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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 1-7 Part 2 (Sep7-13)

- The Nephites and Lamanites remain "gathered" to defend against the Gadianton Robbers.
- The Nephites/Lamanites eliminate all of the Gadianton Robbers
- Mormon inserts his words about...

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Come Follow Me LDS- 3 Nephi 1-7 Pt 1 (Sep 7-13)

"The Sign"
- The "ultimate" ultimatum set for believers on the day set for the "sign" of the birth of Christ
- A new star appears (The star the Magi followed)
- The Gadianton Robbers use a new...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Helaman 7-12 (Aug 24-30)

'Spiritual Famine'
- Nephi calls for repentance from the garden tower
- He preaches that all of the prophets including Abraham, Moses and Isaiah, prophesied of the coming of Jesus Christ.
- Nephi...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Helaman 1-6 (Aug 17-23)

"Gadianton Robbers"
- Kishkumen assassinates Pahoran the Chief Judge
- The Lamanites take Zarahemla and kill Pacumeni
- Nephi & Lehi preach to the Nephites and the Lamanites. They are encircled...

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