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ESG, Bud Light, and The Fight For Capitalism

capitalism esg marlo oaks Jul 03, 2023

In 2022, Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks divested state funds out of BlackRock holdings as he learned more about their commitment to ESG, a corporate social credit system. Marlo discusses how ESG...

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Walk- Deseret Book Rumors - The Virgins, The Talents, and The Goats Is About Marginalized & Charity

- Deseret Book rumors- I never said that Deseret Book was "waving" the pride flag in their stores.

- US Debt is not an eternal principle

- Capitalism is dead without grace and charity

- The Three...

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3 BYU Professors Teaching Critical Race Theory and Activism In Their Own Words

Several BYU professors teaching and activating students as they support Critical Race Theory and advocate for Ibram Kendi's anti-capitalist, anti-liberal democracy, Antiracism agenda, and book....

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