and raise it above the values and adherence of their religion.

A big part of this rise in political passion is the...

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Cwic Show- BLM, Race, Identity Politics, Church

'Ben Overton' Tim and I disagree on several issues on race, identity politics, the Anti-Racist movement and identity politics, but this is a good discussion from two people with differing...

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Cwic Show- Identity Politics, BYU & LDS Scholarship

'Identity Politics, BYU & LDS Scholarship'

Critical Theory is now a dominant ideology throughout academe and is one of the foundations of the Social Justice movement and Identity Politics. It's...

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