All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
Were the Nephites brown-skinned? When the Book of Mormon speaks of skin color, is it literal or a metaphor? Actual or symbolism? Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians used skin color as a...
A Panel Discussion Several South African Latter-day Saints talk bout race, apartheid, and the Restored Church. How is the Church viewed? Is it a "white" Church? What does this mean when there are...
The recent Cuban protests shine a light on a message that the media often does not want to share- protesting against Marxism. Ibram Kendi, a Critical Race Theorist, used the example of Castro's...
BYU has already added several courses based on the suggestions from the Committee on Race, Equity, and Belonging. Will this be a good thing? Are these Social Justice courses? How will these be...
As was predicted, some professors at BYU are already starting to teach the students that President Nelson's words are the same as Ibram Kendi's words and go along with Critical Race Theory.
Blake Smith is a faithful Latter-day Saint with same sex attraction (SSA). In the '70s, he went through electroshock aversion therapy at BYU-I (then Ricks College). This was a common practice...
In a historic press conference, the NAACP and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solidified their partnership with new initiatives and words of solidarity and coming to Christ....
Representative Steve Christiansen is the sponsor for House Resolution (HR) 901 detailing the restriction of "race essentialism", a part of Critical Race Theory, being taught in Utah public schools....
"We Have Received The Proclamations For A Reason"
As we observe the fruits of Critical Race Theory in several Christian denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church of...
"Codependent Discipleship"
"What is Codependency?"
Nick Galieti and Jennifer Roach discuss their book, Codependent Discipleship. We discuss the interrelationship of codependency with God and with...
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