-Why John the Baptist is mentioned and prophesied of so much in scripture. -How the meeting of John and Jesus at the Jordan River represents the two priesthoods. -Why there must be a separation of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. -How the sacrament represents the two priesthoods.
Raw Transcript
okay so this is the come follow me
lesson for the New Testament which
focuses on Matthew three mark one and
Luke three calls prepare ye the way of
the Lord the focus of this is on John
the Baptist what we want to look at here
is why is John the Baptist such a
central figure in the story of Christ
first off what I'd like to do is if we
go back and look at a few scriptures
here we're going to see that John the
Baptist is mentioned either explicitly
or implicitly throughout the scriptures
constantly the authors of the books of
the scriptures want to bring up John the
Baptist and in fact we can even look
implicitly at Genesis 1:1 the very first
verse in the Bible and this is what it
says it says in the beginning God
created the heaven and the earth well
what are we saying here in Jewish
thought and in ancient Middle Eastern
thought what they are saying is not just
specifically to the earth and to the
heavens being created but rather to the
spirit and to physical creation so the
heaven would represent God or the spirit
or our spirits even and the earth
represents what is physical and so
Genesis opens up talking about this
duality of spirit and of physicality and
how they're going to work together and
then of course as it goes through the
creation story it's talking more and
more about bringing these two things
together and then eventually bringing
together man and woman we can look at
the priesthood in the same way you have
heaven and you have earth you have a
representation here of the Melchizedek
Priesthood which would be heaven and the
Aaronic priesthood which would be earth
Melchizedek Priesthood is focused on
spiritual things and the ironic
priesthood is focused on temporal things
or carnal things then we go back and we
can win - Isaiah this is going back to
about 700 BC we see Isaiah already
talking about a forerunner a precursor
to Christ and as you know Isaiah is a
really focuses on the Savior throughout
his writings and here he brings up John
the Baptist also it's very important for
him that this is laid out when talking
about the Savior and so in in chapter 40
Isaiah 40 verse 1 he says comfort ye
comfort ye my people saith your God now
comfort is can is a translation of the
Hebrew knock'em which really means
repentance so if we read this repent ye
repent ye my people saith your God we
get an understanding that this is a
repentance is a forerunner to bringing
in Christ when we repent we are putting
ourselves into a position to bring in
the spirit and to bring in Melchizedek
Priesthood functions and administration
of the Spirit so repentance is a no
Roenick priesthood function that is why
baptism by immersion is an ironic
priesthood function a priest can
baptized of the Aaronic priesthood but
yet the baptism of the Spirit is a
Melchizedek Priesthood function it's
when we received the gift of the Holy
Ghost that must be given by the laying
on of hands by somebody with them I'll
kiss it ik priesthood and there we have
heaven and earth in that combination and
then if we go another step further and
we talk about renewing our covenants
every week with the sacrament we have
the same representation of Genesis 1:1
and that is the heaven is the wine or
water that represents the spirit and
life and the bread is a representation
of carnal or of temporal of Earth going
down to Isaiah 40 verse 3 it says the
voice of him that crieth in the
the ironic priesthood is the priesthood
of the individual it is focused on your
agency your behavior the commandments
repentance baptism these are all a
Roenick priesthood functions they're
talking about things that are focused on
you and your body whereas the
Melchizedek Priesthood it's not an
individual priesthood it is about
marriage and about family and then about
community but first you have to have the
ironic priesthood and here part of that
Aaronic priesthood as well is the
decision to preach the decision it's
it's freedom of speech it's the ability
to make your own decisions to obey or
not obey with your agency and to speak
and here you have a reference to John
the Baptist and to a function of the
Aaronic priesthood when it says the
voice of him that crieth in the
wilderness prepare ye the way of the
Lord make straight in the desert a
highway for our God now in ancient times
it was very important as in in the
procession of the king that first the
pathway would be cleared out so rocks
would be moved right that something
would be a stumbling block which is
referred to in the scriptures they try
and level out the pathway and and then
the procession of the king oftentimes
coming into the temple especially the
temple this is reminiscent of the temple
ceremony and festival that drama that
took place in Israel every year for
eight days during the time of the
festival of Tabernacles and first you
would need to clear the path before the
king came through and that's how the
John the Baptist is looked at he is
going to prepare the way
for the king who is Christ another
prophet in the Old Testament talks about
John and this is Malachi the last book
in the Old Testament and we go to
chapter 3 verse 1 behold I will send my
messenger and he shall prepare the way
