all right welcome to Cwic show my name
is Greg Matsen and I am your host in
this episode we're talking about a Day
of Reckoning this is a virtual event
that is coming up on March 30th
sponsored by the Isaiah Institute with a
keynote speaker Abraham gilotti now
before I go into this any deeper I
really want to talk about well I I want
to W your appetite a bit in
understanding some things about Isaiah
we've had some recent come follow me
lessons in the last two three weeks
where we've really gone over a lot of
Isaiah and again what are we used to
doing we're kind of used to just going
right through those maybe browsing a
little bit but blowing through those
Isaiah chapters and then getting right
back to Nephi's words right the problem
with that is that all of Nephi's words
are built around Isa
and and here's what I mean by this if we
go back to Second Nephi 11 right and you
look in here and you see here right in
verse two it says and now I Nephi write
more of the words of Isaiah right he's
obsessed with Isaiah for my soul
delighteth in his words for I will liken
his words unto my people now why can he
do that he's not stretching something
out he he's not looking at Isaiah's
words and saying well yeah I guess that
kind of applies here to my people
Isaiah's words apply to number one all
people they apply especially to the
Nephites and they even more so apply
especially to us in the last days what
we get with Isaiah is someone who
completely understands the patterns of
the rise and fall of
civilizations patterns that rise off of
insiration and adherence to Godly
principles and then begin to Decay as
the people turned from those Godly
principles and he's able to take the
existing nation states of the time right
Assyria the Northern Kingdom of Israel
the southern Kingdom of Judah Babylon
and Egypt throws in Syria here is here
and there as well and and can bring them
in as the actors on This Global stage
and see how they interact who's falling
away from certain cultural
principles that build and edify a
civilization who's getting weaker who
then by strength military strength is
going to overpower that other
civilization that other nation state
these power dynamics and spiritual
Dynamics are always at play on Earth and
what was happening in in Isaiah's time
with a loss of Christ and a loss of
Liberty happens to the people of Nephi
and he knows this he's seen this in
Vision what he sees in Vision that will
happen to his own people is what
happened at Isaiah's in Isaiah's
Lifetime and Beyond as well and those
same things are going to happen and are
happening already with us in the last
days so there is a pattern in place
Isaiah's pattern Nephi's the Nephites
pattern right both of them end the same
way they end in
destruction and then here we are not
only do we have Isaiah's words we have
the nephite prophet's words The Book of
Mormon these are the words of a
people whose civilization completely
apart and now are we going to take those
words and heed them that's Nephi's
message that's Isaiah's message so when
Isaiah is talking about the northern
kingdom and the southern Kingdom of
Judah and Assyria and Babylon and Egypt
Etc these are also
actors and cultural
influences and power dynamics that
happened during the time of the Nephites
and even more so because Isaiah is very
focused on the last day
they are players actors on the global
today following the exact same patterns
and Nephi is going to show you this so
Nephi Likens his words and then says and
I will send them forth unto all my
children for he verily saw my redeemer
even as I have seen him so I get this
message here from Nephi number one he
wants to focus in on the Savior and he's
going to do that with all of the
chapters there 13 chapters here of
Isaiah he's going to go in here and
focus in on these 13 chapters and there
numerous Illusions and direct statements
about the
savior in these chapters that he inserts
but there's a second thing that Nephi
wants to talk
about in verse 5 he says and also my
soul delighteth in the covenants of the
Lord which he hath made to our fathers
right think of Abraham Isaac and
Jacob the abrahamic Covenant y my soul
delighteth in his grace and in his
Justice and power and mercy in the great
and eternal plan of deliverance from
Death right now when we see death again
anciently we need to think first of
judgment in hell and then of mortal
death so those covenants are what bring
us out of judgment in hell that redeem
us us right and the Savior obviously is
the Crux of all of
this so the Savior and the abrahamic
Covenant and this is the gospel this is
the restored gospel when we talk about
the fullness of the Gospel in the Book
of Mormon it is about the redeeming
sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the
abrahamic Covenant why because what is
the work and glory of the father it is
bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of
man so the abrahamic covenants and the
atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ are
means toward that work toward
exaltation and this is the bird's eyee
view that Isaiah takes this is the
bird's eye view that Nephi takes and as
he looks at these two
things he inserts these next 13 chapters
interestingly the first chapter that is
inserted here is Isaiah 2 and
immediately right we get here in verse
two and it shall come to pass in the
last days when the mountain of the
Lord's house shall be established in the
top of the mountains why is that so
important because that is where the
abrahamic Covenant takes place the
ordinances and Covenants of the temple
and then interestingly you're going to
get all of this discussion about those
that are lofty or those that are humble
those that are high those that are bowed
down those that are exalted those that
