Come Follow Me LDS- Mosiah 11-17 Pt 1, Book of Mormon (May 4 - 10)

'Abinadi on Trial'

-  Abinadi's Trial is not what you think.

- What is Abinadi's real interpretation of Isaiah 52:7-10?
- Isaiah 53, the Suffering Servant, helps answer the priest's 'gotcha' question.
- Abinadi preaches about Christ and the Higher Law
- King Noah and his people are like the Children of Israel at Sinai
- The Law of Moses is a Type of things to come


Melchizedek Scroll Images- Click Here

Melchizedek Scroll Translation- Click Here (Not my favorite link, but the best free link I could find.

Melchizedek Scroll Hebrew Transcription- Click Here



Come Follow Me

LDS Mormon Book of Mormon Mosiah


in this episode we talk about the trial

of Abinadi here we go

all right so I'm excited about this

episode this is really to me the meat

the heart of the Book of Mormon here

with a Bennett I and King Noah and his

priest so we're gonna have a lot of fun

with this one I want you to keep in mind

here again as we went over last week

that the what Mormon is doing is

he's contrasting what we've gone over

with King Benjamin now here with King

Noah right these are the two sides of

what he's what he's going to go over and

the crux of the argument here the

the contrast here is all about the

doctrine of Christ it's about Jesus

Christ and you're gonna hear a little

bit you know something different from me

then you've probably that you're

probably gonna hear from most other

sources on this there's a traditional

interpretation of the Scriptures the

verses that a Bennett I quotes and that

the priests of Noah quote and I don't

buy it I don't buy the traditional

interpretation the biblical scholarship

behind it looks sound I'm not saying

I am right but based on what we're gonna

go over I'm just going to show you why I

think there's a difference in in this

interpretation of what we're covering

here we're going to be looking closely

at Isaiah 52 7 to 10 that is the

scripture that the priests of Noah lay

out there to Obinna die right it's a

trap it's a gotcha and they're gonna put

that out there to see how he interprets

it it's not just some little guess it's

not their last straw they are devising

this to trap him think about and a bunch

of trial lawyers that are doing

everything they can with the witness on

the stand to get them to say something

that is going to incriminate themselves

that's what they're doing with a Bennett

I right they know exactly what they're

doing here and so the trial here is

about to begin with Obinna die

but we're gonna draw a little bit from

King Benjamin and we're gonna draw from

King Lim hi who is Noah's son that we

have already heard from right remember

the bridge we had last week of time

between we had King Benjamin and his

speech crowning King Messiah his son and

then Amman a different Hammond sent over

to the land of Nephi here speaks with

limb high limb High tells him them about

a prophet that had been killed by his

people and now we're backing up into the

record of Zenith and coming down to

Zenith son Noah who is a wicked King

right so we're going to draw a little

bit from that to be able to enrich what

is happening here and to build the

argument that what Mormon is talking

about is Jesus Christ that what Obinna

dies focus here is Jesus Christ and that

where the audience the congregation

those in the booths the temple the

tents at the temple of King Benjamin

accepted the covenant of the doctrine of

Christ and took on the name of Jesus

Christ the exact opposite is what is

happening here with King Noah and his

priests they are not accepting Jesus

Christ they're certainly not accepting a

covenant to take on his name right they

are rejecting him they are rejecting the

higher law and putting all of their

investment into the lower law into the

law of Moses so let's go down into

chapter 11 here we're going through

chapters 11 through 17 in the book of

Mosiah and chapter 11 is where Mormon

starts to set up this comparison right

we're gonna see some contrasts with King

Benjamin throughout chapter 11 as he

sets this up so here in verse 2 it says

for behold he did not keep the

commandments of God but he did walk

after the desires of his own heart so

we're setting up a doctrine of Christ

which is going outside of yourself

sacrificing for others

taking on that covenant and then he's

walking after the desires of his own

heart and he had many wives and

concubines and he did cause his people

to commit sin and do that which was

abominable in the sight of the Lord so

in other words it's the exact opposite

of what King Benjamin is causing his

people to do right which is take on the

Covenant in the name of Jesus Christ and

then you'll remember the King Benjamin

talked about how he was exculpating

himself right how you would do that as a

king and as a high priest you need to

purify yourself put your bona fides out

there as how you treated that you have

treated the people that would be part of

the ritual part of the tradition part of

the drama and here is just the opposite

again here in verse three and he laid a

tax this is King Noah of one fifth part

of all they possessed of course today I

