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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

"Submission, Holy Ghost, and Gifts"

Our world is moving from a state of responsibility to a state of victimhood. Part of this is due to a lack of gratitude and submission to the Fluid Hierarchy.


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Come Follow Me LDS- Moroni 10

'The Gifts of The Spirit'

- Moroni's overall message is about opening the heavens
- Moroni's Book of Mormon Promise
- Moroni outlines 9 Spiritual Gifts, 9 is a Spiritual number identified in ancient...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Moroni 7

'Mormon & Moroni's Message'
- Entry to the fluid hierarchy is required before progression through Faith, Hope & Charity
- Faith, Hope & Charity are the highest of spiritual gifts

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Come Follow Me LDS- Ether 12-15

'Faith, Hope & Charity'
- Moroni covers the attributal progression of Faith, Hope & Charity
- We show weakness to enter into the Fluid Hierarchy
- Disparity and injustice allow us to exercise...

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Cwic Show- HOPE And How To Live With It

What is Hope? How do you develop it and why do we need it? Also, how does it fit in the Attributal Triad of 'Faith, Hope & Charity'? I talk about these questions and really try to get at the...

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Come Fe Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 4-6 (Apr 20-26)

'King Benjamin & The 4 Phases of the Priesthood'

-  King Benjamin's Speech passes through Faith, Hope & Charity

-  The difference between Marxism and King Benjamin

- The Fluid...

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