'The Condescension of God'
- Christ starts near the top of the hierarchy
- He lowers Himself to the bottom of the hierarchy
- Descending or Suffering is Charity or 'Grace'
- 'Make thine enemies a footstool'
- Christ was tempted in mortality
- The 'Promised Land' is the 'Rest' of God, or the Holy of Holies
Come Follow Me
LDS Mormon New Testament Hebrews Bible
in this episode we talk about the
condescension of God here we go alright
so in this Cwic media episode we're
going to cover Hebrews one two and three
Hebrews is outside of the Gospels my
favorite book in the New Testament and
the reason is because it is just so
packed with so much great doctrine this
is really a very Mormon doctrine book
and we get something here similar to
what we find in the Book of Mormon in
Alma 13 about Melchizedek and the
Melchizedek Priesthood this is something
that doesn't show up anywhere why do we
in the modern church have an ironic
priesthood and a Melchizedek Priesthood
where does that show up in ancient times
where does that show up in the Book of
Mormon where does it show up in the Old
Testament where does it show up in the
New Testament well the answer is it's
very sparse for I think obvious reasons
of apostasy because the Melchizedek
Priesthood is the priesthood after the
order of the son or the son of God and
again that is the Nehor principle so
when you dilute the doctrine of Christ
and you start to say well we're looking
for a political Messiah instead of a
godly divine Messiah then you have the
coupling of Jesus Christ or Jehovah as
the Messiah and his priesthood right
it's after the order of the son
they are wiped out and you can even see
if you look closely what looks to be a
rivalry between what would be a neurotic
priesthood which is given by lineage and
in in the tribe of Levi and as priests
under the sons of Aaron and with the
Melchizedek Priesthood which is what the
prophets would have held and so sound
strange to us today but it seems to me
that you have this rivalry between the
old the Aaronic priesthood and the
Melchizedek Priesthood and that's why
they stood one of the reasons they
stolen the prophets right because they
are prophesying about the Messiah who is
going to be Jesus who is Jehovah and
they have a real problem with this also
of course as we know today the
Melchizedek Priesthood is ultimately the
priesthood of the temple and here you
have the priests under the law of Moses
running many things within the temple
now we have very little information
about what type of ordinances may have
been going on beyond that which the
Levitical priesthood the Aaronic
priesthood what it would have been
covering in the temple but it's pretty
obvious I think based on the makeup of
Solomon's Temple that you end up in a
Holy of Holies and outside of just the
Day of Atonement ritual that the high
priest implemented once a year we don't
get much information about ordinances
that would bring someone into the Holy
of Holies and going through the veil and
yet there are so many allusions in the
Old Testament and non canonical writings
about what we would look at as something
similar to an endowment ceremony and an
anointing of several people and a prayer
circle and many things that we are
familiar with in
Church so here in the New Testament we
get this talk about Melchizedek and it's
just juicy it is just packed here with
meat so this is going to be a little bit
different than what I've done in several
of the episodes because what I'll end up
doing here is digging in even more into
the scriptures and in and dissecting
those a little bit more because it's
just so packed with information first of
all this is unlikely an epistle so it
says here I'm sitting here looking at my
computer screen and it says here in the
King James Version the LDS version of
the New Testament it says the Epistle of
Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews there's
two things that are likely wrong with
that first is it's probably not an
epistle think about Jesus when he
announced himself in the synagogue right
and he brings up Isaiah and he says and
this is a messianic passage in Isaiah
and he says you know hey basically this
is me right this would have been
something that he would have gone up and
maybe given a discourse over and maybe
several other passages of scripture and
then he would have given some time to
open that up and have a discussion over
this I wish we I wish we did this today
yeah a little bit more and you know it's
kind of like our Sunday school but I
wish we had something a little bit more
juicy than that but this is probably
what is happening here in Hebrews if we
go all the way to chapter 13 verse 22 we
get this little saying that says that
this is a discourse as the word of
exhortation and then also in 1315 it's
it's basically inviting a discourse over
what's being talked about so this is
more than likely a meeting right you've
got several people here to discuss these
things and what are they discussing
they're discussing several passages from
the Old Testament of course there is no
new test
this time but many of them are the
now the Psalms are very messianic and
they are very temple centered which is
where you would find you would thank
several milk ascetic priesthood and
Melchizedek references and in fact we
find one of the biggest ones in all of
Scripture here in Psalms 110 which is a