are proud and lofty those that are
lifted up will be brought low this is
all the context for lehi's vision his
dream of the great and spacious building
and the Tree of Life these are the
Opposites he goes on and think he comes
in here to chapter three and think about
our day and what happened in the 20th
century right and this is a warning to
us us the same things happen in verse
four and I will give children unto them
to be their princes and babes shall rule
over them how does that happen stop and
think how does that come to pass and
verse 5 and the people shall be
oppressed Everyone by another and
Everyone by his neighbor this is all
what is happening with these
philosophies of men today right with
with all of the critical theories that
divide everyone between victim and
oppressor eventually everybody is an
oppressor one to another it is the most
brilliant dark
way to divide anything and by the way if
you look at chap the chapter 13 here
which is Isaiah 3 you go from verse one
all the way down
to I'm going to say eight right it is a
kmus right and what is at the very
center of what is being stated here
verse 5 and the people shall be
oppressed Everyone by another this is
the result this is the center of the
Crux of all these statements here in
verse 8 or uh verses 1 through
8 and verse n the show of their
countenance doth witness against them
and doth declare their sin to be even as
Sodom and I would suggest that this go
goes beyond just one type of sex or
orientation I think that this is
absolute throwing off these shackles The
Liberation of sexual we'll call it
Independence and again in verse 12 and
my people children are the oppressors
and women rule over them see these
things aren't new right the the these
movements these ideologies are things
that happen over and over again because
we we have a human nature we have a
social nature we have a nature between
the genders and things move back and
forth over time and who is the last line
of defense in a civilization spiritually
emotionally it's the women and here in
verse 16 moreover the Lord saith because
the daughters of Zion are hotty proud
and walk with stretch forth necks and
wanton eyes walking and mincing as they
go and making a tinkling of their feet
therefore the Lord will Smite with a
scab the crown of the head of the
daughters of
Zion okay so ultimately it is it is the
women ultimately than then that are
holding up the last virtues of society
when they fall then everything is
done you have moved from a a perhaps a
much more masculine
Society with too much
power given to masculine Tendencies all
the way over to now a very feminized
Society where yes toxic femininity
begins to take over and where does that
toxic femininity come come from well
it's how the adversary works on any of
us right it's our weaknesses one of the
weaknesses of women so to speak would be
compassion that's where you would attack
and that's how these ideologies today
are spreading malevolent compassion they
lead with compassion that is the
carrot but eventually they end with a
stick quick statement here in NE second
Nephi 15 from Isaiah therefore my people
are gone into captivity because they
have no knowledge and their Honorable
Men are famished and their multitude
dried up with with
thirst and everybody is brought down
right and the mean man shall be brought
down in verse 15 mean man is going to
mean the more crude
man the lower classes are brought down
and the mighty man shall be humbled and
the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled
what comes into a
society that that allows these things to
start happening and are we moving toward
that right now or are we moving away
from it this is what Isaiah is talking
about and this is why Lehi and Nephi
love Isaiah so much it applies directly
to what they saw in their Visions about
their own people the same
problems and so the Book of Mormon
becomes this incredible tool if we view
it this way as an instruction manual of
how Things Fall
Apart and even though the Nephites had
had the writings of Isaiah they allow
the exact same thing to
happen and currently we are certainly in
the west now allowing the exact same
things to
happen just the last thing I'm going to
dip into here this is second E5 15:2
we've all heard this one this is where
it ends up and this is where we are
pretty close to right now woe unto them
that call evil good and good evil that
put Darkness for light and light for
Darkness that put bitter for sweet and
Sweet for
bitter how does that
happen well we move our values we bring
lower values up above higher
values evil does not come about by
saying hey do you want to be evil evil
comes about by saying this is
good this is good and I can justify this
and then an entire culture changes
by justifying a brand new
morality does that sound familiar to you
well what does this bring us to it
brings us to eventually A Day of
Reckoning as is discussed in the book of
10:3 that's what this virtual event is
it is a virtual conference called A Day
of Reckoning where it's led by keynote
speaker Abraham gilotti who I've had on
the show a couple of times and several
other speakers in fact t uh Todd mclin
who was just on earlier this week will
be one of the speakers talking about the
priesthood if you want to learn more
about Isaiah you should attend this
event it's going to help you understand
not only the book of Isaiah but the Book
of Mormon that we are reading this year
you can go to Book of Mormon isaiah.
comom conference again Book of Mormon
comom conference and sign up register
for the conference I will be there
listening when we understand Isaiah we
understand the Book of Mormon when we
understand Isaiah we understand the
times that we live in I'll talk to you