All Cwic Media Podcast Episodes And Written Articles Are Found Here.
The Book of Mormon is written around the Book of Isaiah
Jesus' Mortal Ministry begins with Him quoting Isaiah
Isaiah speaks of different groups of people working together to gather Israel and usher...
Avraham Gileadi is an expert on the Book of Isaiah. In Gileadi's framework on Isaiah, Egypt is America. With this understanding, he shows that America will fall into civil war, will be invaded,...
- Nephi's Isaiah
- The parallels of Isaiah, The Book of Mormon, and Our Time
- You have to do the work!
- Isaiah is, at times, prophecying about the Church
- Isaiah provides many spiritual "Aha"...
When Isaiah references Egypt in his prophecies, is he referring to the United States today?
Does Isaiah have a code that he writes in? Why would he do that?
The seven-part structure of the Book of...
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