psalm that has definitely been garbled
up right and I what I mean by that is
it's the Hebrew in it from the Masoretic
text that we have is it almost is so
confusing it practically doesn't make
any sense but that's what this is that's
what the book of Hebrews is so let's
start in verse one here and we get to
set up for this discussion and it is God
who at sundry times and divers manners
spake in times past unto the father's by
the prophets right so this is being set
up and he's there's gonna be a lot of
allusions to these times that the
fathers and the prophets have spoken
about what the book of Hebrews here is
about to go through the other thing by
the way I think I forgot is that it's
probably not Paul that wrote this it's
unlikely Paul it could be I'm not saying
it's not but it's unlikely Paul that is
giving this this is probably written
later than Paul's period and then in
verse 2 the contrast we get hath in
these last days spoken unto us by his
son Jesus Christ whom he hath appointed
heir of all things by whom also he made
the world's so we have here
we've been spoken to many times in the
times past and then we're going to get
this follow through throughout the book
of Hebrews about these Messianic and
Melchizedek linked texts and the
important word here that we get here in
verse 2 is we've been spoken in these
last days unto us by his son again the
Melchizedek Priesthood is after the
order of
the Sun and this is something that we
get in the Gospels as well and
throughout some of Paul's writings where
again it's in this title is crucial the
son or the son of God is at a crucial
title of doctrine that lets us know that
this was God this is the this is Jehovah
that was born to Mary descended above
descended below everyone and took on the
sins of the world so this is crucial and
the core part of the doctrine of Christ
and it's the core part of the
Melchizedek Priesthood and then like
Paul does in many of his epistles here
the author of Hebrews starts to put in a
hierarchy right this is very common in
these writings he says here in verse 4
talking about Jesus Christ being made so
much better than the Angels as he hath
by inheritance obtained a more excellent
name than they so he they're gonna want
to show how Jesus Christ as Jehovah
descended below going all the way down
this hierarchy below man by taking on
the sins of the world by being born into
mortality taking on the sins of the
world descending down and then being
exalted above everybody in that
hierarchy as well but he starts off
above the Angels that's also temple
imagery if you pay attention then he
says in verse 5 for under which of the
Angels said he at any time thou art my
son this day have I begotten thee right
he's singling out Jesus Christ this is
his title and only his title here and
again I will be to him a father so we
have the father and the son and he shall
be to me a son also in verse 5 we get a
pattern that we see throughout the book
of Hebrews we see here it says and again
I will be to him a father and he shall
be to me a son this is typically where a
new scripture passage is being
to review and that will be discussed in
this meeting this study group in in a
synagogue perhaps and in verse 8 again
but unto the son he saith thy throne O
God is for ever and ever it's important
when we understand eternity z' and
something that is eternal so for ever
and ever
this is an important distinction between
the Levitical priesthood and the
Melchizedek priesthood things that come
from God are eternal things they are
spiritual things there is no beginning
and there is no end whereas things that
are of the ironic or Levitical
priesthood they have a beginning and an
they are temporal they are carnal they
come from us who are temporal and carnal
unless we change ourselves into
something fully eternal that's what the
Melchizedek Priesthood is and then
following up in verse 8 a scepter of
righteousness is the scepter of thy
kingdom a little bit more temple imagery
there if you're looking for it then in
verse 9 we get something else that is
associated with milk acidic and the
Melchizedek Priesthood in the temple and
that is that he has been anointed with
the oil of gladness above thy fellows so
the anointing oil is also tied to the
milk is attic priesthood and to the Son
of God remember what Christ or Messiah
actually means it means The Anointed One
and the Anointed One is the one who's
been anointed to be both the king and
the one who is anointed to be the high
priest and Christ is the high priest the
Melchizedek high priest and the book of
Hebrews here is going to outline that
very well for us and then verses 10
through 12 are basically an allusion to
Psalm 102 primarily verse 26 so again
they're going back to one of the Psalms
here to pontificate on it to expound on
it and set up this discussion but again
we get some temple imagery here right in
verse 10
and thou Lord in the beginning hast laid
the foundation of the earth and the
heavens are the works of thine hands we
have the separation there right the
higher law and the lower law the
foundation of the earth down here and
that the heavens are the work of his
hands that's important because the
temple is all about the meeting and we
hear that word a lot or that phrase a lot
the meeting of heaven and earth but it's
not really just the meeting right it's