would gladly accept a one-fifth tax upon

repossess but it's all relative right

and so Mormon is showing the exact

opposite and then again in verse four

and all this did he take to support

himself and his wives and his concubines

so again it's the exact opposite of King

Benjamin and then it tells us something

interesting here that happened between

his father Zenith and him he made a big

change a sweeping change it says for he

put down all the priests that had been

consecrated by his father and

consecrated the new ones in their stead

such as were lifted up in the pride it's

an important thing to understand what

Mormon is saying here these are Mormons

words that were lifted up in the pride

of their hearts right again

pride is the exact opposite of the

doctrine of Christ and what we're

looking at here is Lehigh's vision

Lehigh's dream right it is the doctrine

of Christ on one end which is the Tree

of Life and then on the opposite end

it's the great and spacious building and

we get all of the elements of the great

and spacious building here with King

Noah pride being a major part of that

and you think about why that is right I

think we've covered this

or but what is the doctrine of Christ

represent it represents going outside of

yourself it represents charity and love

and condescending to you know down below

others to lift them up effort whereas

pride is all it's turning inward right

it's all just what's it's all about


and that's the exact you know the two

opposites that you have there in Lehigh

stream and here we get in verse eight

and he and King Noah built many elegant

and spacious buildings right that's

definitely put in there purposefully and

he ornamented them with fine work of

wood and of all manner of precious

things and he also built him a spacious

palace and a throne in the midst thereof

right that's specifically put in there

to me to contrast the throne in the Holy

of Holies right that would be in the

temple of Nephi there which is for

Jehovah which is for God which is in the

midst of the Holy of Holies or in the

midst of the temple and in verse 12 and

he built a tower near the temple a very

high tower even so high that he could

stand upon the top thereof and overlook

the land of Shalom and also the land of


okay so what if King Benjamin do he

built a tower

what was his tower for right his tower

was to bring the word of Christ of Jesus

Christ out to his people the tower here

is something for King Noah right so

Mormon again is just putting these

objects in there to show a contrast and

King Benjamin talks about how they put

in place good teachers and people to

tête to teach the people about Christ

and here we get in 14 that he and his

priests spent their time in riotous

living with their wives and their

concubines and with harlots another

contrast by the way back up in verse 12

here we get an interesting point it says

that that the land of Shem Allah of

Shalom is where the children of Nephi

ran to when they left with the grain

Mosiah right when they left with Mosiah

out of the land of Nephi toward the land

of Zarahemla that this was a resort for

them a place that they resorted to in

their in their exodus from the land a

wicked place at the time the land of

Nephi and so we know there are things

that happened there and so we keep

getting this landmark talked about

without really any context because we're

missing it from 116 pages then of course

in nineteen more pride they were lifted

up in the pride of their hearts that had

boast in their own strength saying that

their fifty could stand against

thousands of the Lamanites their fifty

well that would be again their garrison

remember Laban back in Jerusalem had

fifty interesting Joseph Smith knows

this right that a garrison would be with

fifty people and they're talking about

their 50 which would be their

elite warriors right would be personal

to the king and to the priests and so

then we'll introduce to a Ben and I and

a minute I comes out and he starts

preaching against what is going on in

the land of Nephi here with King know

and all the changes I think it's really

interesting that a previously in this

chapter we hear that King Noah got rid

of all the existing priests so that

would have been the priests that were

under his father King Zenith so he went

in and let's call it a refill

Reformation he reformed the religion he

changed it and who did he change it with

well he brought in a whole new group of

priests I would guess this is just an

assumption that these priests were

people that were on the fringe that were

on the outside with King Zenith his

father who did not believe in the

doctrine of Christ and they were

probably pushed out right and they were

not on a path with King Zenith to ascend

into being in that inner circle of the

priests so King Noah takes all of those

priests out

and puts in his own that probably do not

believe in the doctrine of Christ just

like back in Jerusalem and I just wonder

I wonder if Abinadi I was one of those

original priests under Zenith right I

wonder if he would have been one of

those that was put out by King Noah

we have no reference of that here but

wouldn't be surprising would it

