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New BYU President Shane Reese - Strike Out Or Home Run?

Yesterday Elder Holland announced that the current Vice-President of Academics, Shane Reese, would be the next President of BYU beginning May 1, 2023.

Who is Shane Reese and is this a positive...

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BYU Black Menaces Protest Against Religious Exemptions

Also, BYU Halts Students From Singing Hymns In Response

BYU Protest gathers hundreds of students to support a lawsuit against
BYU that would remove the religious exemption from Title IX

There is a...

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BYU's New Feminist Theories Course

BYU Launches Next Identitarian Head of the Hydra Course called "Feminist Theories"

- This course might more appropriately be called, "Feminist CRITICAL Theories"
- The Hydra of Critical Social...

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BYU Comments- Yes, It's Happening

Comments from BYU Parents, Students, & Faculty.



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