really the bringing together it's
not just that they've met it's the place
where these two things are and they meet
it's the process of bringing them
together I think that's an important
distinction to understand it's not where
heaven and earth meet it's where we try
and the Lord has done the efforts of
bringing heaven and earth together
that's covenant that's atonement at one
mint thirteen but to which of the Angels
said he at any time sit on my right hand
until I make thine enemies thy footstool
so we can even think of Psalms 23 right
where David goes through and says the
Lord is my shepherd
right there he also is saying you know
save me from my enemies help me to
conquer mine enemies it's the same idea
here that is temple imagery
what is the footstool well the footstool
was laid down at the throne of God so
the throne of God and the Temple of
Solomon God would be sitting on there
imagine that God is sitting up on the
throne of God the footstool is the earth
right where he would put his feet on and
they actually turned the Ark of the
Covenant into the footstool and cut
into the rock of the Mount the Temple
Mount and laid down the Ark of the
Covenant down into the rocks a little
bit so the throne of God is heaven and
and the footstool is earth and if we're
able to overcome all of our adversaries
the adversary all of our obstacles and
we also can say
the throne of God in the plan of
salvation we can sit on the throne of
God and put our feet on the foot stools
because we've overcome all of the
opposition the Holy of Holies were that
thrown in footstool
are is the end of the process of being
able to put our feet on the footstool
that's also a part of the Melchizedek
text of Psalm 110 it's also part of the
Garden of Eden story right when we think
about putting our feet on the footstool
where else would we put our heels or our
feet on top of and it would be the
serpent has the power to bruise our heel
think of it striking the heel but we
have the power to put our feet down
right and to stop down on the serpent to
crush its head same idea and then in
chapter 2 the author here says look
we've had these in times past we've had
the fathers and the prophets give us the
gospel and now we've had the Son of God
who's actually given this to us and
there are those that hurt him firsthand
in this it sounds like this author did
not hear first hand from Jesus Christ at
least in his mortality but he says look
I mean how much more do we need to pay
attention to the word that was given
directly by Jesus Christ the Son of God
himself and he plays this back into the
hierarchy you know what where does the
word come from how high up the hierarchy
is that word well obviously this is
higher and so we're we've paid attention
to the prophets we darn well better pay
attention to the words of Christ and
that even though we haven't heard of
that word directly we can have the Holy
Ghost sent to us to confirm that his
words are true and that we all have
these spiritual gifts in Greek its
distributions that are parsed out that
allow us to hold on to these words and
to know that they are true
and then in verse six he goes back to
this hierarchy and he says but one in a
certain place testified saying what is
man that thou art mindful of him or the
Son of man that thou visitest him so in
other words okay
why are we important to you and where do
we fit in this hierarchy and again this
is a reference going back to psalm 8:4
why are we important to you well again
he's bringing this up because he needs
to show the love of God number one and
number two where man fits in this
hierarchy and he says here in verse 7
the madest him talking about man a
little lower than the Angels thou
proudest him with glory and honor and
did set him over the works of thy hands
so where do we get this again well we
hear this in the story of the Garden of
Eden right where Adam actually names all
of the animals a lot of symbolism in
that temple imagery and gives him
dominion over everything on the earth
which could be a reference to the ironic
priesthood there in the second part of
that that verse and the first part is
they'll crowded him with glory and honor
which could be a Melchizedek Priesthood
of reference and then we get an answer
to what is man who is man that would
concern you and he says here in verse 9
showing how the hierarchy works
this is all about the doctrine of Christ
here and the Melchizedek law or the
higher law but we see Jesus who has made
a little lower than the Angels so wait a
minute he was just above the Angels now
he says he was made a little below the
Angels for the suffering of death
because the Angels don't suffer that
crowned with glory and honor it's a
reference from the previous scripture
that he by the grace of God that is the
mercy the love the charity the gift of
God should taste death for every man so
here he is he is being lowered down
part of what that doctrine is this is
what is always rejected up until the
time of Christ by everybody that Jehovah
himself is going to be the Messiah and
that he would ever lower himself
think about the doctrine that is there
and what that means for us number one
about what our God and number two about
who we are if were to follow his example
and that we need to lower ourselves
also below in that hierarchy to reach
down for others just like he did so in