so King Noah based on Abinadi’s

preaching wants to take away his life

and they pursue him and he is delivered

he gets away just like Lehi did right

he's preaching about Christ

he may be preaching repentance but he's

creep preaching about Christ you can't

preach repentance in the way of the

gospel without talking about Jesus

Christ in the atonement so down in the

last verse of chapter 11 it says now the

eyes of the people were blinded so

through their righteous living and saying

that hey don't worry about all of these

sayings and distorting the law of Moses

the people have hardened their hearts it

says and we know again when we talked

about the hardening of hearts in the

scriptures were oftentimes talking about

hardening the heart from the doctrine of

Christ that seems to be you know right

at the core of that idea of hardening

your heart so after two years moving

over to chapter 12 Abinadi returns but

he's in disguise which is kind of

interesting you know what kind of

disguise was he wearing what was he

looking like a homeless man like who

knows you know kind of some of that

something pulled over his head kind of

like obi-wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker

pulling their hoods over their heads as

they hide from the storm troopers but he

starts preaching again against King Noah

and the priests and the people and the

way that they're living and he starts

calling for repentance he says in verse

6 here and it shall come to pass that I

will send forth this is the Lord hail

among them it shall smite them and they

shall also be Smith

with the east wind we hear this a few

times in the Book of Mormon and we get

the same thing in the Old Testament

right the east wind is a is a very hot

wind if it's and it's a strong wind and

it can cause famine it can ruin crops

and when it's blowing a lot right it can

it can damage quite a bit of things and

really wreak havoc I grew up in Orange

County California that we have there the

Santa Anas and the Santa Anas come from

the east and typically on the coast you

have the wind of course coming off the

ocean right off offshore wind but when

the winds change and you get the Santa

Anas they are warm it's a warm wind and

in fact if you fly into Orange County

Airport into John Wayne there they will

typically turn the approach around

180 degrees and you have to approach

from the other side you actually could

go over the ocean turn around and

approach coming in from the west side

when the winds are turned that way so

they're angry with a Bennett eye this

time and this time he doesn't get away

right this time he's delivered into

their hands and here's what the priests

say to the King as they start this trial

they say in verse 14 and now o King

behold we are guiltless and Thou O king

has not sinned therefore this man has

lied concerning you and he has

prophesied in vain again this is the

core of the Nehor principle notice

that they aren't saying well we don't

care that we're doing all these things

that are wrong we don't care that we're

it we're sinning right o sin boohoo

no they're religious they have priests

here they've just changed the religion

they still are in a position where they

are trying to put the religion socially

up on a pedestal

without Christ and therefore it's

important for the priest to say to the

King hey you're we're all guiltless here

we are without sin right the preach

about sin they've just changed what it


it's the same thing that happened with

laman and lemuel and those at Jerusalem

at the time of Lehi remember that laman

and lemuel say we know that the people

in Jerusalem are not wicked right we

know that they're not wicked and that

this city will never be destroyed it's

important to laman and lemuel that

they're right and that they are have the

moral high ground with this it is a

religious argument it's not just good

against bad and hey we believe in bad

and we don't care if we're sinning that

wouldn't happen with laman and lemuel

they do care they're just on a very long

religious tract a very wrong theological

tract that has eliminated Jesus Christ

same thing with King Noah and his

priests here

that again is the contrast that Mormon

is showing and so they put him on trial

and it says here in 19 they began to

question him that they might cross him

and this is what you want to understand

is that there it's again it's like a

bunch of trial lawyers right they're

trying to catch him in what he says why

because if they can manipulate a been a

dye and manipulate the way the trials

going then based on blasphemy probably

they can catch him in his words and put

him to death that's what they want to do

and notice it's not just a matter of oh

he said a bunch of bad things about us

and just called us to repentance that's

not enough right that's not enough they

want to put him to death and so they

need the death penalty so they need

blasphemy here this is the same thing

that happened with Christ right they

didn't care that he was the Messiah they

would have cared but they didn't that

wasn't the issue in putting him to death

the issue was blasphemy because he said

that he was the son of God that is key

