LDS Parents Losing Daughter To Insane Gender Ideology

In the public space, Latter-day Saints haven't been talking about this unless it is coming from the pro- Queer Theory side. The problem is, your family is not immune to this ideology.

Gender Clinics in the US have grown from 1 in 2007 to well over 300 today.

In 2018 the UK reported that adolescent girls seeking gender treatment had increased by 4,400% over the previous decade.

The Ideology behind this virus is Queer Theory. Its advocates do all they can to spread this contagion.
I get messages from a number of parents who are or who have gone through this exact experience. It is heartbreaking. These teenage girls (some early 20s) lose their own identity and are caught up through social media and friend groups in a new social phenomenon called, "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria." And it is accelerating.

Ben and Tami Wright bravely share their experience with their daughter. How it happened, what they have gone through, and how you might avoid it.




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