A transwoman shot and killed his parents. The police and the media said they were looking for a woman who was "ARMED AND DANGEROUS." Residents in the area thought they were looking for a woman.
These pernicious ideologies deconstruct our own identity, and this has consequences. Reality rears its ugly head even when we pretend or stick our heads in the sand.
Gender and Sex have been separated, but that is not the end goal. The end goal of identitarianism is to completely break down sex as well as masculinity and femininity.
a Utah male shoots and kills his parents
and the police department and Utah media
tell the public that a woman is the
suspect and is on the loose this episode
is brought to you by the philosophies of
men crws finally we have got this in
place I'm very very excited about this
this is November 9th through 16th 2024
this is down the Mexican Riviera we're
going to Cabo Mazon and T Port of aarda
a quick excerpt from our description the
philosophies of men will immerse you in
truth envelop you in the spirit and give
you the knowledge and tools to help you
and your family distinguish the doctrine
of Christ from the faulty woke
deceptions of the growing social
ideologies currently plaguing our
society church and families join Bruce
Porter and myself and gain Clarity from
these Mists of darkness and the tools
you need to protect yourself and your
families go to quick media.com that's
CWC media.com go to trips and events at
the top scroll down to philosophies of
men crws very pumped about this all
right our episode for today I am pulling
most of this from an article by Tommy
Stevenson over at post millennial this
is such an interesting case because it
tells you so much about what is
happening in society about what is
happening to to Identity our identities
and how the fringes are making the rules
pulling down the ideal and taking out
order this is from Tommy's article
Washington City resident Kelsey Hall
spoke to the post-millennial about the
confusion that residents had when they
found out they'd been looking for a
woman but it was a man who was the
suspect now notice the terms that are
going to be used throughout this episode
here a woman and a man right so looking
for a woman but it was actually a man
she says that they were supposed to be
looking for when asked about the
confusing messaging she said that on the
evening of June 18th all they were
hearing from authorities was the name it
was all just Mia Bailey H said so here
the residents of Washington City it's
just outside of St George think that
they're looking for a woman who is the
violent killer of her own
parents and when she says all we were
hearing while she was hearing this from
the media and the police
department she says I 100% thought that
it was a girl that we were looking for
so that night that it happened I was
like okay go lock the doors and whatever
and I told my husband like oh it's it's
some girl that killed her parents and
then I went to bed and then woke up the
next morning still thinking that it was
a girl that had killed her parents she
said that she had several friends who
thought that it was a female right not a
girl a female that was on the loose so
MIA Bailey is a
transwoman a male I'm going to try and
be as clear as I can on this because our
society is trying to make this as muddy
as possible a male killed his parents
and recently officially had his name
changed to Mia Bailey and he identifies
as a
woman now here's the St George police in
an alert that they put out they say
alert those living in the Bloomington
Hills in Fort Pierce area a suspect of a
double homicide that occurred in
Washington City on 61824 was last seen
in the area of Quarry Ridge and River
Road the suspect was seen heading west
through the wash the suspect is
considered armed and dangerous this is
all in bold for on this part here the
suspect is considered armed and
dangerous she was last seen wearing blue
skinny jeans light blue or white t-shirt
and has dark hair she is 510 and 130 lb
we ask that those in the affected area
shelter in place and call police if you
see anything suspicious people did see
things suspiciously they saw young males
that could have been MIA but all they
knew was they were looking for a girl
this is the police department who is
saying here in bold letters the suspect
is considered armed and dangerous and
they're not giving the public the real
information at a minimum you should be
saying this is a trans woman but they're
afraid to do it the freaking Police
Department is afraid to give information
even when they admit the suspect is
considered armed and dangerous
that's where we are so the St George
police puts this alert out regardless of
the fact that the evening before the
Washington City police identified Bailey
as a transgender male transitioning to a
female so Washington City gets it right
they put out the correct information
shame on the St George police that is
ridiculous to not put out all of the
information here to know what you need
to be protected ing yourself from and
who you're looking for this is just
another example of how identity matters
and Truth
matters now here is our good friends
over at KSL look at the headline here un
woman brutally killed Southern Utah
parents tried to kill brother police
say right this is the information that's