here same with a been a die a been to

die is going to be a type of the Savior

here as he goes through this process

just like the Savior was on trial right

there's me a lot of similar elements

here with a been a die as he is on trial

and it's for the same thing right Christ

said he was the son of God

Obinna die is preaching about the Son of

God and it says that Abinadi answered

them boldly and withstood all their

questions and to their astonishment he

did withstand them in all their

questions and confound them in all their

words so they're launching all these

things at him in this trial but he's

very well led he's very well prepared

he's got the spirit with him he's very

very doctrinally sound and they haven't

been able to make him stumble so they go

to there go to here they think about

this what are we going to do how can we

get him and so then it says in verse 20

and it came to pass that one of them

said unto Him what meaneth the words

which are written and which have been

taught by our fathers saying all right

now he's going to go into Isaiah 52 7 to

10 okay so what is this all about what

is the trial all about here what are

they trying to do this whole thing is

around interpretation of Scripture

that's what it is and as we look at the

Old Testament it's still today the issue

is the suffering servant Jesus Christ

even though there's probably a lot

removed there's a lot of interpretation

or proper interpretation that has been

removed both on purpose and probably

just through translation editing

mistakes everything else you can think

of again water runs downhill

and here's Isaiah 52 7 to 10 and we need

to parse this out it says how beautiful

upon the mountains are the feet of him

that bringeth good tidings all right so

first of all we have the mountains we

have the feet right and those that bring

good tidings remember that good tidings

in Hebrew

remember that we're talking about the

good news here what is the good news so

this is a down to interpretation the

good tidings the good news is the word

gospel what is the word gospel the

gospel and the good news is all about

the Son of God it's all about Jehovah

and the doctrine of Christ coming down

to earth being incarnated being born to

Mary and taking on the sins of the world

King Noah and his priests will have none

of it

alright we need well let me let me go

into that here in a minute

continuing with 52 7 it says that

publish of peace that bringeth good

tidings of good that publisheth

salvation that saith unto Zion thy God

reigneth okay so by God reigneth what

are we talking about here this is temple

imagery to me we're talking about God

sitting on his throne keep that in mind

as we go through this and I can't help

but think that as you go through verse

52 7 how beautiful upon the mountains

are the feet of him that bringeth good

tidings who are we thinking about here

when we talk about feet being on

mountains well of course there's Moses

who's in a temple setting on Mount Sinai

where he is asked to remove his shoes

right in front of the burning bush the

other thing to consider here

I think strongly on this and again we're

going outside of traditional

interpretation here but with temple

imagery on this the other thing to

consider is sitting on the throne in the

Holy of Holies with your feet upon the

footstool which is the Ark of the

Covenant which represents the earth and

so that would be the feet that are

standing on the earth

or resting on the earth and in that case

what you're talking about is you're

talking about Jehovah but in the temple

drama right you would also have the king

that would represent Jehovah and what

kind of a king is that that goes in and

and acts as a who is the Davidic King

and has the Melchizedek Priesthood

it's the Melchizedek / King right the

king of righteousness the Prince of

Peace so we're talking also about a

royal figure here with vie God reigneth

again contrasting the two royal figures

here with Mormon of King Benjamin we've

gone over how he fills these roles right

including Jehovah and King Noah who is

not filling those roles all right this

is in verse 22 which would be 52 eight

in Isaiah it says thy Watchmen shall

lift up the voice with the voice

together they shall sing for they shall

see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring

again Zionists reminds me of Jeremiah

also so it's talking about bringing in

Zion right there is in the Dead Sea

Scrolls part of the Dead Sea Scrolls

there is a document called the

Melchizedek document and in that

document they quote verses 50 to 7 to 10

remember that the people of Qumran right

the Essenes likely which was a sect of

Jews just outside of Jerusalem out in

the wilderness they believed strongly

that there was a in a sense a messiah

that was coming who was the new

Melchizedek that is in Jesus Christ and

is Jesus Christ through his atonement

that is going to bring in Zion and that

will reign eventually in Zion and in

fact the they put an interpretation of

this down where they're talking about a

war in heaven that is led by Melchizedek

right or in our sense and I will think

king of this it would be Jehovah right

