okay let's take a walk uh three things I
want to cover are things getting better
or are things getting worse this has a
lot to do I think with the church's
position on lgbtq rights and uh freedom
of religion goes right in there secondly
what is going on with Google Google was
declared a monopoly a week ago and
rightly so and third I want to talk
about the difference between who is now
on the left and who is now on the right
B based on the establishment and the
people uh first of all make sure that
you go and subscribe to Quick week you
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good.com okay uh first of all
I want to talk a little bit about what
is going on with the Arc of
History uh here's the thing that I think
most people fit into this if you're on
the left or on you're on the right not
everybody there are some some shifts
that are coming about uh some dynamics
that play out where the demographics are
switching quite a bit right now that's
based on my other point that I'll get to
in a minute but the Arc of time I mean
are things getting better or are things
getting worse well in so many ways there
are things that are getting better we
can look at these things mostly I
temporally uh now of course talk about
the recent inflation you talk about uh
Wars and different things like that that
are going on those are all temporal
things right but in terms of
technology in terms of abundance right
capitalism has come about and has been
to reach out almost to the entire Globe
there is very little poverty I mean
extreme poverty compared to what we had
50 years ago or 75 years ago and of
course as you keep going back uh it's
gotten better and better and better and
so you have these principles of freedom
and democracy that have helped to
improve the entire world hardly anyone
goes without any food anymore right
starvation is a something that certainly
still happens but it's mostly in war
torn countries where they have Civil
Wars and there's a tyrant that is at the
top right that's usually the case now
that did not used to be the case now if
could things change well they can change
at any moment however things have gotten
a lot better in that sense what about
right like lgbtq rights and and uh
support for people well I think that's a
double-edged sword I think that people
on the left are going to look at that
and say look how much better people are
treated how much more they have equal
uh women are much better off because
they have careers that they can choose
and they've got honestly pro-choice
right they've got uh the pill they've
got um abortion they've
got careers that they can follow and so
the choices are much greater they can
become a girl boss if they choose and I
think that those options honestly I I
don't like certain choices from those
but I think the options do need to be
there I think that's an important thing
again what does that mean for the family
and so those issues there that help you
become a girl boss are typically going
to be on the
left and they're going to say that that
is great progress right and those on the
right they're going to say no look at
the family look at the destruction of
the family look what has happened with
marriage look how many single women are
bringing up kids and having out of
wedlock uh pregnancies and births right
and what does that mean and so again you
see two different perspectives here
based on this Arc there's something
called the hegelian dialectic the
dialectic Hegel was a uh a
philosopher several hundred years
ago and what he basically said was look
there is the norm right now what we
might call the status quo what he called
the thesis and that's where we're at
right now now what happens is things get
pushed radically down the down the road
he calls that the antithesis and that is
a radical change being pushed all the
way to the end you're going to see this
in politics all the time it's usually
something on the left because the right
is trying to conserve the status quo
more and then you finish up with
something in the middle called the
synthesis and and you can see this
consistently throughout politics radical
things are being pushed uh there's a
compromise that is made and something is
settled for in the middle so that is
something that is followed consciously
but mostly unconsciously by the left and
they follow this dialectic and we can
see that throughout even just US History
the changes from where we are from the
founding and there are some positive
things from that you can't say there
aren't there are definitely some
positive things that come from the left
but those that follow that
dialectic are going to typically be the
progressives they believe that things
are progressing and that the state is
Central to that progression on the right
there is a certain order it is an order
of God it is the order of the family and
things are built in to these systems
that have existed throughout all of
mankind all of our history and they
would say and this is more of a
dispensational view that as these things
break down Society breaks down it's not
just a spiritual thing but Society is
going to break down when you break down
religion you break down the belief in
God you break down the family then all
hell is going to break loose and so a a
a society a civilization has a certain
lifespan until it gets to that point and
then everything falls apart and this is
kind of more the history of the Bible
and the history of the book of Mor
and these are the cycles that we see
things going through we talk about the
pride cycle which is a smaller cycle
that repeats itself over and over again
but the larger cycles of the
civilizations falling apart are found in
the Bible they are found in the Book of
Mormon with the gered ites they're found
in the Book of Mormon with the Nephites
and the story is All the Same those
scriptures lean toward the Arc of
history that things devolve
not evolve and that even though there
are are positive moves forward perhaps
in the economy positive moves forward in
rights positive moves forward in a
number of temporal things underlying
this there's a body there that looks
healthy but there's a cancer that is