other words he was made mortal and was
able to die
unlike the Angels and this goes along
with the whole concept here of the title
that we've been going through in Hebrews
and that we go through oftentimes in
thee in all the books of the New
Testament that is the son of God that's
what that means
the son of God means that he lowered
himself it's as we here in Nephi and his
vision it is the condescension of God
which is all about charity and love and
we get that right here in the Greek of
nine here where it says he by the grace
of God that is charity Theo
which is the root word for charity so
charity and grace should be looked at
pretty much the same and then we get an
interesting concept here that goes along
with this condescension of God in verse
10 for it became him now this is the
father for whom are all things right all
the glory go to God glory to the Father
even Christ would say that and by whom
are all things in bringing many sons
unto glory to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings so
in other words Christ's perfection even
though he had no sin comes through the
ability to bear other's burdens it's
charity that is perfection and we think
about the plan of salvation and moving
and progressing through that
salvation it's done ultimately through
charity he just as we're told that you
can have faith and you can have hope but
if you don't have charity you can't get
to exaltation right because that's
that's what moves you there it's the
sufferings that Christ Himself went
through and in that sense it's the
sufferings that we need to go through
not to beat us down but somehow
understand opposition for us to be able
to understand charity real charity for
others and by the way in bringing many
sons unto glory that should be
understood as in bringing many children
is what that would mean
many children under glory so sons and
daughters and to make the captain of
their salvation perfect through
sufferings that's the same word Palios
that we've discussed several times
throughout this series in the New
Testament it means complete it's going
through the temple and ending up at the
throne of God or the solution or it's
going through the plan of salvation
making the right decisions
going through sufferings burying other's
burdens developing and efforting charity
love is a verb first and then a feeling
and that brings us through to the Holy
of Holies and here's how he goes over
there just like Paul has gone over
throughout all of the apes' epistles
what we see is that that bringing
together right we're all different we
need to be different it's jus and it's
Gentile it's male and it's female
it's believer and non-believer it's the
lost tribes of Israel and the Jews it's
the stick of Judah and the stick of
Ephraim or the stick of Joseph that need
to be brought together
it's covenant and this is how it happens
here he follows up with that in verse 11
he says for both he that sanctifieth
and they who are sanctified he that
sanctify then would be the one who
suffers or bears other's burdens and
makes things holy and they who are
sanctified by burying those burdens
are all of one right so we create
atonement we create at one mint we
create covenant through charity and
lifting others up and bringing them back
at one where would they need to be or we
need to be lifted up and pulled up just
as much right and then back into the
doctrine of Christ here part of that is
the resurrection right the victory over
death he says for as much then as the
children are partakers of flesh and
blood that's mortality a body he also
himself likewise took part of the same
that through death he might destroy him
that had the power of death that is the
devil so in other words again he's
descending below man by taking on flesh
and blood and then taking on the sins of
all mankind and by that by descending
down the hierarchy all the way he is
able to conquer all of it it's through
that love right so the love we can
sometimes I think look at love and
charity as exactly that it is descending
down it's the willingness to descend
otherwise there's elitism there's pride
love means you are descending down
that's your sanctifying that you are
bearing others burdens and lowering
yourself for someone else putting
yourself under that weight and in some
ways putting yourself under them by
bearing a burden maybe even forgiving
somebody else so death for Christ by
going through death and mortality he's
able to conquer death and mortality and
just as he through love and charity
descended down below us not just through
death but through taking on our sins and
putting that burden on top of him being
below it he also was able to overcome
all sin if we choose it and in verse 16
he gives an example of this he says for
verily he took not on him the nature of
coming down to the level of the Angels
just one but he took on him the seed of
Abraham right so that would be mankind
that would choose the seed of Abraham
would be those that choose the Melchizedek
priesthood functions the ordinances
living the life of trying to follow the
example of Christ
that's what Abraham represents along
with Melchizedek is the new and
everlasting covenant the Melchizedek
Priesthood the higher law and in 17 we
start getting this talk now about the
priesthood of Jesus and of his office so
he says here in 17 wherefore in all
things it behooves him to be made like