premortal Jesus Christ or Adam who is

acting instead of Jehovah in the place

of Jehovah but it's a Melchizedek

Melchizedek figure in the war in heaven

and that he's going to conquer evil he's

going to conquer the evil ones and he's

going to bring in assuring Zion and what

the milk his attic document actually

says is that the mountains right the

feet that are upon the mountains

their interpretation is the mountains

are the prophets right so who would this

Melchizedek figure be that would be

Russia are ushering in Zion who is in

the hierarchical structure above the

prophets right it's God its Jehovah the

new Melchizedek or the Melchizedek the

great royal King the king of kings

that's what is at stake here what is the

interpretation of this and he's they say

right here in the Melchizedek document

and the messenger is the Anointed One of

the Spirit so in Hebrew right that would

be the Messiah the Messiah the

Messiah of the Spirit concerning whom

Daniel said remember the prophecy of

Daniel was the one that everyone was

focused on as far as thinking about the

time that the savior or that the Messiah

would be born and Daniels prophecy is

right around the time of Jesus the

fulfillment would be right around the

time of Jesus so clearly for the Essenes

here in Qumran with the Dead Sea Scrolls

to them right connecting that to the

Messiah of Daniel and his prophecy this

is Jesus Christ who is the messenger

that's where the source of the good

tidings is coming from right he is the

good tidings he is the good news

this Melchizedek document is all about

he’s talking all about the jubilee year

right the 49th or 50th year in the

Jubilee referenced in in Leviticus 25

and what happens at that time is that

there's you know prisoners are freed

debt is forgiven it's a big maker

bring justice about for everybody

through mercy through atonement through

grace through charity they're very

possibly a celebration of Jesus Christ

and what he would be doing with his

sacrifice originally most biblical

scholars would laugh at that but who

knows so moving on here to through

Isaiah 52 9 that's 23 here in chapter 12

break forth into joy sing together ye

waste places of Jerusalem for the LORD

hath comforted his people he hath

redeemed Jerusalem he hath redeemed the

Redeemer he hath redeemed Jerusalem so

the traditional interpretation here is

that the people are the mountains so to

speak right and it's just a little

bit skewed I think it's a it's a little

bit they're looking for oftentimes I'm

putting this on everybody but it

seems to me that what they typically

look for in this traditional

interpretation of Isaiah 52 7 to 10 is a

nationalistic we are the chosen people

nothing can happen to us the Lord is on

our side how dare you tell us to repent

we know who we are which is probably a

part of it I don't doubt that that's a

part of this feeling that they have I

think it's similar to what Jerusalem

people of Jerusalem would have had at

the time of Lehi but the core behind

that that Mormon is trying to drive home

to us I think and I think we do a great

disservice by not bringing this up the

core of this is the doctrine of Christ

this is what they're trying to get him

out in the trial

remember Mormon is contrasting King

Benjamin in the doctrine of Christ with

King Noah and the rejection of the

doctrine of Christ what do you think

this trial is going to be about that

Mormon is highlighting it's about the

rejection of the doctrine of Christ and

that's what Abinadi is trying to preach

against that's the whole crux of the

trial here and in the last verse 52 10

the Lord hath made bear his holy arm in

the eyes of all the nations and all the

ends of the earth shall see the

salvation of our God so just again the

underlying Hebrew here is a little

bit interesting you think about

Mayberry's holy arm typically biblical

scholarship will say well what that

means is it's kind of like holding a

sword up right you've got a sword up and

you're fighting which would make sense

along with the Melchizedek document

right because that's all about the war

in heaven and he's and end and it's milk

in that great Melchizedek is bearing his

holy arm but the other way to look at

that also is that this is also Jehovah

this is Jesus Christ and down below that

if you follow at the end of that

scripture it says and all the ends of

the earth it should be the Gentiles

right that's a Melchizedek Priesthood

reference typically shall see the

salvation of our God and I believe the

underlined Hebrew here is the salvation

is Yeshua or Yeshua which is going to be

Jesus now against that's just the

name so the name means the Jesus of our

God right or the Jesus of our Elohim or

a variation of Elohim so there's a lot

packed into all of this but I think as

we go through a Bennett eyes description

here of this trial

you're gonna see that this is all the

core of this is about Jesus Christ don't

forget that going back again I went over

this last weekend in Mosiah 7

Noah's son right the man that was in the

middle of this trial here and made the

decision to kill a Ben and I his son Limhi

s the one that said the following

