Podcast & Blog

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Don't Be A Victim - Your Relationship with God - General Conference Commentary

Our Relationship With God Is Above Adversity

Elder Christofferson guides us through the noise of adversity to the signal of our relationship with Christ and teaches us not to be victims. Using the...

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Come Follow Me LDS - Doctrine and Covenants 46-48

"Submission, Holy Ghost, and Gifts"

Our world is moving from a state of responsibility to a state of victimhood. Part of this is due to a lack of gratitude and submission to the Fluid Hierarchy.


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Cwic Show- Agency & Consequences, Gary C. Lawrence

"Agency & Consequences'
Gary and I discuss his most recent book, The Magnificent Gift of Agency, To Act and Not Be Acted Upon. Gary extrapolates on what agency is and how it relates to several...

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