unto his brethren to lower himself that
he might be a merciful and faithful high
priest in things pertaining to God which
would be the spiritual things the
Melchizedek Priesthood to make
reconciliation for the sins of the
people that one man to reconcile to
rejoin those things so the true Messiah
is a high priest as well and even the
Jews believe that they look at a
political Messiah but they also look to
someone that would build the new temple
they still do then in 18 we get an
explanation of one of the results of him
lowering himself down this hierarchy
through charity says for in that he
himself have suffered being tempted
because he was tempted there were are I
have oftentimes been movements of
doctrine where they want to say well
Christ was too pure to ever be tempted
well that doesn't make any sense if he
never faced any opposition then where is
his love and where is his charity if he
didn't actually suffer while he was in
Gethsemane and on the cross how is there
a requirement for love and that's what
we're getting here in chapter 2 the
sufferings that he went through had to
do with that's how you make things holy
that is how he sanctifies us is through
charity dissension and because of that
he is able to succor
that are tempted then we get a little
bit more about Jesus as the high priest
here in chapter 3 and remember we've
talked about this little rivalry that is
a part of Jewish tradition where you
have Abraham on one end and we're gonna
couple together here Abraham and
Melchizedek both Melchizedek Priesthood
icons with Moses and even though Moses
had the Melchizedek Priesthood to the
Moses is kind of the guy the King but he
represents the law which is a neurotic
priesthood function says here in verse 1
wherefore holy brethren partakers of the
heavenly calling consider the Apostle
and high priest of our profession Christ
Jesus so here Jesus has called both an
apostle one who is sent forth and he was
certainly sent forth to teach just as
the apostles were meant to do and that's
what apostle means but he was also of
course sent forth for a very specific
calling that nobody else has that his
sacrifice and he says that in verse 2
that Jesus was faithful to him that
appointed him as also Moses was faithful
in all his house so we have Christ
Melchizedek Priesthood and Moses Aaronic
priesthood and he makes it very clear
here about who Jesus is as compared to
Moses in verse 3 for this man was
counted worthy of more glory than Moses
that there would be blasphemous to the
Jews in as much as he who hath buildeth
the house hath more honor than the house
so the house of Israel is built by
Jehovah is built by Jesus Christ so
clear distinction there and then he
takes Jesus and Moses has comparison to
their leadership and what they created
what they did so Moses is the law of
Moses and it's the Exodus getting to the
promised land
remember promise is what comes with the
higher law right the oath
and Covenant the oath is the promise and
that comes from God and he talks about
look Moses
helped the house of Israel wander
through the desert but those that
rejected what they rejected at Sinai
remember so my focus on a lot they
rejected the first set of tablets that
Moses brought down that was the melodic
priesthood and logistic law the higher
law that would have made the
entire nation priests and priestesses
and because of that they were given the
law of Moses in the lower ironic law and
also because of that they wandered in
the desert for forty years and that
generation was wiped out right and he
talks about here in verse 17 but with
whom was he grieved forty years was it
not with them that had sinned those who
rejected the higher law whose carcasses
fell in the wilderness and to whom swear
he that they should not enter into his
rest that's the promised land but to
them that believed not need to look at
belief here as faith the word here
believed and also in the following verse
here in nineteen actually comes from the
same term that is used for faith in the
New Testament which is pistis and that
is faith in the atonement that's faith
in Jesus Christ
so it's not as weak as belief it is
leaning on the atonement and those that
rejected Christ in essence and went for
the lower law never made it to the
promised land
and entered into his rest in fact Moses
did not go along with them either
it was Joshua that took them in to the
promised land and crossed the Jordan and
then in nineteen it says so we see that
they could not enter in because of
unbelief or really it should say they
could not enter in because of their lack
of faith in I would argue Christ that's
my interpretation and so
Moses was to bring them through kind of
like going through the temple and ending
up in the Holy of Holies but with Christ
if we do have that faith that belief
which should be faith in Him then we are
able to enter into his rest were able to
go through the progression all the way
to the celestial room or all the way to
the Holy of Holies
but key here and we're going to see in
part two is seeing Jesus as a
Melchizedek icon as a Melchizedek figure
he is the new Melchizedek and in
contrast to Moses who is an erotic
figure Christ if we can have faith in
him brings us all the way in to the
promised land and his rest I'll talk to
you next time
50% Complete
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