back in Chapter seven and a prophet of

the Lord half they slain a chosen man of

God who told them of their wickedness

and abominations and that's usually okay

that's what we think is the problem here

that's not the problem the same thing

with Lehi in Jerusalem and prophesied of

many things which are to come yay even

the coming of Christ and because he said

unto them that Christ was the God the

Father of all things Abinadi’s

gonna move into that just a little

bit here and said that he should take

upon him the image of man and it should

be the image after which man was created

in the beginning or in other words he

said that man was created after the

image of God and that God should come

down among the children of men that's a

man well and take upon him flesh and

blood and go forth upon the face of the

earth and now because he said this they

did put him to death you're gonna see

from a lot of LDS sources that are great

sources and people that I really respect

they're not going to agree with this or

they forget about it remember this is

going back to chapter 7 in Messiah and

it's not part of the Obinna dice story

not directly and if you believe in a

traditional interpretation of 52 7 to 10

it takes you off track is to what this

trial is about with a Bennett eye but

Limhi here is telling us plainly that

that's what it is

he even includes part of Abinadi’s

argument about the father of all things

and remember what he's saying about the

image here he's saying that God is going

to lower himself into the image of man

right that's the first thing that is

unacceptable we are not going to believe

in a God that would be weak right how

could we have a God that would do that

that's the first thing to understand

about this knee whore principle about

pushing against the higher law and then

the second part of that which is

something that still happens today

widely very broadly in Christianity is

that man was created after the image of

God right so God is going to come down

to the image of man and man is in the

image of God it's like a chiasmus so

in other words the second half of that

is that man is like God that man can

ascend to God just as God descends to us

that is the doctrine of Christ and I

very confusing to me why this is not put

forward stronger within LDS scholarship

again you know I just give you my

opinion that's all this is commentary

on this and you're gonna have you know

there's a lot of LDS scholarship that's

going to say something different about

that so I'm just saying go research and

go look at it yourself take the points

that I'm giving you and take the points

that you'll find elsewhere and make your

own decision on this another thing to

look at is putting Isaiah 52 7 to 10

into context within Isaiah 52 just a

couple of points here within that

chapter it starts off with a wake awake

put on thy strength o Sian right this is

about the Lord coming and reigning in

Zion likely we've said this is kind of

like a Jubilee year that would represent

everything being in balance everything

in peace verse 2 shake thyself from the

dust arise and sit down Oh Jerusalem

loose thyself from the bands of thy neck

o captive daughter of Zion and then

verse 3 for thus saith the Lord ye have

sold yourselves for naught and ye shall

be redeemed without money and that's

what would happen in a year of Jubilee

right all the servants the sleigh

would be freed so keep in mind what

we're talking about here and who we're

talking about we're talking about the

Lord reigning in Zion and then the verse

right before seven to ten verse six

therefore my people shall know my name

therefore they shall know in that day

that I am he that does speak behold it

is I so therefore my people shall know

my name remember this is what happened

with Benjamin right where they know the

name of Jesus Christ they take on the

name of Jesus Christ and they make a

covenant with him that day remember that

that day or this day is often times

language of covenant so that puts into

context a little bit more our verses 7

to 10 here that again the priests of

Noah they're trying to trip up a bin and

I over this why are they choosing this

to trip him up well a Bennett I seems to

know what they're doing but he's going

to go along with it right he's going to

play their game because he needs to

preach the truth here he knows he's

probably gonna die but he's gonna die a

martyr he's gonna die telling the truth

so he goes over a few more things

including a an answer to their question

about Isaiah 52 7 to 10 so this is a

Bennett eyes response he says are you

priest and pretend to teach this people

and to understand the spirits of

prophesying remember this is to the

priest that Noah has brought in newly

and yet desire to know of me what these

things mean he says what are you

teaching these people and the priests

say we teach them the law of Moses right

again there's this this idea part of the

Nehor principle where it's very

natural to put off the higher law to put

off Christ

and the doctrine of Christ and to stick

to the nitty-gritty the checks of the

checklist of the law of Moses God

commands us to do these things we check

