all right let's take a
walk uh I want to talk a little bit
about the direction that the church
seems to be going in terms of judgment
we seem to be uh again
more at a local level but uh we seem to
be and maybe Beyond we seem to
be getting rid of judgment so I want to
talk about that a little bit and why
that is so
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Articles a week there also this episode
is brought to you by going to travel the
momentum Cruise you know the one that is
on the west and on the East the West is
already sold out in January the East
still has uh some availability to it
this is the one that goes to the
Caribbean it's going to be a lot of fun
you have a lot of different uh Talent
there you've got Nathan Pacho and others
that uh performed at
the birthday for president Nelson and
the boner
family uh Pastor Jeff myself and others
that uh will be giving presentations and
uh offering entertainment that is second
to none and you're going to be around
hundreds of other latterday Saints lot
of fun would really recommend that you
try this out from momentum East it is in
February of 2025 go to Quick
go to trips and events and scroll down
momentum okay uh judgment right what is
up with judgment we don't want to talk
about it it's like you don't you hear a
lesson and it's not about I'm not saying
everywhere right but there there is a
where we don't want to talk
about Sin we don't want to talk about
judgment and this is what happens to
churches is they move down this path of
Tolerance we have gone through this
quite a bit already and remember that
the gate is straight right it's a
Straight Gate which means narrow and the
way is narrow it is not broad there is a
specific way that we are supposed to
follow and the
entire purpose of God in Moses 139 is to
bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of man well that's
two-sided right one side is from God
where he is going to offer us all of the
mercy all of the grace to be able to
accomplish this through the atoning
sacrifice of Jesus Christ in other ways
the spirit the scriptures the prophets
Etc the other side of that is us we will
be judged by our
works and
and we don't want to talk about that
anymore cuz our culture doesn't really
allow that
anymore we are going to be judged by our
works not only that if you go to Alma 13
12 and 13 I think it is maybe 11 and 12
I'mma 11 and 12 you we're judged by our
works we're judged by our
thoughts we are judged by our
Behavior it is
uh our words right that's okay we want
that you want that because judgment is
what allows for
exaltation right that's what allows for
exaltation and this movement to
reduce sin to reduce
judgment is very dangerous because what
happens is when you reduce judgment you
Mercy when you reduce judgment you
reduce Grace let me explain
that when you have no need and you don't
have an understanding that you have a
need for a
savior when you don't feel
constantly when you don't feel
that you need to rely on the atoning
sacrifice of Jesus
Christ to help you perfect yourself and
help you become who you're supposed to
become as a fallen being right you want
to move Beyond
this then you don't need the Savior
anymore right if you reduce judgment you
don't need a
savior and this is what happens this is
what happens I believe a in big part to
the Jews uh they start going purely into
Works spaced on one end the other end is
what you see in the Book of Mormon with
am the yonah Heights and this is where
and AMC are actually teaching and
preaching about this
specifically they don't believe in a in
a savior none of the denters do right
none of the dissenters in the Book of
Mormon believe in a
savior and the reason they don't believe
in a savior is because they don't
believe in judgment they believe that
there is no judgment that there is no
sin that they can do what they want to
do and that God is going to save them
regardless right not true and Alma and
AMC are preaching very strongly against
this uh neoris right it's a neor ISM
doctrine that they believe there in
amanah and we can see this very plainly
in the Garden of Eden if we understand
and we look at this a little differently
right the Garden of Eden account is not
a historic
account it is a vision that is then
adapted over to
a drama right it is it is written for
the temple it's not written for some
historical account it is written for the
temple and that doesn't mean it's not
true got always qualify that doesn't
mean there's not a Garden of Eden there
is it doesn't mean there's not an Adam
and Eve there is right but when you
understand that it's a vision then you
can look closer at what these things
symbolize when you think about Lehi
Vision lehi's dream you immediately can
put yourself into it because you
understand it you understand it's a
vision you're the one who's supposed to
hold on to the iron Rod you're the one
who's moving toward the tree of life you
are the one who
is uh uh you know trying not to wander
off into the Mists of
Darkness it's the same thing with the
Garden of Eden that's you right you
partake of the fruit you are tempted by
Satan you are to look for The Messengers
and make the covenants and keep the
covenants and make the sacrifices at
least of a broken heart and a contrite
spirit that's you
right so in the Garden of Eden once Adam
and Eve partake of a fruit the fruit let
me go back there's two things that Satan
says to Eve that promises her if she
will partake of the fruit one is true
right he said he says to her that you
shall become like the Gods well this is
true and in fact right there in Genesis
and the other accounts they I think it's
all the other accounts you get God
confirming this so they have become like
the gods and knowing good From Evil all
right that was her desire a righteous
desire it's the second point where she
gets beguiled and she is
beguiled all of scripture says this
every book of scripture says this and
it's important to understand that she is
because that's what creates a fallen man
and woman
so Satan says to her you shall not
surely die you're not going to
die and in our minds in our modern
Western Minds we think to ourselves well
all he's really talking about is
mortality is is is is a physical death
but it's not and I would suggest that
primarily we ought to think of it as a
spiritual death and as a physical death
secondarily it's going to be a
separation what Lucifer is saying or
Satan is saying there is
hey you don't need to worry about
judgment that's what he's saying you
don't need to worry about judgment you
don't need to worry about a separation