growing and that cancer is breaking
things apart you can see this with
almost anyone so that's the question to
you right now which Arc of History are
you on the dialectic the hegelian
dialectic is is looking for Alf hobin
that is kind of a
Utopia that we build as the dialectic is
driving toward it's actually to me a
dystopia but when you see people
especially on the hard left that are
very upset with someone like a Donald
Trump or someone on the right at all
that is going to say be elected for
president and or prime minister whatever
it might be and there is outrage and
fury and a lot of problems with
disruption with them that's the problem
they look at it and say you have
disrupted the progress and since it's
progress you must be a bad person you
are pushing against progress on the
right it's
dispensational and so we look at hey if
you're religious then you're going to
look at the second coming and look what
book of Revelation says look what the
Book of Mormon teaches us with the jedes
and the Nephites everything is going to
fall apart so things are OB obviously
getting worse and for those on the right
they're looking at those people on the
left and they're saying look at what
you're allowing to happen look at what
you are tolerating they have a different
Arc of History just something to
consider secondly I want to go to
Google about a week ago a US judge
declared that Google is a
monopoly and rightly so it is uh it
controls 90% of all search activity in
the World it controls
95% of all search activity on phones
they dictate what information we get so
as an example recently one of the points
that were made in court on this is the
assassination right the Trump
assassination attempt so when you pulled
that up they've made the change since
but when you pulled up and put in Trump
assass you started going through and
typing that in you know how Goog Google
starts to autofill that and give you sep
several different options down below it
well it didn't show up you could go
Trump you could go all the way to
assassination and nothing pulled up as
far as the autofill goes now if you did
put it in anyway without choosing an
autofill option then sure it would have
some results but the point is it removed
it it someone consciously or a team
consciously removed the Trump
assassination attempt why why would they
do that if you T even if today if you
type in Trump versus comma or who should
I vote for Trump or kamla Harris look at
the options that are there all they do
is they put in an algorithm that is
going to generate certain news and from
certain sources and the first ones that
you see the majority of them are going
to lean heavily to one side I don't even
have to tell you which side that is you
already know know which side that
is and this isn't just with their the
political campaigns right they're going
to lean toward covering certain woke
principles that is manipulation that is
propaganda so they have been deemed a
monopoly they're now she now go to
another trial and in many ways a lot of
the other big tech companies want this
right I mean Apple has Safari they want
a bigger piece of the pie so they want
these things to Bro be broken
up the problem is is how do you break
them up because it's not just search for
Google right they own YouTube as well
and have a that's the second largest
search engine out there and so if you're
going to be on video and you are looking
for uh something it's going to be the
same way they're going to manipulate
Things based on a pol the political view
of the company meta right Facebook
Instagram they do the same exact exact
thing and this belongs not only to
search but this is what they're going to
ban or censor we saw what happened
during Co and the
incredible but not
surprising cooperation between the big
tech companies and the US government now
it doesn't matter what side of Co you're
on again there is information being
suppressed and information being boosted
and it's all on one side the exception
of this is X and so you see what is
happening with Elon Musk in the media
they are pounding him right because why
because of free speech he wants a free
speech platform and that works against
the rights sometimes but you see now who
he's for in the campaign and some of the
principles that he's gone to the other
side on so to
speak because he's looking for Free
Speech cuz who owns Free Speech well the
right now is The Advocate for free
speech not the left things have swapped
there which is a really interesting
thing because you go back to the
uh go back to the 60s and the Free
Speech movement at UC
Berkeley why were they talking about
Free Speech because what was being
suppressed then was anything that was
going to be hard left so Marxist and
communism you had McCarthyism all of
these things are going on and there is a
suppression of these things
and so there's a movement quite frankly
from a bunch of humanitarian professors
in uh those departments in the
universities starting at UC Berkeley
that have got certain hardle
Tendencies and they're wanting Free
Speech why do they want free speech
because they want to loosen up the
status quo right again that hegelian
dialectic they're going to loosen that
up and then once it's loosened up and
once there's been a March through the
institutions from the hard left which
has happened and they have captured
almost everything now then they now
don't want free speech because they own
establishment right they the majority of
law they own the majority of the media
they own the majority of big companies
you know big business they own education
both the university system and K through
12 so with control of those then
obviously as power be gets power they
don't want to let go of power and they
want to control the narrative they want
to control The Narrative of the Arc of
history with as showing progress not
regression and that brings me to my
third point on the demographic shifts of
the left and the right
and what is happening uh with the
establishment versus now right-wing
populism as they call it the funny thing
is that populism is almost always been
on the left right look at Latin America
the populism has almost always been on