these things off that's the lower law

where it's all about works so what do

they mean by we teach the law of Moses

keep in mind that if there is with

Benjamin King Benjamin we have the

teaching of the doctrine of Christ on

this end here what they're really saying

right what they're really saying is we

stop at the law of Moses we don't go

beyond that we don't go beyond what the

law of Moses would look toward or we

don't use the law of Moses to look

forward to Christ or anything else to me

as I read this I think the response

could also be very well we teach only

the law of Moses because they believe

that that's all that you need to be

saved and in Ben and I knows that that's

what they believe and so he's going to

take that response now over the next

couple of chapters and formulate his

response to them so this is what he says

he says if he teach the law of Moses why

do you not keep it instead you set your

hearts on riches you spend your strength

on harlots you caused the people to

commit sin and he says very blatantly to

them know ye not that I speak the truth

rhetorical question because then he says

yay ye know that I speak the truth and

he ought to tremble before God so he's

going back to this interplay of the

law of Moses the lower law with the

higher law which is the doctrine of

Christ of grace and mercy and charity

and he says what know ye concerning the

law of Moses death salvation come by the

lay the law of Moses what say ye and

they answered and said that salvation


by the law of Moses right no need for


no need for the higher law and then he

starts talking about look you will be

saved by the law of Moses if it's all

pointing toward Christ right you have to

go through the entire process he says if

you keep the commandments which the Lord

delivered unto Moses in the Mount of

Sinai and then he starts going through

the Ten Commandments thou shall have no

other gods before me thou shalt not make

unto thee any ink or any graven image

and he says have you been teaching this

to the people and he says no you haven't

so not only are they not preaching about

Christ right not only have they gotten

rid of the doctrine of Christ but as

will always happen the law of Moses

starts to fall in on itself right it

starts to corrupt because it's true end

is lost so the King note King Noah says

away with this man

they begin to start to take him away and

he says touch me not right this is just

like Nephi with laman and lemuel he says

I have not delivered the message that

the Lord has given me to deliver to you

and he says I haven't answered your

question yet on Isaiah 52 7 to 10

interestingly is he's talking about

Moses on Sinai here he says here in

chapter 13 verse 5 now it came to pass

after a Ben and I had spoken these words

that the people of King Noah Durst not

lay their hands on him for the Spirit of

the Lord was upon him at his face shone

with exceeding luster even as Moses did

while in the mount of Sinai while

speaking with the Lord so he is the one

who is speaking with authority right on

the law of Moses he is the Prophet the

following verse says any spoke and he

spake with power and authority from God

and he continued his words saying and

very similar to what Nephi said to laman

and lemuel about the truth he says I

perceive that the truth it cuts you to

your hearts

because I tell you the truth concerning

your iniquities so again what happens

oftentimes in our mind and this

would be the argument of many LDS

scholars also is that you start thinking

about the iniquities right just like

with Lehi that he's preaching against

their iniquities and he is right that's

a part of the entire process

but don't forget about Isaiah 52 to 7 or

52 7 to 10 and don't forget about limb

highs words about why they kill AB in a

die he says look I'm gonna finish my

message and then you can do with me

whatever you want it doesn't matter at

that point but I've been commanded to

give this message to you he says I

perceive that it is not written in your

hearts that's another phrase similar to

what we get in Jeremiah that usually

talks about a soft heart not a hardened

heart that has to do oftentimes is is an

allusion to the higher law or the new

covenant which has everything to do with

Jesus Christ so then he goes through the

rest of the Ten Commandments and he says

now have you been teaching the people

these Commandments he says no you

haven't and then in verse 27 he says and

now you have said that salvation

cometh by the law of Moses I

say unto you that it is expedient that

you should keep the law of Moses as yet

but I say unto you that the time shall

come when it shall no more be expedient

to keep the law of Moses don't invest

everything into the law of Moses it only

looks forward to something else so why

is Mormon focusing in all of this why is

this part of the Book of Mormon releases

such a an axial moment in the Book of

Mormon again it's because of this higher

and the lower laws here right it's this

whole rejection of Jesus Christ

the Book of Mormon is another testament

of Jesus Christ and Mormon is showing a

very important example opposite of what

happened with King Benjamin in his pea

