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Easter Week Primer - Royal Procession and Endowment

Easter Week Should Be Seen as a Royal Procession, Coronation, and Temple Experience

The last week of Jesus' mortal life takes on more meaning when we see it through the lens of ancient rituals and...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 8: Sunday- An Empty Tomb & A New Hope

- Christ's tomb as the Holy of Holies
- Mary Magdalene as the Witness
- Christ's marks are the 'Karat Berit', the 'Cut Covenant'



Come Follow Me Easter New Testament

LDS Mormon



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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 7: Preaching to the Dead

- What thoughts dominated those that crossed paths with Jesus?
- How secure was the tomb?
- What did Jesus do on the 'Day of Rest'?



Come Follow Me Easter

LDS Mormon

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 6: Friday {Good Friday)- Crucifixion & Day of Atonement

-- 2 Keys to understanding the events of Friday
- Clarification between the Jewish Messiah & The Son of God
- Why Jesus was condemned to death
- How the crucifixion is a re-enactment and...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 5: Thursday- Gethsemane

- Peter was asked to deny?
- Overwhelmed, Jesus chooses us and His Father's will
- Jesus sentenced to death for blasphemy



Come Follow Me Easter

LDS Mormon


this episode covers...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 4:- Seder (Passover)

- A Christian approach to the Seder Meal
- Christ as the unleavened bread and the wine
- The Messiah as the focus of the Passover Meal



Come Follow Me Easter

LDS Mormon


all right...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter- Episode 3: Tuesday- Teachings

- The Abrahamic Covenant connected to 'as a hen gathereth her chicks'
- The Widow's Mite
- The Parable of the 10 Virgins and the Lamps & Oil as Christ
- The Parable of the Talents as an...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 2: Monday- Temple Cleansing

- Already honored as King, Jesus Now Shown as The Great Melchizedek High Priest
- Cleansing the temple is symbolic of the High Priest ritual on the Day of Atonement
- The temple is the destination of...

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Come Follow Me LDS- Easter, Episode 1: Palm Sunday

- Bethany as religious community for 'Les Miserables'
- Jesus is the God King and Suffering Servant from the Temple Drama of the ancient Israelites.
- The 'palms' may have been a ritual from the...

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