Podcast & Blog

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Cwic Show- Deconstructing Christianity- The Threat of Post-Modern Critical Theory

Deconstructing Christianity
A major threat to Christianity and its cornerstone book, the Bible, is the worldview and ideology of Post-Modern Critical Theory. Obviously the conjunction of...

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Cwic Clips- LDS Scholarship and Mormon Studies as Zenos' Allegory of the Olive Tree

Jerusalem vs. Alexandria? -  An observation on the state of LDS Scholarship and Mormon Studies

They are like Zenos' Allegory of the Olive Tree. Wild branches are brought into the vineyard to...

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Cwic Show- Identity Politics, BYU & LDS Scholarship

'Identity Politics, BYU & LDS Scholarship'

Critical Theory is now a dominant ideology throughout academe and is one of the foundations of the Social Justice movement and Identity Politics. It's...

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