people of a people of a king rejecting

Jesus Christ so he goes on and talks

about the children of Israel there at

Mount Sinai that they were given a very

strict law because of the hardness of

their hearts because they were quick to

do iniquity and slow to remember the

Lord their God but it goes beyond that

he says these are things that were types

of things to come right primarily the

sacrifice of Jesus Christ but probably

Zion the Millennium etc and then we get

something very interesting here about

the law of Moses this is very important

to understand we've talked about this in

the past where Moses first goes up to

Sinai brings down the milk acidic law

the fullness of the gospel and the

people reject it right we kind of get

this sleight of hand in the scriptures

where we're now focused on Aaron and the

the golden calf and the people partying

and we don't pay enough attention to

what's really in there what really

happens it's a rejection of Christ it's

a rejection of the Melchizedek law of the

higher law and that's what's happening

here and Mormon is sowing this in here

beautifully and in this parallel with

Moses and the children of Israel while

opposing what happened with King

Benjamin and his people says here in

verse 32 and now did they understand the

law this is the children of Israel i say

unto you nay they did not all understand

the law and this because of the hardness

of their hearts right where do we find

that term usually for they understood

not that there could not any man be

saved except it were through the

redemption of God boom right they did

not accept Christ they did not accept

the higher law that is exactly

Mormon through a bin and I here is

saying the people at Sinai did not

accept Christ they did not accept that

they could not be saved except it was

through the redemption of God through

Jesus Christ and then he goes on and

says for behold did not Moses prophesy

into them concerning the coming of a

messiah and that God should redeem his

people yay and even all the prophets so

we get that again who have prophesied

ever since the world began have they not

spoken more or less concerning these

things that's what this is all about

right that is what Abinadi is talking

about here in response to them he is

comparing them to the children of Israel

where they rejected Jesus Christ or they

rejected the Savior the Messiah he

continues have they not said that God

himself should come down among the

children of men and take upon him the

form of man or the image of man in the

words of Lim high and go forth in mighty

power upon the face of the earth

yay and have they not said also that he

should bring to pass the resurrection of

the Dead and that he himself should be

oppressed and afflicted that's what we

get in chapter 53 that he's about to go

through 53 of Isaiah that Obinna dies

about to go through

remember Limhi’s words again back in

chapter 7 right before all of this

really begins here before the story of a

bender life begins he says and a prophet

of the Lord have they slain a chosen man

of God who told them of their wickedness

and abominations it's where most people

stopped and prophesied of many things

which are to come yay even the coming of

Christ and because he said unto them

that Christ was the God the Father of

all things we're gonna get to that in a

minute that's part of 50 to 7 to 10

that's part of what he's going to

explain about that the Isaiah chapters

or the Isaiah verses that he should take

upon him the image

of man this is this is exactly what is

happening because he said all these

things they did put him to death that is

what this trial is about it is oh not

about I mean again these are my words

but I just have a hard time

understanding how many have said that

this is about the fact that that he's

not bringing good tidings to a righteous

people that's the interpretation

I've heard many times that's not what is

going on that's not the problem that is

really a stretch the issue here is Jesus

Christ the issue here is the

interpretation of Isaiah 52 7 to 10

being about Jehovah and the doctrine of

Christ that is coming down into the

image of man being born of Mary and

lowering himself below everybody that's

what the problem is that's what he's

interpreting and in Isaiah here that's

why he's going right to this right now

just like Limhi said he's not going to

something that says I'm bringing good

tidings to you even though you think

you're a good people that's not that's

not what's happening and it's just

enough what's happening


this is about thy God reigneth right in

52 seven to ten this is about Jehovah

reigning as the king in perhaps in the

Millennium in Zion and this is talking

about Noah here who is the king and how

he reigns compared to how King Benjamin

reigns and how it is all under the name

of Jesus Christ what name are they under

this is about the prophecy of the coming

of the Messiah the savior of the world

and so then right from 52 7 to 10 right

and on Isaiah Abinadi’s going to

continue on with the words in chapter 53

look for part two with a Bennett I

they'll talk to you next time


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