Do Muslims, Jews & Christians Worship the Same God?

It’s not hard to disagree with this article. Of course Muslims and Christians worship differently, have different names and titles for “God” and perhaps believe differently in how God carries out His work. However, as a Mormon, I have been told and read often that I worship a “different god” as well by other “Christians”. Perhaps there is a better way to approach interfaith dialogue.

Peaking behind the curtain of who others worship, let’s look at the Muslim deity title “Allah”. Translated directly from Arabic it means “The God”. In fact, both Christian and Jewish Arabs used the term “Allah” for “God” well before the founding of Islam¹and still use it today!² It also comes from the same root as the Hebrew word “Elohim”. El was the Father God for the Canaanites and the God of the Mesopotamian Semites and the Israelites.

A great approach to interfaith discussion of God is found in The Book of Mormon, Alma chapter 18:

Now this was the tradition of Lamoni, which he had received from his father, that there was a Great Spirit. . .

18 . . . king Lamoni did open his mouth, and said unto him: Who art thou? Art thou that Great Spirit, who knows all things?

24 [Ammon asks] . . .Believest thou that there is a God?

25 And he answered, and said unto him: I do not know what that meaneth.

26 And then Ammon said: Believest thou that there is a Great Spirit?

27 And he said, Yea.

28 And Ammon said: This is God.


Do Christians & Muslims Worship The Same God?- National Review 


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