before me and the Lord whom you seek
shall suddenly come to his temple even
the messenger of the Covenant whom he
delight in behold he shall come saith
the Lord of hosts going over to the Book
of Mormon this is during Old Testament
times also this is somewhere in the 6th
century BC Nephi and he spake also
concerning a prophet who should come
before the Messiah to prepare the way of
the Lord this is in first Nephi 10 7 yay
even he should go forth and cry in the
wilderness so he's preaching it's his
speech prepare ye the way of the Lord
and make his paths straight for there
standeth one among you whom he know not
and he is mightier than I whose shoes
latchet I am not worthy to unloose now
looking more specifically at the
priesthood of the Aaronic priesthood we
see in Section 84 this is where we find
the oath and covenant of the priesthood
but the whole section here is very
important to understand why there is a
split in the priesthood that is why is
there an ironic priesthood in the
Melchizedek Priesthood and specifically
here we look at verses 26 to 28 says and
the lesser priesthood continued now what
they're referring to here is that Moses
when he went up to Sinai he came back
down with the commandments and the
covenant of the Melchizedek Priesthood
for everyone remember he said that the
Lord wanted all of Israel to be priests
well they rejected it the children of
Israel rejected the Melchizedek
Priesthood and it's availability for
everyone and so Moses then goes back up
to Sinai
gets new tablets that are and an ironic
covenant that is a lower covenant and
comes back down and that is where we get
the law of Moses and a lower covenant
that was made and mostly an ironic
priesthood functioning temple up until
the time of Christ so he says and the
lesser priesthood continued so they
stayed with the ironic priesthood which
priesthood holdeth the key of the
ministering of angels and the
preparatory gospel so again the
preparatory gospel the Aaronic
priesthood is the preparatory priesthood
not because young men are preparing to
receive the McKissack priesthood that is
a cultural fallacy it is a preparatory
priesthood because that is the progress
that each of us go through men and women
as we go through the functions of the
priesthood we first go through the
Aaronic priesthood just like in the
sacrament with the bread and then we go
through the Melchizedek Priesthood
functions of the water and we do that in
the temple and we do that in life we go
from an individual decision to creating
a family to becoming partner of the
larger community remember that in the
restoration wouldn't it have been so
much easier for Peter James and John to
come down and just give him the majestic
priesthood because of course the Aaronic
priesthood is an appendage of the
Melchizedek Priesthood but that's not
what happened first John the Baptist
came and gave the priesthood to Joseph
Smith and Oliver Cowdery so first they
received the ironic priesthood and then
later they received the McKissack
priesthood this is how the Lord works
this is a representation of the progress
that we all make going through the plan
of salvation and so it was apparently
very important to the Lord that this was
demonstrated and that this would be the
process in the restoration continuing in
verse 27 and 28 in Section 84 it says
gospel is the gospel of repentance and
baptism and the remission of sins and
the law of carnal Commandments if you
listen closely to the sacrament prayers
there is one big difference but besides
references to what we are partaking of
and that is that in the in the prayer on
the bread it talks about Commandments
because Commandments and decisions and
repentance and obedience are inner
Roenick priesthood function continuing
here in 27 which the Lord and his wrath
caused to continue with the house of
Aaron among the children of Israel until
John whom God raised up being filled
with the Holy Ghost from his mother's
womb that's John the Baptist again John
being mentioned again here for he was
baptized this is verse 28 for he was
baptized while he was yet in his
childhood and was ordained by the angel
of God at the time he was eight days old
unto this power to overthrow the kingdom
of the Jews and to make straight the way
of the Lord before the face of his
people to prepare them for the coming of
the Lord in whose hand is given all
power so we have the formula laid out
for us here again it is a preparation
first first the people must be prepared
first each of us must be prepared and
how do we prepare ourselves through
repenting and through obedience to the
commandments that's how we receive the
spirit skipping down to verse 33 this is
the beginning of the oath in the
Covenant it says for whoso is faithful
in unto of the obtaining these to
priesthoods of which I have spoken and
the magnifying they're calling are
sanctified by the spirit unto the
renewing of their bodies and then before
we get into the Gospels here skipping on
there over to Doctrine and Covenants
section 107 we see right here in the
first verse there are in the church two
priesthoods namely the Melchizedek and
Aaronic including the Levitical
and when we hear Levitical priests that
were talking about going beyond just
ironic in a sentence in other words in
Old Testament times the sons of Aaron
only could become priests and yet the
men that were Levites Aaron was in the
tribe of Levi the men who were Levites
also held the priesthood but were not
made given the office of priests so
