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Dinner with Millennials- LDS: Why Some Millennials Might Be Leaving the Church- Mormon

faith crisis millenials Jan 28, 2019

This is a faith-promoting discussion.
Faith crisis?
Millennials go over why some of their generation and the 'Z' generation might leave the church today or what might cause a faith crisis, including...

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Dinner w Millenials- LDS: Free Agency and Biology, Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson

-If there was not a human 'spirit', just biology, could we have free agency?
-What determines free agency? Does evolutionary psychology explain our free will?
-Why is the individual so important?


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Dinner With Millenials- LDS: Women, Work & Wear

millenials modesty women Aug 21, 2018

-If there was not a human 'spirit', just biology, could we have free agency?
-What determines free agency? Does evolutionary psychology explain our free will?
-Why is the individual so important?


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