the left not just a little on the left
to the hard left and just as I said
before things have shift where now all
of a sudden populism you just use the
term populism in the west and it's
associated with right wing it is
fascinating to see these shifts and the
reason again is that the left owns The
Establishment now they own the
establishment and so you see this shift
happening two primary reasons I think is
because of
this anti-establishment attitude that is
more on the right now of course because
the left owns The
Establishment you know populism is
risen and if you're more with the
establishment then you want to be
probably on the left and so you see
people like a Mitt Romney right moving
further to the left now he was on the
left before in many ways but you can see
how that works
and a lot of people that are more
establishment based that have been on
the right especially your country club
Republicans have moved to the left and
they're going to do anything it's not
just Donald Trump it's not it's about
the establishment and then you see many
people that are upset with what's going
on with the establishment and they're
moving to the right they may be lifetime
Democrats lifetime liberals and they're
moving to the right the second issue is
the change in
philosophy and that has to do with with
wokeism that has to do with
Enlightenment principles that many
lifetime classical liberals have held on
to pretty strongly right science
reason well the
left naturally inherently now with the
adoptions of postmodernism and critical
theory are fighting against reason and
liberal thought and so these individuals
like a bill Mar a Jonathan height a uh
Steven Pinker and other atheists you
know like a Sam Harris and even and even
Richard Dawkins now are looking at these
things like wait a minute here what is
going on I I do not associate with these
individuals anymore these people are
crazy they're unhinged they are not
anchored in reason they are not anchored
in Enlightenment principles like I am
therefore I do not have a home and I'm
going to fight against the these
woke uh movements on the left and some
of them even make a step further and Ian
here Ali who has now moved to the right
because she sees what is going on she
has changed her mind on the Ark of
History the Ark of time and she now is
on the right a lifetime Muslim
originally she wanted to fight against
religion so she was on the left and she
was an atheist
and then started slowly to move she's
actually converted to Christianity now
she's an influential person is now on
the right because of the shift in
demographics and the shift in ideology
philosophy a bill Mo look at the way he
fights against wokeism now again always
on the left but now not so much he
actually has a lot of fans that are on
the right because as an atheist he wants
again those anchors of reason
and Science and realism so where does
the church stand in all of this it's
it's kind of interesting I think the
primary issues that push themselves
against each other where you see the
church working is with freedom of
religion and lgbtq rights they have come
strongly supporting lgbtq rights right
in their uh the the policies in the
state of Utah they have pushed for the
rfma last year right the uh the law that
allows for stronger religious freedoms
but also opens up things more to lgbtq
individuals and gives them additional
rights and there they were at the was it
the capital or the white house I can't
remember with church Representatives the
70s representatives from the 70 there
with trans activists and drag queens and
others supporting the signing of this
bill now they're trying to walk the
sword is it going to work I don't know
but here they are bringing the two arcs
of history and time
together right on the one side going
along with The Arc of
progressivism and elq rights and
honestly a breakdown of the family and
on the other side saying if we don't
move down this road because of the
establishment and the laws that could be
coming down the road we are we are going
to be in trouble and so we want
additional religious freedom we must
have for the church additional religious
freedom which would be something that is
on the right because that is associated
directly with the first amendment in
free speech and it's tied
to the Arc of dispensationalism the arc
that things are getting worse and so we
have to protect
ourselves uh with more religious freedom
as much as we can get more bills
anything we can do to support the First
Amendment so you see these two arcs of
time being brought together here uh with
that issue the
rfma fascinating and some so many people
say well why would they do this and I'm
not saying it's right or it's wrong I
can disagree with it by the way that's
okay right I disagree with one side and
agree with the other side but that's
where they're at and that's the you know
the edge of the sword that they are
walking right now agree with it or
disagree with it as these two things
meet these two arcs of time are meeting
you can see these two arcs of time here
are also uh given in one
additional filter right one additional
uh uh World viw which is
globalism which is part of the
establishment and the idea of
or hanging on to what you have so the
Progressive Movement is going to be a
world view of
globalism and they're going to be
removed further and further away from
the individual further and further away
from family further and further away
from the from Nations you see the strong
push against
nationalism look there's some there's
something to that to some degree
but most of that white nationalism is
actually falling in the United States
the the few people that do hang on to
that that that is becoming less and less
popular of a
movement uh it's not that much of a
threat right now it's just not that's
not saying it couldn't be in the future
but it's not that much of a threat right
now but if you break down family and you
break down nationalism the next place
you have to go without God
right is to something that is more about
globalism the authority of globalism and
that's the move there if you like the
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