put put out even after the fact these
Church sub subsidiaries these companies
owned by the church are very woke and
identitarian friendly so someone reads
that and do you think that's good
communication to the public do you think
people understand what this is what's
happening who it is how about those that
know the family and they're like wait
what no but you've got to be politically
correct especially in Utah by the way
where you want to gain acceptance by the
mainstream culture especially the
institutions it's amazing how truth and
events actually play out to show that
the emperor has no clothes there is
something that is a man and a woman
there is something that is a male and a
female I want to go into this a little
bit more but before we do I want to talk
now about another example from Utah
which can go right along with this and
that's the Utah trans Bill many called
it the trans Bill HB 257 this is the one
that came out just earlier this year
this is essentially what it says I think
it's great by the way it says each
government entity shall ensure the
preservation of distinctions this is
going to be definitions on the basis of
sex that protect individual privacy and
competitive opportunity now why base it
on sex well the reason is is originally
you had something called gender and sex
and they had always historically been
treated as the same thing it's like the
family proclamation where we say that
gender is eternal well gender and sex
are the same thing that's what was meant
there and that's been clarified since
then because the term gender through
Academia and queer theory has a new
definition which is what is my
performative identity how do I feel well
if I'm a male a man and I Feel Like a
Woman woman then my gender expression or
my gender actually actual gender is a
woman and anybody can claim this so they
have loosened this up and pulled gender
up here which is this is what you
identify as and then sex down here is
your biology but is it let's keep going
on uh HB 257 it says to preserve the
individual privacy and competitive
opportunities of females so they're
using the distinction here as follows
gender is man and woman that's how you
present yourself and sex your biological
sex is male and female that's the first
level that's where they've tried to get
to they have easily accomplish this it's
being written up in laws but it's not
the end so for competitive opportunity
of females an individual is not entitled
to and may not access use or benefit
from a government government or
otherwise publicly funded facility
program or event if the facility program
or event is designated for
females so what's going to have to start
changing here if you're looking at this
type of definition is bathrooms for
example in public facilities in Utah and
Florida and other states that have
adopted this type of law and distinction
between gender and fem gender and sex
which is exactly what identitarianism
and queer Theory have wanted as their
first step is that you're going to have
to start saying male and female on the
bathrooms instead of man and woman boys
and girls it's going to have to say male
and female and you're going to have to
have a solid definition of biological
sex assigned to male and female but
let's keep going on this right it says
that if you're not female then you do
not have access to these designated
areas for females if you not a
biological female I can't say woman now
right that's the expression that's the
gender then you do not have access to
this it continues it says to preserve
the individual privacy and competitive
opportunity of females it continues to
preserve the individual privacy and
competitive opportunity of males an
individual is not entitled to and may
not access use or benefit from a
government or otherwise publicly funded
facility program or event the facility
Pro if the facility program or event is
designated for males and the individual
is not male so that's what they're
saying biological sex designates who can
participate and things assigned for
males and things assigned for females
females cannot participate with the the
things designated for males and males
cannot participate in things designated
for females right biological sex but see
that's not enough that is not the end
game first of all they want trans men
women who identify as men to be able to
use the male
bathrooms they're not male and vice
versa so in order to gain complete
deconstruction of man and woman you have
to be able to go down to the sex level
also you have to destroy male and female
you have to completely deny biolog iCal
sex and that is the end game and you
think about a family and how it's built
and and the strength of marriage between
a man and a woman are we going to have
to start saying male and female now that
order is the order of God and of course
that's why there's an attack on it and
to think that this is the first time
this has happened I think is ludicrous
these are patterns that happen over and
over again and what accompanies this
I'll get to in a second here is
and femininity you've got to destroy
both and there's a way that you do that
so for this bill HP 257 on the bathrooms
and participation in sports the ACLU V
the ACLU asked Governor Cox to veto this
they don't want to even go down into
these definitions this is not what is
