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Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 12-13

The Aaronic Priesthood in the Latter Days'
John the Baptist, the icon of the Aaronic Priesthood, visits Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and confers upon them the keys of the lower, preparatory...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 16-17, Mark 8-9, Luke 9,Part 2

'High Places, A Shiny Face & Elias x2'
- Jesus Takes Peter James & John to a 'High Place'
- John the Baptist & Moses Appear
- There are two different Eliases



Come Follow Me...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Matthew 14-15, Mark 6-7, John 5-6 Part 1

'Bed & Bath, Graves & Dancing'
- Jesus heals a man who carries his bed on the Sabbath
- Jesus will teach in the Spirit World
- Herodias' daughter dances to get the head of John the Baptist


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A Cursory Exploration of the Higher and Lower Laws- LDS

-A different way of looking at the scriptures!
-Throughout the scriptures, the authors use a framework of The Higher (Melchizedek) and Lower (Aaronic) Laws to present their stories and lessons.

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Come Follow Me LDS - Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3

-Why John the Baptist is mentioned and prophesied of so much in scripture.
-How the meeting of John and Jesus at the Jordan River represents the two priesthoods.
-Why there must be a separation of...

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