today we think about the Aaronic
priesthood and how it's separated by
callings or or offices and we have the
priest and the teacher and the Deacons
so you can look at the teachers and the
Deacons as the Levites they assist the
priests in the function the best example
of that would be the priesthood or the
the best example of that would be the
sacrament where the Deacons passed the
sacrament and the teachers have prepared
the sacrament it's the same thing that
happened with sacrifices on the altars
when there was an animal that was
brought for a sacrifice it would be the
Levites that would help prepare that and
that would distribute the meat etc but
it was the priests who actually made the
sacrifice and we can look at the
sacrament table as an altar it's the
same idea they're going down to verse 14
then in Section 1:07 we read this why it
is called the lesser priesthood is
because it is an appendage to the
greater or the Melchizedek Priesthood
and has power in administering outward
ordinances so it is not the spiritual
priesthood it is the the temporal
priesthood it is the checklists and then
verse 20 gives us a little bit more
information where it says the power and
authority of the lesser Aaronic
priesthood is to hold the keys of the
ministering angels and when we say
ministering angels we're really talking
about that when we say ministering here
we're talking about speech just like
John the Baptist crying in the
and basically preaching repentance
that's what that is happening here with
the ministering angels so again it holds
the keys of the ministering of angels
and to administer outward ordinances the
letter of the gospel we read about this
in the New Testament about the letter of
the gospel versus the spirit of the
gospel one is represented by the Iranian
and one is represented by the
Melchizedek Priesthood in this time
anciently this was not something that
was just part of the culture of the
Israelites it was a part of the culture
of other Middle Eastern societies so for
example in Egypt on one wall that says
this the following is inscribed in front
of the ankh figure and it says opening
the sacred roads for the king of the two
lands that's Upper and Lower Egypt
opening the roads for the King of the
South for the purpose of seeing the face
of the gods in the white chamber that is
a temple reference in Egypt that is you
open the ways and then you get to see
the face of God and then you get to the
Holy of Holies or the celestial room but
first you go through an ironic
priesthood function and in front of the
wasa figure that's lwas figure on this
wall it says smoothing thy paths in the
approach to the temple of the Divine
Mother so again it's the idea of a
preparatory function before the king who
represents all things spiritual comes in
two to the temple here now now let's go
to the Gospels and remember that it's in
every one of the Gospels Matthew Mark
Luke and John
that John the Baptist is mentioned so if
we go to Matthew three we're just gonna
work through Matthew here and we're
going to go through verses 1 through 12
here quickly to conclude in those days
Came John the Baptist preaching in the
wilderness of Judea and saying repent
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now
think about that verse first of all he's
crying repentance he's crying in the
he's crying to people that mostly have a
different tradition in the desert by the
way outside of Jerusalem that are
probably a little bit more prepared for
the message of Jesus Christ but he says
repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is
at hand again think of royalty what
would the kingdom be well it's
represented by the king the spiritual
king who is Christ
so first prepare yourselves that is
repent because the kingdom or the
Melchizedek Priesthood and the king and
the spiritual things are at hand
- verse 3 for this is he that was spoken
of by the Prophet Esaias that's the
greek version of isaiah saying the voice
of one crying in the wilderness prepare
either way of the Lord make his paths
straight and the same John had his
raiment of camels hair and a leather
leathern girdle about his loins and his
meat was locusts and wild honey then
went out to him Jerusalem and all of
Judea and all the region round about
Jordan we can get understanding of how
great John was because of you know
everybody knows who he is and his
preaching is obviously very spiritual
and very compelling and there are so
many people that are being baptized and
converted to John's teachings and to the
teachings of the Messiah to the
teachings that hate Jesus Christ is here
with us and were baptized of him and
Jordan confessing their sins but when he
saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees
come to his baptism that's two of the
Jewish sets he said unto them o
generation of vipers who hath warned you
to flee from the wrath to come bring
forth therefore fruits meet for
repentance remember that John the
Baptist was called not only to prepare
the way but he was
actually called to overthrow the Jewish
Kingdom so when he says prepare you the
way for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
he's talking about overthrowing the
temporal kingdom that is there he was a
real threat to the Jews who were in
power there
the Romans were a little too powerful to
worry about this probably as much
although that's what the Jews tried to
convince the Romans of but the Jews who
were in power at this time became very
concerned about John the Baptist and