wanted gender alone in that definition
is not enough it's not the end game here
some more verbiage this is from the uh
Human Rights Campaign their headline
here is that Utah legislature passes
first anti-lgbtq plus bathroom ban of
the Year this is for this year 2024 but
look at what they say here in
this this bill is an invasion of the
privacy of utans of course they're not
thinking about women or girls here they
don't care no student student should be
denied access to the bathroom that
aligns with who they
are well first of all this bill doesn't
say that this bill allows them to say
they're a man or a woman it does not
allow them to change their sex so you
see what they really want male and
female will also be deconstructed it
happens all the time
already no student should be denied
access to the bathroom that aligns with
who they are another example of this is
going to pharmacies Amazon has now
opened opened up their own Pharmacy
right so like everything else that you
get delivered to your door you can now
have Amazon be the Fulfillment center
for all of your
medications well they have a
questionnaire that you go through and
what do they ask they say what is your
sex your biological sex uhoh and then
they give an answer as to why are we
asking for assigned sex at Birth now
here's my question if male is male and
female is female right based on Anatomy
who is assigning the sex no one is
assigning the sex the sex is what it is
but see by using language in this way I
can start to loosen it up they say we
recognize that someone's assigned sex at
Birth isn't always the same as their
gender identity now you see how the
words are being used here again so
they're at least still keeping sex and
gender as separate here and saying that
your gender is your identity who you
identify as and your assigned sex or
what is on your birth certificate may be
different but again assigned sex is a
falsehood don't accept it it's a simple
way to help deconstruct biology now they
say that they are asking for this
because most insurance companies require
it for billing
prescriptions well maybe there's some
truth to that I don't know but the
bottom line is another
reality is that if you are a biological
male a
man some medications affect you
differently than they do women some
medications can affect the reproductive
functions of females so to give the
wrong prescription to the wrong
sex is a real problem and if you go to a
hospital in an emergency situation they
are going to find out they want to know
quickly are you a biological male or a
biological female again reality rears
its ugly head now we see the same thing
with the characteristics that go along
with a biological male and a biological
female for example masculinity and
femininity look at what we're doing to
those those two concepts those two
truths those two expressions those two
Powers we are feminizing boys and
men because they are not allowed to be
masculine if a male is masculine it is
toxic so we destroy the masculinity in
boys and coming over to the other side
with the girls and women what do you do
to destroy
femininity you lift up the virtues of
within Society for girls and women you
want them to become masculine so you
attack the masculinity in boys and you
lift the masculinity in girls you attack
the femininity in girls and you lift up
the virtues of femininity with boys and
so that ying and yang that is so
important and eternal
and not just with
humans and not just with animals but the
ideas of a feminine and a masculine
trait or power that work together which
includes all
creation gets turned on its head look at
Hollywood look at how many excuse the
French here but badass women Special
Forces women that are out beating the
crud out of all these big aggressive men
and shooting up everybody and blowing
things up how that's hailed is great and
wonderful even in video games how many
of of these heroes are women that are
doing this you know at first it's kind
of like oh this is kind of fun I guess
this is kind of interesting but
eventually it becomes part of the
narrative eventually it becomes part of
the expression of society it becomes the
societal truth women should be masculine
men should be feminine and Hollywood is
gives us the greatest example of where
we are in our society now there is an
order to the family and it has
everything to do with our
identities not everybody fits perfectly
into those or feels that way that it's
not supposed to be that way we live in a
fallen world that allows us to exert
charity and love for
others but to tip an order to tip the
ideal on its head
an order that comes from God the order
of the family and identity is it's very
concerning and hopefully within the
church we're not going to do that but we
see examples of this often times people
have a malevolent Compassion or an
empathy that is similar in how someone
identifies in other words it's a matter
of well this is what makes me feel good
so I'm going to offer that compassion
and that empathy without reason or logic
or truth we're meant to go through these
trials at these times we're supposed to
be a part here of something that fights
against these myths of Darkness that
withstands them that grows in resilience
and truth and strength spiritual
strength hopefully we don't choose to be
weakened by it thanks for listening