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7 Threats In Our Times - Threat 7 - The Attack Upon the Biblical Family

"Of all the social institutions designed by God, I suppose none is under greater attack than the family."

"If you pierce the family, you pierce its society."

"When Marx and Engels declared...

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7 Threats Of Our Times - Threat 6 - Addicted and Soft, Dependent and Lost

Has the underbelly of society been weakened? Have we been weened onto addiction and dependence? Have we lost our way?

Teenagers spend an average of 9 hours/day with their phones and entertainment,...

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The 7 Threats Of Our Time - Threat 5 - Rise Of A Demonic Worldview and The National Rift

Most of the newer ideologies today are simply repackaged Marxism. Many don't want to hear that. Some will say it is conspiratorial, others that it is not true. But anyone who really studies these...

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7 Threats in Our Times - Threat 4 - The Consolidation Of Massive Earthly Power - Del Tackett

"One of the most fascinating aspects of God's nature is that He delegates authority and power."

God's truth is based on order and hierarchy. We receive God's word but then are charged with sharing...

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7 Threats in Our Times - Threat 3 - The Loss of the Noble Male and the Rise of Malevolent Compassion

What has happened to the men (Noble Male) in the West?
What happens when compassion is "untethered?"
Culture cannot function properly without the balance of men and women.
The Noble Male is driven by...

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7 Threats in Our Times - Threat 2- "Homo Deus and Meo Christianity" -Del Tackett

"One of the first things that happen when a culture loses the larger story of God is that there is only one story left—mine."

A loss of our identity as Children of God, means that other...

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7 Threats in Our Times - Threat 1- "The Rise of the Scoffer and The Depraved Mind" -Del Tackett

"The Rise of the Scoffer and The Depraved Mind" is the first in a seven-part series. This interfaith collaboration is based on Del Tackett's series written on his website at deltackett.com

In this...

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