then of course the same concern a
greater concern once Jesus Christ
started to preach and people understood
who he was that he was this king that
John the Baptist had been talking about
with this new kingdom that was coming
about that was coming to overthrow them
and think not to say this is verse 9 and
think not to say within yourselves we
have Abraham to our Father for ice and
to you that God is able of these stones
to raise up children unto Abraham I'm
gonna go over this in a different
podcast but this is important this is
written down for a specific reason and
it has to do with lineage verse 10 and
now also the axe is laid unto the root
of the trees therefore every tree which
bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
down and cast into the fire again he's
talking about preparing the way right
are you a person who is making the right
decisions and if you're not you need to
repent and get ready for the spiritual
things I indeed baptize use of verse 11
with water unto repentance it's very
important that Matthew and Mark and Luke
and John they're saying water
specifically here because they're
talking about the Iran ik priesthood
function of baptism again verse 11 I
indeed baptize you with water unto
repentance but he that cometh after me
is mightier than I whose shoes I am not
worthy to bear he shall baptize you with
the Holy Ghost and with fire whose fan
is in his hand
and he will thoroughly purge his floor
and gather his wheat into the garner but
he will burn up the chaff with
unquenchable fire
let me back up to verse 11 here and so
that we can understand what is happening
all these prophets from Nephi to Isaiah
to Malachi to Moses everybody has
prophesied about the Messiah and for all
we know all of them prophesied about
John the Baptist as well wouldn't be
surprising and it's because of this very
moment right here we oftentimes think of
the New Testament as we read it that its
primary message well we know its primary
message is about Jesus Christ's
atonement his sacrifice and about his
teachings but we oftentimes overlooked
the fact that the New Testament and the
and the Jesus coming to John here is a
representation of the full restoration
of the gospel the full restoration of
the priesthood Jesus Christ just like
Joseph Smith and Abraham and Noah and
Adam Enoch
sits at the head of a dispensation and
the word dispensation the reason we use
that term is because it is a dispensing
of keys it's knowledge also but it's
primarily a dispensing of priesthood
keys and this is the way the authors in
each of the Gospels are telling us about
the restoration the full restoration of
the gospel and the full restoration of
the priesthood John says i baptize you
with water in other words I hold the
right the ironic priesthood but that's
it he who comes after me is greater than
I not just because he is Jesus Christ
the Savior but because he is the new
Melchizedek he rep
since the Melchizedek Priesthood which
is the priesthood of Jesus Christ so
when he says in verse 12 excuse me verse
11 that he that comes after me is
mightier than I right he just said that
he baptizes with water but he that comes
after me is mightier mightier than I and
he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost
and with fire that is him saying he
holds the Melchizedek Priesthood and
this is a representation of a full
restoration of the gospel and this is
why you should all be excited about what
I am preaching about because all of the
ordinances and all of the priesthood
Authority are now restored through Jesus
Christ being here now going down to
verse 12 quickly we say whose fan in his
hand and he will thoroughly purge his
floor and gather his wheat into the
garner but he will burn up the chaff
with unquenchable fire so think back
here about for example King Tut it's a
crook really it's a crook that he's
holding and then in the other hand is a
fan or a what are they calls I got a
thrash a Thrasher so to speak and what
it is is it's kind of like it's a rod
with a tied to another rod or several
other rods at the end that would be used
to hit the wheat on the ground that
would separate the wheat from the chaff
and so a that's what he's saying here is
that whose fan in his hand it's a
representation of judgment so in
conclusion my primary message is why
John the Baptist is such a central
figure it's because he represents the
Aaronic priesthood and you have to
separate the Aaronic priesthood from the
Melchizedek Priesthood that's the way
the Lord always does it
we don't combine the prayers
we don't combine buying the water and
the band and the bread of the sacrament
for a reason we first go through an
erotic priesthood function and then we
go through a Melchizedek Priesthood
representation same thing with baptism
baptism is baptism first by water with
the ironic priesthood and then baptism
by fire and the Holy Ghost with a monk
ascetic priesthood they are two separate
ordinances from two separate priesthood
so as you read the scriptures you're
going to find this theme more and more
if you keep it in mind a higher law and
a lower law just as it says in Genesis
1:1 a representation of heaven and a
representation of earth those are the
McKissack and ironic priesthoods in John
the Baptist is and Jesus Christ are the
central figures that the authors of the
Scriptures use to represent the two
different priesthoods
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New Testament Bible
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