from God that's not going to happen the
death the spiritual death as Elma puts
it in in Elma 12 the second death is
what he calls
it is not going to happen but of course
it does and right after
Heavenly Father and Jesus come and visit
Adam and Eve right there are then some
additional characters Beyond those two
that show up in the scene can you think
of what they
are there's at least two cherubs right
cherub is plural with a flaming sword
and they're placed in front of the Tree
Life okay that is
Judgment that is Judgment now that they
have part taken of the fruit of the
knowledge of Good and Evil it's not bad
but it brings death it brings spiritual
death because now you know what's right
and what's wrong think of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil as the
law of God as an example symbolizing the
law of God and once you know the law of
God now you can sin so of course Satan
and now you're
doomed because now the Cherub them
coming in they are judgment they're
going to stand in the way of the tree of
life and you have no way to get
back except to pass through that
judgment and no one can get through it
unless there is a savior that is
and so the savior's provided but we have
to utilize that right we have to repent
we aren't just given the the Salvation
we have to we have to repent and take
advantage of that so what happens is I
if you reduce
judgment then you reduce the need for
the Savior you reduce the need for
Christ and and then you don't need to
lean on him and then it's not as big of
a deal now you can turn Jesus into a
teddy bear Jesus he loves everybody he
tolerates everything he loves you as you
are he doesn't expect you to change he
doesn't expect you to work he doesn't
expect you to repent he doesn't expect
any of these things
and that's not
true and and what I see what I
think is that people are
not absorbed into the scriptures
enough because when you read the
scriptures it becomes very very
obvious just how important this is you
can't have a teddy bear Jesus the gospel
is not a teddy bear gospel it is a
gospel of expectations it is a gospel of
encouragement and inspiration to move
Beyond where you're at and to improve
and to perfect
uh a lot of people talk about the the
scripture in second Nephi
2523 right which is and by the way
chapter 25 in second Nephi is about
judgment go through it and read it and
you'll see how many times he's talking
about Isaiah and the Prophecies of the
judgments that are going to happen to to
his people and other people's it's about
judgment second Nephi 25:23 says after
or for we labor diligently to write to
persuade our children and also our
Brethren to Believe In
Christ he's saying this because he's
been talking about judgment and what
will come to pass if you don't do these
things right to Believe In Christ and to
be reconciled to God to repent and fall
into the way right move into the way the
way for we know that it is by grace for
we know so it's going a follow up to
what he just said of being
reconciled to God for we know that it is
by grace that we are
saved after all we could do there a lot
of discussion on this it's like okay
well so it's a workspace deal it's
everything you do you try your best and
then you know Jesus makes up the rest
that's not what it
is and there are other examples of that
phrase all we can do or something very
similar to it in the Book of Mormon it's
always about
repentance it's always about repentance
and you can see right here it is exactly
followup to what he just said for we
know this is exactly talking about being
reconciled to God and repenting right
you need judgment you need judgment what
I've seen and I've brought this up
before is that there is a
a a lack of teaching the doctrine of
exaltation we don't talk about it that
much anymore how many times have you
heard actually heard the word
exaltation in a lesson in the last I
don't know five
years um that's what it's all about
right Moses 139 that is what everything
is about and there's a problem it's the
them right even right there in in
chapter 12 of Alma again and later on in
third and Nephi right about this week or
last week that we have in our come me
reading it tells us specifically no
thing can enter the kingdom of God right
that is a
law and see God can't change that he
cannot change that because if he does
he's not
just and if he's not just
well you can't trust him right you can't
have a God that isn't
just so he can't do that or he ceases to
God so there is a just God who is going
to judge is's going to be judgment and
that's a positive if you are doing what
you're supposed to do that's a positive
if you are
repenting that's a positive if you are
trying to build a relationship with God
stay on the Covenant path and keep your
if there was no judgment you there would
be no
exaltation but everything about the
gospel is getting around that chub
everything even and and and you know
getting past this law of no unclean
thing can enter the kingdom of
God and I I this teddy bear Jesus thing
I I hear it so
often right that
that let me ask you something you know
we've got this pendulum that's swings
cuz it did used to be you know 20 30
years ago it was just like there wasn't
enough of the grace I think that's right
I think there wasn't enough
of there was too judgmental
right um but you
can't you can't give up one or the other
you can't give one up you give up
judgment you've got to have
both and now we've had this pendulum
swing all the way to the other side
Grace Grace Grace Mercy Mercy Mercy God
loves you no matter what everything's
fine all is well in Zion you don't need
to worry about
anything it's what you see online right
all over the
place and within Church discussions
which within members members discussions
that isn't
true right those individuals that are
saying that are not delving into the
scriptures in my opinion I don't see how
they can when you read the scriptures
it's as plain as can be it is everywhere
what what we need to be doing and in
fact in most cases the prophets are
writing in the scriptures because things
are falling apart and they're looking
for repentance they're looking for a
Reconciliation to
right Elma 11 AMU speaking says you
cannot be saved in your
sins and Elma 12 from Elma right
that if you don't if you're not
reconciled then it's as if there's no
Redemption the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
only counts for those that use it for
those that utilize it that is very very
clear it's only for those that utilize
it now how many times have you heard
that spoken in the last several years
probably not that much