Podcast & Blog

All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.

Walk - Why Is The Church Losing The Doctrine Of Judgment?

Judgment is rarely mentioned anymore. Not fire and brimstone judgment, just an understanding that judgment stands between us and God.

The Redemption is only good for those who use it. "No unclean...

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Come Follow Me LDS - The Garden of Eden and The Fall

- Eve was beguiled but should be held up higher on a pedestal for a righteous choice.
- The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents the Law of God among other things.
- "Death" in the Garden of...

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Creation, Eve and The Garden of Eden - Provo Presentation

Cwic Interpreter - Temple Imagery & Drama
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The audio is not up to par, but the...

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Thoughts on Alma, Death & The Garden of Eden

What was the serpent really saying to Eve?
- Amulek & Alma talk about the first and second deaths
- While speaking on judgment, Alma brings up the Garden of Eden
- Throughout the scriptures, death...

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God's Love Is Not Exactly Unconditional

As is outlined by Elder Nelson in the article below, God’s love for us is not necessarily unconditional.What does that mean? It means that we feel of God’s love more as we obey the...

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